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Showing 257–288 of 322 results

  • Placeholder
    SNYDER, Gary.
    [Berkeley]: Oyez, 1964. First trade edition. 17 1/2 x 11 inch illustrated broadside, printed in two colors on heavy ivory handmade paper by the Auerhahn Press. Pinholes to corners, light soiling to verso, a few light wrinkles; in all, very good plus. Issued as Oyez 9, one of 323 copies. McNeil A9a.
  • Placeholder
    SNYDER, Gary.
    Kent: Kent State University Library, 1971. First edition. Single large sheet folded once (13 x 11 inches, closed). Fine.
  • Placeholder
    SNYDER, Gary.
    [San Francisco]: Don Allen, 1967. First edition. 14 x 8 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Some faint foxing along the left edge, else very near fine. One of 125 copies printed by Grabhorn-Hoyem.
  • Placeholder
    SNYDER, Gary.
    (np): Portents/Samuel Charters (1969). First edition. Single large stiff sheet folded once vertically (14 1/2 x 8 inches, closed). Snyder’s poem, illustrated with an ink drawing. One of 300 copies, issued as “Portents 15.”
  • Placeholder
    SNYDER, Gary.
    Berkeley: Serendipity Books, 1973. First edition. 13 x 7 1/2 inch broadside, printed in two colors on Curtis Tweedweave paper. Very near fine. Printed at the Arif Press for Serendipity on the occasion of the 1973 International Antiquarian Book Fair. McNeil A44.
  • Placeholder
    SORRENTINO, Gilbert.
    (np): Bookslinger Editions, 1983. First edition. 10 1/4 x 13 1/4 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. Printed at the Toothpaste Press on the occasion of Sorrentino's reading at Walker Art Center, April 6, 1983. One of 90 numbered copies SIGNED by Sorrentino.
  • Placeholder
    STAFFORD, William.
    Brockport: BOA Editions (1980). First edition. 8.25 in x 5.5 in illustrated publication postcard. Fine. Announcement for the publication of THINGS THAT HAPPEN WHERE THERE AREN'T ANY PEOPLE.
  • Placeholder
    STAFFORD, William.
    (np): Bookslinger, 1983. First edition. 5 x 8 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. Printed by Toothpaste Press for Bookslinger for distribution at the A.B.A. in Dallas, Texas, June 1983. The single title poem.
  • Placeholder
    STAPLE, Will.
    Olympia: Lightfoot Press [1976]. First edition. 11 x 8 1/2 inch broadside, printed in black on tan paper. Fine. Lightfoot 3. Dated (12/21/03) and INSCRIBED by Staple.
  • Placeholder
    STAPLE, Will.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1995. First edition. 9 x 6 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. A poem for Andy Steele, printed on wood-textured paper.
  • Placeholder
    STAPLE, Will.
    [Berkeley: Tangram (nd)]. First edition. 5 x 7 inch poemcard, printed in two colors. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    STEPANCHEV, Stephen.
    (np): Black Sparrow, 1968. First edition. 9.5 x 12 3/4 in. broadside, fine. A printer's error resulted in the entire run being scrapped and re-done. This is one of WITH the error, a period at the end of a line where there shouldn't be one. Not mentioned in Morrow & Cooney.
  • Placeholder
    TAYLOR, Kent.
    [Berkeley: Jeff Maser, 2003]. First edition. 11 x 7 inch broadside. Fine. Printed letterpress by Ann Rosener at Occasional Works. One of 100 (of 126) copies. A poem.
  • Placeholder
    TAYLOR, Kent.
    [Berkeley]: Jeff Maser, 2004. First edition. 11 x 6 inch broadside, printed in two colors and blindstamp. Fine. Printed for distribution by Maser at the 2004 San Francisco Antiquarian Book Fair by the Verdant Press. Though not called for, SIGNED by Taylor.
  • Placeholder
    THOMAS, Sam.
    (np): Free Poems Among Friends (nd). First edition. 11 x 8 1/2 inch broadside. Several short edge tears and creases, else very good.
  • Placeholder
    UPTON, Charles.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press, 1967. First edition. Single large sheet folded four times as issued (8 3/4 x 6 1/2 inches, closed). Near fine. Single poem with a drawing by Magda Craig.
