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Showing 1025–1056 of 4582 results

  • Placeholder
    DE BERNIERES, Louis.
    NY: Morrow (1991). First US edition. 363 pp. Very near fine in near fine dust jacket. De Bernieres' first book.
  • Placeholder
    de FORREST, Michael writing as “M. de F.”
    NY: Castle Books (1949). First printing of this edition. 267 pp. Very near fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket with sunning to spine lettering. Young 951* (Woodford Press ed).
  • Placeholder
    DE JONG, Constance.
    NY: TVRT & Mirror Press (1975-1976). First editions. Five uniform chapbooks, all near fine in unprinted blue wrappers with wear along the spines. The entire novel in parts by De Jong, best known for her libretto for the Philip Glass opera SATYAGRAGA.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Faber and Faber (1955). First edition. 256 pp. Two small tape shadows to both first and last leaves, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Faber and Faber (1956). First edition. 312 pp. Small abrasion on first blank leaf, else fine in very near fine, price-clipped dust jacket. Edited by Kenneth Hopkins, with his introduction.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    NY: William Edwin Rudge, 1927. First edition. Unpaginated. Fine in printed wrappers. Single poem. One of 27 copies printed, of which 12 copies were for sale.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Selwyn & Blount, 1924. First edition. 76 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket.
  • DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Constable, 1927. First edition. xi + 109 pp. Quarter-sized stain to last leaf, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. T.E.G. Cover art and thirty internal woodcuts by “Bold.” Limericks, delicate satire, and nonsense rhymes.
  • Placeholder
    DE VEGH, Elizabeth.
    Berkeley: Arrowhead Press (1981). First edition. 161 pp. A few small spots to fore-edge, else near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DE VEGH, Elizabeth.
    Berkeley: Arrowhead Press (1983). First edition. 190 pp. Some light foxing to front panel, else very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DE VRIES, Peter.
    Boston: Little, Brown (1956). First edition. 280 pp. Two small perforations to first leaf, else very near fine in very good plus dust jacket with sticker removal evidence to front flap, a tear to the front panel, sunning to spine, and a small stain to the rear cover.
  • Placeholder
    DE VRIES, Peter.
    Boston: Little, Brown (1976). First edition. 211 pp. Fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket with one short edge tear and some light rubbing. INSCRIBED by DeVries on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    DE VRIES, Peter.
    Boston: Little, Brown (1970). First edition. 310 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with a tiny tear to base of spine. INSCRIBED by DeVries on the front free endpaper, “Regards to / _____ / from Mrs Wallop / and / Peter DeVries.”
  • Placeholder
    DE VRIES, Peter.
    Boston: Little, Brown (1958). First edition. 260 pp. Faint damp staining to lower portion of boards, else near fine in very good dust jacket that is also damp-stained. Printed endorsement by Kingsley Amis on the rear panel.
  • Placeholder
    DE VRIES, Peter.
    Boston: Little, Brown (1958). First edition. 260 pp. Near fine in very good plus dust jacket with damp-staining along bottom edge, some edgewear, and a few small chips.
  • Placeholder
    DEAN, Louise.
    London: Scribner (2005). First edition. 374 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Publisher’s price sticker on front cover. SIGNED by Dean on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    DECK, John.
    NY: Harcourt, Brace & World (1968). First edition. 276 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket with a slight fade to the orange lettering on the spine. Young 949.
  • Placeholder
    DEFOE, Daniel.
    New Haven & London: Yale University Press (1991). First printing of this edition. 417 pp w/index. One hard bump to front cover, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. Abridged and edited by P.N. Furbank and W. R. Owens. Fully illustrated. Review slip and promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DEIGHTON, Len.
    NY: HarperCollins (1992). First edition. 375 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Dated (24 May 1992) and INSCRIBED by Deighton.
  • Placeholder
    DEIGHTON, Len.
    NY: Mysterious Press (1987). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 241 pp. Touch of loss to spine gilt, else fine in full cloth without dust jacket, as issued. Fine publisher's slipcase. One of 250 numbered copies SIGNED by Deighton.
  • Placeholder
    DeJONG, Constance.
    NY: Mirror Press (1976). First edition. [40 pp]. Very good plus in unprinted blue wrappers. A continuation of Part Five, pages 69 to 104.
  • Placeholder
    NY: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. First edition. Very good in very good dust jacket.
  • DeLILLO, Don.
    Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972. First edition. 242 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket a tiny closed tear to the rear gutter. DeLillo’s second novel.
  • Placeholder
    DeLILLO, Don.
    Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972. First edition. 242 pp. Very near fine in near fine dust jacket with a tear and wrinkle to front flap extending to front panel, and light sunning to spine. DeLillo’s second book.
  • Placeholder
    DeLILLO, Don.
    Berkeley: Black Oak Books (1991). First edition. 12 3/4 x 7 3/8 inch broadside, printed in three colors. Fine. An excerpt from DeLillo's novel, issued on the occasion of his reading at Black Oak. Designed and printed at Okeanos Press.
  • Placeholder
    DeLILLO, Don.
    NY: Penguin (1989). First trade paperback printing. 101 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • DeLILLO, Don.
    NY: Scribner (1997). Advance reading copy. 827 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DeLILLO, Don.
    NY: Scribner (1999). First edition. 110 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DeMARINIS, Rick.
    NY: Simon & Schuster (1975). First edition. 163 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with light edgewear. De Marinis' first book.
  • Placeholder
    DeMARINIS, Rick.
    NY: Arbor House (1986). First edition. 315 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. SIGNED by De Marinis on the title page, INSCRIBED, “For Sandy and Walt - / from the heart / of Far Cry itself / (follow I-15 to Butte, / turn left) / Rick / 2/25/88.” On the front free endpaper De Marinis has penned his name and address in Montana, and noted (with arrow) “ignore this.”
  • Placeholder
    DeMARINIS, Rick.
    NY: Viking (1988). First edition. 177 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DeMARINIS, Rick.
    NY: Norton (1991). Uncorrected proof. 212 pp. One small corner chip, else very near fine in printed wrappers. Promotional flyers laid in.