1. [ACCONCI, Vito Hannibal and Bernadette Mayer. eds.]. 0 to 9 No. 6 (supplement): Street Works. [NY: Acconci & Mayer, 1969].
4to. [64 pp]. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers. “Street Works” dated March 15, April 18, and May 25 on the front cover. Contributions by Acconci, John Giorno, Bobbi Gormley, Rosemary Mayer, Adrian Piper, Ann Waldman, Lewis Warsh, Hannah Weiner, and many others. An assemblage issue, with participants supplying copies of their work to be collated and included. $1000
2. AKHMATOVA, Anna. Poems of Akhmatova. Boston: Atlantic Monthly/Little, Brown (1973).
First edition. 173 pp w/notes on the poems. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with a tiny crease to front flap and two short closed tears. Selected, translated, and introduced by Stanley Kunitz with Max Hayward. Original poems in Russian with facing English translations. $45
3. AKHMATOVA, Anna. Requiem. NY: Limited Editions Club (2000).
First edition. Folio. [52 pp]. Fine in black cloth-covered boards with gilt-stamped leather spine and inset leather spine label. Very near fine publisher’s clamshell case. Translated from the original Russian by Sergei Hackel. Illustrated with two-color etchings by Grisha Bruskin. Musical setting by John Tavener, present here as a cd of a 1981 recording at the Royal Albert Hall. One of 300 numbered copies on Rives BFK paper SIGNED by Tavener and Bruskin. Laid-in is the Club Newsletter specific to this publication. $750
4. [ARTAUD, Antonin with Max Ernst and Henri Michaux]. dessins de Rodez, frottages, oeuvres récentes. Paris: Le Point Cardinal, 1961.
First edition. Single long accordion folded sheet (5 5 ⁄ 16 x 4 3 ⁄ 16, closed), printed on both sides. Fine. Reproduces two works by each artist. An uncommon ephemeral item for what may well be the first show in this gallery/publisher’s debut year. $100
5. AUDEN, W.H. The Old Man’s Road. NY: Voyages, 1956.
First edition, numbered & signed issue. [20 pp]. Very near fine in stiff wrappers and near fine printed dust jacket. One of 50 numbered copies on Ticonderoga laid text SIGNED by Auden. A collection of seven poems. Bloomfield & Mendelson A36a. $500
6. BANANA, Anna. ed. Vile: International Double Issue. San Francisco: Banana Productions (1976).
Vol. 1, No. 2 (AKA Nos. 2 & 3). 4to. 100 + [8 pp]. A bit of disoloration along bottom edge of front and rear covers, else very near fine in illustrated wrappers. As advertised by the title, works submitted from around the globe. $50
7. [BERKELEY POETRY CONFERENCE]. The Berkeley Poetry Conference July 12-24, 1965. Berkeley: Lifelong Learning/University of California Extension, 1965.
Single large sheet, folded twice, as issued. Stamped “Please Post” in red on the verso. Together with a fine copy of the Application for Enrollment. Two great items from this landmark event which featured lectures, readings, and seminars by Snyder, Wieners, Spicer, Duncan, Creeley, Ginsberg, LeRoi Jones, Olson, Kyger, Welch, Blaser, and others. This conference would energize and inspire a generation of younger poets. For the pair: $100
8. BERRIGAN, Ted and George Schneeman. After the first death there is [first line]. (np): (np), 1969.
10 ½ x 9 inch original collaborative drawing and poem. Features a portrait of Ted Berrigan by Schneeman with a holograph poem by Berrigan beginning “After the first death there is....” SIGNED by Berrigan and Schneeman in pencil in the lower right corner, “Berrigan/Schneeman 69.” $750
9. [BLACK MASK]. For Immediate Release. NY: Black Mask [1966].
11 x 8 ½ inch press release. Two old horizontal folds from mailing, else near fine. Declaration that the Musuem of Modern Art will be closed by Black Mask as part of the “total revolution, cultural as well as social and political.” Despite doubling security and inviting the participation of the NYPD, the Museum was not able to win the day. By most accounts, Black Mask founder Ben Morea casually approached the front doors and applied a small “Closed” sticker. $150
10. [BLACK MASK]. Black Mask No. 9. NY: Black Mask (1968).
