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Showing 1–32 of 190 results

  • Placeholder
    (np): New Directions, 1974. First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Original mailing envelope present. Translated from the original French by Richard Pevear. The final chapter of Alain's THE GODS, here issued for friends of Elizabeth and Richard Pevear, Ann & J. Laughlin, and New Directions.
  • Placeholder
    ALLAIN, Marcel and Pierre Souvestre.
    NY: William Morrow (1986). First printing of this edition. 324 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket that is lightly toned and faded along the spine. Introduction by John Ashbery.
  • Placeholder
    ALLAIN, Marcel and Pierre Souvestre.
    NY: William Morrow (1987). First printing of this edition. 237 pp. Very near fine in near fine dust jacket with sunning to red pigment on spine. Introduction by Edward Gorey.
  • Placeholder
    APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume.
    Manchester: Carcanet (1985). First edition. 139 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket that is lightly toned and has a wrinkle along the top edge of the rear panel. Translated from the French by Ron Padgett.
  • Placeholder
    ARAGON, Louis.
    London: Picador/Pan (1980). First UK trade paperback printing. 222 pp w/translator’s notes. Pages toned (cheap paper) else near fine in illustrated wrappers with an old price sticker on the rear cover. Translated from the original French by Simon Watson Taylor, with his introduction.
  • Placeholder
    ARAGON, Louis.
    London & NY: John Calder/Riverrun (1987). First edition. 185 pp. Pages toned (cheap paper), else very near fine in near fine dust jacket with lightly sunned spine. Translated from the French by Jo Levy. A volume in the Calder French Surrealist Series.
  • Placeholder
    ARTAUD, Antonin.
    Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976. First edition. [20 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. English translation by Clayton Eshleman and Norman Glass. Text printed in two colors, with a reproduction of an Artaud self-portrait drawn in 1946. Sparrow 47. Morrow & Cooney 242.
  • Placeholder
    ARTAUD, Antonin.
    Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976. First edition. [20 pp]. Pages unopened, else near fine in stapled wrappers. English translation by Clayton Eshleman and Norman Glass. Text printed in two colors, with a reproduction of an Artaud self-portrait drawn in 1946. SIGNED by Eshleman on the front cover. Sparrow 47. Morrow & Cooney 242.
  • Placeholder
    ARTAUD, Antonin.
    Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1974. First edition. [14 pp]. Two corners lightly bent, else very good plus in printed wrappers with some light toning. Clayton Eshleman translates this 28 February 1947 letter from Artaud to Breton, composed just before the Duchamp-Breton curated 1947 International Surrealist Exhibition. Sparrow 23. Morrow & Cooney 183.
  • Placeholder
    ARTAUD, Antonin.
    Paris: lettres modernes 1966. First edition. 59 pp. Very good plus in printed wrappers with an old price sticker on the rear cover. Original French texts with facing English translations by Paul Zweig, who also contributes an introduction.
  • Placeholder
    ARTAUD, Antonin.
    London: Calder and Boyars (1969). First UK trade paperback printing. 60 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Translated from the French by Simon Watson Taylor. Laid in is the translator's calling card INSCRIBED by Taylor, "23.vii.69 / Here, for your delectation, is probably the/ dottiest play written so far this century.* But / what a mise en scene! / Regards, S.W.T. / * Grove Press edition coming out this year." Taylor has made nine corrections to the text, including to two instances of the publisher mis-printing his name.
    London: Atlas Press (1992). First UK edition. 62 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Translated from the original German by Derk Wynand. One of 149 (of 300) numbered copies. Artmann was a founding member of “The Vienna Group.” The Printed Head Volume II, number 2.
  • Placeholder
    AYMÉ, Marcel.
    NY: Atheneum, 1962. First US edition. 253 pp. Page edges foxed, else near fine in very good plus, price-clipped dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Norman Denny.
  • Placeholder
    BACHELARD, Gaston.
    Boston: Beacon (1971). First US trade paperback printing. vii + 212 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Translated from the original French by Daniel Russell, with his preface.
  • Placeholder
    BARBEY D’AUREVILLY, Jules-Amédée.
    London: Oxford University Press, 1964. First printing of this edition. xviii + 249 pp. Near fine in very good plus, price-clipped dust jacket with rubbing along spine. Introduction by Enid Starkie. Translated from the original French by Jean Kimber.
  • BARNETT, A. ed.
    London: Nothing Doing (formerly in London), 1973. First edition. 16 pp. Faint sunning to spine, else near fine in sewn wrappers. Presents work by Edmond Jabès, “Answer to a Letter,” J.H. Prynne’s “Es Lebe Der König,” and Paul Celan’s “Conversation in the Mountain.” Translations by Rosmarie Waldrop.
  • Placeholder
    BATAILLE, Georges.
