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  • Placeholder
    BYRON, Robert.
    London: Architectural Press, 1937. First edition. 31 pp. Near fine in wrappers and integral illustrated dust jacket. Eighteen b&w photographs illustrate this essay on the destruction of London’s architectural heritage. The first issue, which includes the telephone number for the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London.
  • Placeholder
    MANNUCI, Vanni. ed.
    Venezia: Marsilio (1995). First edition. 59 + [136 pp]. Fine in fine dust jacket and fine publisher’s slipcase.
  • Placeholder
    PEARCE, Peter.
    Cambridge & London: MIT Press (1990). Fifth trade paperback printing. 4to. xvii + 245 pp w/bibliography. Covers rubbed in places, else near fine in illustrated wrappers.
    London: Phaidon (2008). First edition. Two volumes, both fine in decorated boards. Very near fine publisher’s slipcase. A chronological tour of the life and work, via over 2000 photographs of the author, his buildings and plans, writings, and related documents.