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Showing 417–448 of 492 results

  • Placeholder
    [TATE, Allen]. Underwood, Thomas A.
    Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press (2000). First edition. viii + 447 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [TENNYSON, Alfred Lord]. Nicolson, Harold.
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1947). First edition. 35 pp. Chipping to crown of spine and top edge, wear to spine, and soiling to covers, else very good only in wrappers. A transcription of 'The Leslie Stephen Lecture' of 1947, concerning the characters, verses and lives of Tennyson's two older brothers, Frederick and Charles.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS Dylan]. Murdy, Louise Baughan.
    The Hague & Paris: Mouton & Co., 1966. First edition. 172 pp w/appendix & bibliography. Near fine in full brown cloth. No dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Brinnin, John Malcolm.
    London: Readers Union/J.M. Dent, 1957. Second UK edition. 245 pp. Foxing to fore-edge, else near fine in very good plus dust jacket with a short tear to crown of spine. Eight pages of plates.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Davies, Aneirin Talfan.
    London: J.M. Dent & Sons (1964). First edition. ix + 75 pp. Very near fine in boards. Lacks dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Ferris, Paul.
    NY: Dial (1977). First US edition. 399 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Firmage, George J. ed.
    NY: Clarke & Way (1963). First edition. xvi + 171 pp. Small spot on top edge, else near fine in near fine dust jacket with rubbing to rear cover. A massive cast of contributors including C. Day Lewis, Thomas Merton, Stephen Spender, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Firmage, George J. ed.
    NY: Clarke & Way (1963). First trade paperback printing. xvi + 171 pp. Some light overall rubbing, toning to spine, else near fine in printed wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Firmage, George J. ed.
    NY: Clarke & Way (1963). First trade paperback printing. xvi + 171 pp. Smudge to fore-edge, else near fine in printed wrappers. Dated (Easter 1964) and INSCRIBED by Firmage.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Hornick, Lita.
    NY: Gallery Editions (1972). First edition. xi + 151 pp w/appendixes and bibliography. Near fine in printed wrappers. One of 280 (of 300) copies.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Kleinman, H.H.
    Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963. First edition. xii + 153 pp w/index. Spine sunned, ink name to title page, else near fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Olson, Elder.
    Chicago: University of Chicago (1954). First edition. v + 163 pp w/index. Very good plus in like dust jacket with tanned spine, a chip to crown, and light edge wear. Poet James Schevill’s copy, with his name inked to the first leaf, and with a few pencil notes to text.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Dylan]. Pratt, Annis.
    Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press (1970). First edition. xiii + 226 pp w/index. Small ownership stamp inside front board, else near fine in very good plus dust jacket with a small chip to top edge of the rear panel and overall rubbing.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Edward].
    Eastbury: St. James the Greater (nd). First edition. Single stiff printed sheet folded once with a photographic reproduction of the window laid in. Prints lines from a Thomas notebook, along with some biographical information, and details on the window.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMAS, Edward]. Cooke, William.
    London: Faber and Faber (1970). First edition. 292 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with lightly toned spine.
  • Placeholder
    [THOMPSON, Dunstan]. Powell, D.A. and Kevin Prufer. eds.
    Warrensburg: Pleiades press, 2010. First edition. 183 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [TIUTCHEV, F.I.]. Conant, Roger.
    Ann Arbor: Ardis (1983). First edition. 84 pp w/notes. Fine in very good plus dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [TRAKL, Georg]. Graziano, Frank.
    Durango: Logbridge-Rhodes (1983). First edition. 127 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Edited by Graziano, with his introduction.
  • Placeholder
    [TRAKL, Georg]. Kurrik, Maire Jaanus.
    NY & London: Columbia University Press, 1974. First edition. 48 pp w/selected bibliography. Near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [TURNBULL, Gael]. McCarey, Peter. ed.
    Staines: Au Quai (1998). First edition. 56 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Cover linocuts by Jean-Pierre Leray. Edited by Peter McCary, with his introduction. A fine collection with contributions by Phyllis Webb, Kleinzahler, Finlay, Thomas A. Clark, Corman, Creeley, Rakosi, Edwin Morgan, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [WALCOTT, Derek]. Baugh, Edward. ed.
    London: Longman (1978). First edition. 85 pp w/select bibliography. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [WALCOTT, Derek]. Hamner, Robert D. ed.
    Washington DC: Three Continents Press (1993). First edition. xvii + 482 pp w/bibliography & index. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. In addition to work by Walcott, presents contributions by Seamus Heaney, J.D. McClatchy, Earl Lovelace, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [WALDROP, Rosmarie and Keith]. Lerner, Ben. ed.
    Seattle & NY: Wave Books (2019). First edition. xv + 371 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Introduction by Aaron Kunin. Postcard and press compliments slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    [WALDROP, Rosmarie and Keith]. Lerner, Ben. ed.
    Seattle & NY: Wave Books (2019). First edition. xv + 371 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Introduction by Aaron Kunin. INSCRIBED by Keith and SIGNED by Rosmarie. Postcard and press compliments slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    [WANTLING, William]. Jones, Kevin. ed.
    Normal: Babbitt’s Books, 1994. First edition. [46 pp]. Fine in comb-bound wrappers. One of 100 numbered copies published on the occasion of Wordsfair 1994 in Bloomington. Briefly INSCRIBED by Jones on the title page. Poems by Wantling with Jones’ introduction.
  • Placeholder
    [WARNER, Francis]. Prentki, Tim, ed.
    Bedfordshire: Sceptre Press (1977). First edition. 154 pp. Very near fine in dust jacket. Edited and with a preface and essay by Tim Prentki. A collection of critical essays concerning the poetry and dramatic work of Francis Warner, including essays by Harold Hobson, Paul Hewison, Lesly Burnett and Robert Burchfield.
  • Placeholder
    [WATKINS, Vernon]. Keeble, Brian.
    London: Temenos Academy (2002). First edition. 21 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Temenos Academy Papers No. 19.
  • Placeholder
    [WHALEN, Philip]. Rothenberg, Michael and Suzi Winson. eds.
    NY: Fish Drum (2004). First edition. xii + 152 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Contributions by Berkson, Coolidge, Creeley, Ferlinghetti, Haselwood, Kyger, Meltzer, Snyder, and many others. Fish Drum Vol. 18/19.
  • Placeholder
    [WHIGHAM, Peter]. Sipper, Ralph B.
    Santa Barbara: Joseph the Provider (nd). First edition. [12 pp]. Some wear to lower portion of spine, else near fine in sewn wrappers. One of 300 copies printed by Graham Macintosh. Checklist with a memoir of Whigham by Sipper.
  • Placeholder
    [WHITMAN, Walt]. Perlman, Jim. et al, eds.
    Minneapolis: Holy Cow! Press, 1981. First edition. liii + 394 pp w/notes on contributors. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [WHITMAN, Walt]. Shively, Charley.
    San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press (1987). First edition. 223 pp. Fine in full cloth with gilt stamping to spine and front cover. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 200 copies.
  • Placeholder
    [WIENERS, John]. Ballard, Micah.
    Oakland & Lowell: Bootstrap Press 2017. Second edition. [82 pp] w/notes. Bump to upper corner of text block, else near fine in illustrated wrappers.