First edition. Single large sheet, folded once. Two corner creases, else very good plus with some faint soiling. Presents four unsigned statements/essays, “The State of the Union and the Dissolution of the State,” “Demonstrations: A Theory of Practice and the Practice of Theory,” “Revolution and Psychoanalysis and Revolution,” and “Fragments of Revolutionary Totality.” REVOLUTION BEGINS WHEN PEOPLE TAKE CONTROL OVER THEIR OWN LIVES. All issues of Black Mask are uncommon. $100
11. BONNEFOY, Yves. Early Poems 1947-1959. Athens: Ohio University Press (1992).
First edition. viii + 295 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Original French poems with facing English translations by Galway Kinnell and Richard Pevear. Collects ANTI-PLATO (1947), ON THE MOTION AND THE IMMOBILITY OF DOUVE (1953), YESTERDAY’S EMPTY KINGDOM (1958), and DEVOTION (1959). $45
12. [BRAINARD, Joe]. Joe Brainard Retrospective. NY: Tibor De Nagy Gallery (1997).
First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Full-color exhibition catalogue, with a preface by John Ashbery, an essay by Robert Rosenblum, and a chronology. $25
13. [BRAINARD, Joe]. New Collages and Paintings. NY: Landau-Alan Gallery (1969).
First edition. Folding card, 6 ¾ x 4 ¾ inches (closed). Very near fine. Serigraph-printed exhibition annoucement for this show that ran from 22 March to 17 April. Brainard’s third solo exhibition. $35
14. BURKHARDT, Klaus. Futura 2: coldtypestructure. [Stuttgart]: edition hansjšrg mayer, 1965.
First edition. Single large sheet folded four times, as issued. Light toning to extrems, else very near fine. A very dense construction by Burkhardt. One of the less-common issues of Futura. $50
15. CAGE, John. And the Earth Shall Bear Again. NY: Henmar Press/C.F. Peters (1960).
First edition. Folio. [2] + 6 pp. Light toning to extrems, else near fine in printed wrappers. A reproduction of Cage’s 1942 score for prepared piano, prefaced with specific instructions on the preparation. Peters 6811. $100
16. COOK, Stanley. Concrete Poems. Richmond: Keepsake Press (1984).
First edition. Small 4to. [24 pp]. Stray light ink mark to front cover, bit of excess glue to the binding affecting the first unprinted leaf; in all, near fine in printed wrappers. Ten bold concrete poems, printed in four colors, with Cook’s introduction. One of 100 numbered copies, the entire edition, SIGNED by Cook. $40
17. [DALEY, Richard] Wanted: Inciting to Riot. Chicago: (np) (nd).
11 x 8 ½ inch illustrated flyer. Pinholes and wear along top edge, three old horizontal folds; very good plus. The “Alleged Mayor of Chicago” charged with “issuing inflammatory and threatening statements toward the black citizens of Chicago.” $50
18. [DUCHAMP, Marcel]. Prowler, David. A Telegram from Marcel Duchamp. San Francisco: Readymade Press, 1990.
First trade edition. Square 16mo. [74 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers with die-cuts to the front and rear covers. Design by Diane Burk and Robert Langenbrunner. Prowler’s musings on Duchamp, and art, instigated by acquiring a telegram by Duchamp. $25
19. DUNCAN, Robert. Fragment: from “Letters” 1958. Cambridge: Dromenon Press, 1988.
First edition. 12 ½ x 17 inch broadside. Two pinholes at upper corners, one tiny spot, else near fine. One of 126 numbered copies for friends and admirers of Robert Duncan in attendance at a memorial reading held March 6th 1988 in Cambridge, MA. Hand-set, printed letterpress. $50
20. ECONOMOU, George with Joan and Robert Kelly. eds. Trobar 1–5 (complete). NY: Robert Kelly, 1960-1964.
Five issues, all near fine or better with some light sunning/tanning to the spine of issues one and four, and light edgewear to five. A major venue for the “deep image” poets. Contributors include Antin, Duncan, Kuenstler, Creeley, Snyder, Dorn, Eshleman, Rothenberg, Zukofsky, Lamantia, Mac Low, Olson, Wieners, and many others. Secret Location pp 130-131. For the run: $250
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