  • Placeholder
    UPTON, Charles.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press, 1967. First edition. 17 1/2 x 26 inch illustrated broadside. Near fine with a touch of edgewear. Upton’s long poem surrounding a large drawing by Magda Craig. Normally found folded into a booklet, rather than in this unfolded state.
  • Placeholder
    Berkeley: Red Hill Press, 1987. First edition. 9 1/2 x 13 inch broadside. Fine. One deckle edge. SIGNED by Vangelisti. Poem written originally to accompany "Convivio," an intaglio print of Sandro Martini.
  • Placeholder
    VINZ, Mark.
    (np): (np) 1977. First edition. 14 x 8 1/2 inch illustrated broadside. Fine. Poem by Vinz, illustrated with a photograph by Wayne Gudmundson. SIGNED by Vinz and Gudmundson.
  • Placeholder
    VINZ, Mark.
    (np): (np) 1980. First edition. 14 1/8 x 8 1/2 inch illustrated broadside. Very near fine. Poem by Vinz, illustrated with a photograph by Wayne Gudmundson. SIGNED by Vinz and Gudmundson. Broadside Number 2.
  • Placeholder
    WAKOSKI, Diane.
    San Francisco: Tenth Muse, 1970. First edition. 15 1/4 x 11 1/4 inch illustrated broadside. Fine. Wakoski’s poem paired with a b&w photograph by Betty Berenson.
  • Placeholder
    WAKOSKI, Diane.
    (np): Black Sparrow (1973). First edition, numbered & signed issue. Single sheet folded into fourths and tipped-on to printed red wrappers with a printed cover label. Fine. Issued as a New Year’s Greeting from the press. One of 100 numbered copies SIGNED by Wakoski. Morrow & Cooney 167.
  • Placeholder
    WAKOSKI, Diane.
    (np): Black Sparrow (1973). First edition, lettered & signed issue. Single sheet folded into fourths and tipped-on to printed red wrappers with a printed cover label. Fine. Issued as a New Year’s Greeting from the press. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Wakoski. Morrow & Cooney 167.
  • WALDMAN, Anne.
    Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Special Collections Library, 2002. First edition. 16 x 9 3/4 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. Produced on the occasion of the symposium and exhibit, “Makeup on Empty Space: A Celebration of Anne Waldman.” One of 400 copies printed by Wesley B. Tanner at Passim Editions. Ginsberg visits Waldman in a dream.
  • Placeholder
    WALDMAN, Anne.
    [Minneapolis]: Coffee House Press, 1987. First edition. 12 1/2 x 19 inch broadside, printed in bright lime ink on blue-green paper. Small wrinkle near right edge, else very near fine. SIGNED by Waldman.
  • Placeholder
    WALDMAN, Anne.
    [Berkeley]: Arif Press (nd). First edition. 11 1/2 x 10 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Near fine. “an Arif Press free poem.”
  • Placeholder
    WALKER, Alice.
    Berkeley: Black Oak Books, 1988. First edition. 14 x 8 1/2 inch illustrated broadside, printed in three colors. Fine. An excerpt from her book, LIVING BY THE WORD. Issued by Black Oak as a gift on the occasion of Walker's reading at the shop.
  • WALKER, Alice.
    [Berkeley]: Moe’s Books, 1984. First edition. 11 7/8 x 7 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. A poem from her collection REVOLUTIONARY PETUNIAS, here presented as a gift for the New Year. Printed by Wesley Tanner.
  • Placeholder
    WEBB, Phyllis.
    Vancouver: Slug Press, 1982. First edition. 13 in x 11 in broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Webb.
  • Placeholder
    WELCH, Lew.
    [San Francisco: Donald Allen, 1963]. First edition. 13 x 20 inch illustrated broadside. One deckle edge. Fine. Welch’s poem with artwork by William Weber. Issued originally as part of the 1963 San Francisco Arts Festival portfolio, and here offered separately. SIGNED by Weber.
  • Placeholder
    WELCH, Lew.
    [Portland]: Yes! Press, 1970. First edition. 11 x 5 inch broadside. One deckle edge. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    WHALEN, Philip.
    [San Francisco: San Francisco Arts Festival Commission] 1963. First edition. 120 x 13 inch illustrated broadside, printed in black on laid paper. Very near fine. Illustration and calligraphic text by Whalen. Dated (3:X:63 /San Francisco) and SIGNED by Whalen.