    London & NY: Marion Boyars (1983). First US edition. 158 pp. A few small coffee stains to bottom edge, hard erasure to first leaf. In all, near fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Philip A. Facey. The third of Bataille’s novels to be translated into English.
  • Placeholder
    BATAILLE, Georges.
    London: Jonathan Cape (1972). First UK edition of this translation. 137 pp. Slight lean to spine, else near fine in very good plus dust jacket with shallow chipping to base and crown, and tips of flap folds. Jacket art by Bill Botten. Translated from the original French by Austryn Wainhouse.
  • Placeholder
    BATAILLE, Georges.
    NY: Paragon House (1992). First US edition. xxxiv + 199 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket with spine lettering faded. Translated by Bruce Boone. Introduction by Sylvère Lotringer.
  • Placeholder
    BATAILLE, Georges.
    San Francisco: City Lights (1987). Second US edition (originally published in the US by Urizen in 1977). viii + 103 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Translated by Joachim Neugroschel from the French of the 1928 first edition, but including the closing “Outline of a sequel” from the fourth edition. Bataille’s notorious first novel. Cook 183.
  • Placeholder
    BATAILLE, Georges]. Ades, Dawn and Simon Baker.
    London & Cambridge: Hayward Gallery/MIT Press (2006). First edition. Small 4to. 271 pp w/notes, selected bibliography, & list of works. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Fully-illustrated.
  • BAUDELAIRE, Charles-Pierre.
    NY: Stone Street Press (1982). First edition. 32mo. [16 pp]. Fine in wrappers with pasted-on cover label. Original French poems with facing English translations by Kevin McEneaney. Designed, calligraphed, illustrated, lino-cut, and bound by Malachi McCormick. OCLC locates 4 copies.
  • Placeholder
    BAUDELAIRE, Charles.
    San Francisco: City Lights (1983). First printing of this edition (originally published by Beacon in 1957). 118 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Translated from the original French by Christopher Isherwood, with his introduction. Illustrated with eight drawings by Baudelaire, four of which are self-portraits. Cook 154.
  • Placeholder
    BAUDELAIRE, Charles.
    Boston: Godine (1982). First printing of this edition. xxxii + 365 pp w/index. Small pale mark on top edge, else near fine in near fine dust jacket with light wear to base and crown of spine. The complete French text preceded by by a new English translation by Richard Howard. Illustrated with nine monotypes created for this edition by Michael Mazur.
  • Placeholder
    BAUDELAIRE, Charles.
    Todmorden: Arc Publications, 2015. First trade paperback printing. 189 pp w/translator’s notes, chronology, and biographical notes. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Original French poems with facing English translations by Jan Owen. Introduction by Rosemary Lloyd.
  • Placeholder
    BAUDELAIRE, Charles.
    Portland: Charles Seluzicki, 2001. First edition. 18 x 14 1/4 inch illustrated broadside. Light bend across middle (but not a crease) else fine. Original ink drawing by Paul Green. Translated from the French by Robert Lowell. Printed letterpress by Stern & Faye on Folio Gray paper. One of 100 numbered copies SIGNED by Green. At publication price:
  • BAUDRILLARD, Jean and Jean Nouvel.
    Minneapolis: University of Minnesota (2002). First US edition. xv + 80 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Robert Bononno, with a foreword by K. Michael Hays. Two long interviews.
  • Placeholder
    BEAUVOIR, Simone De.
    Cleveland & NY: World (1956). First US edition, numbered & signed issue. 610 pp. Faint sunning to spine, else very near fine in two-part full cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Very good plus publisher’s slipcase with some light evidence of damp staining to side panels. One of 325 (of 500) copies SIGNED by Beauvoir for “private distribution.” Winner of the Prix Goncourt. Laid into this copy is a printed slip from the publisher, “With the compliments of Ben D. Zevin.”
  • Placeholder
    BENEDIKT, Michael and George E. Wellwarth. eds.
    NY: Dutton, 1964. First edition. xxxv + 406 pp. Near fine in very good plus dust jacket with some toning to spine and a small mark to front panel. Neat previous owner’s name inked inside the front gutter. Cover art by Milton Glaser. Translations from the original French by Benedikt and Wellwarth, with Benedikt’s introduction.
  • Placeholder
    BILLETDOUX, Francois.
    London: Secker & Warburg (1963). First UK edition. 191 pp. Top edge dusty, else very near fine in like dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Ralph Manheim. Young 281*.
  • Placeholder
    BONNEFOY, Yves.
    Athens: Ohio University Press (1990). First edition. 295 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with one short tear. Original French poems with facing English translations by Galway Kinnell and Richard Pevear. SIGNED by Kinnell on the title page.
  • BONNEFOY, Yves.
    London: MPT Books, 2000. First UK edition. 218 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Original French poems preceded by Rudolf’s English translations. INSCRIBED by Rudolf to R.B. Kitaj, “K. / love / A /Oct. 2000 / (letter follows).