Showing 257–288 of 4582 results
$35.00NY: Houghton Mifflin (1991). First edition. 162 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. INSCRIBED by Bass. Promotional materials laid in.$50.00NY: Norton (1985). First edition. 570 pp. One bump to top edge of one board, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. Dated (1993) and INSCRIBED by Batchelor, My Dear ____ / Vietnam is / next. And you / are the audience. / If I can please / you, I have / made it through / again.'$50.00NY: Norton (1985). First edition. 570 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket. Dated (7/19/94) and INSCRIBED by Batchelor, 'Rider / Haggard! / Bulwer-Lytton! / Tom Clancy! / JCB! / The Chain / is / secure!'$75.00NY: Linden Press/Simon & Schuster (1990). First edition. 303 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Promotional flyer and review slip laid in. INSCRIBED by Batchelor, '6/93 / Did Tip / Leave the / Country? Is / Tip working on / health care? /Does he own Merck? / Best / JC Batchelor.'$75.00Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press/Little, Brown (1952). First US edition. 240 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket.$12.50NY: New Directions (1989). First edition. 206 pp. Near fine in like dust jacket.$25.00Boston: Atlantic Monthly/Little, Brown (1963). First US edition. 454 pp. Light foxing to page edges, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. Henry Miller provides a preface to this collection of short stories. The definitive collection, selected by Bates.$25.00London: Michael Joseph (1961). First edition. 93 pp. Fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket. Illustrated by Peter Farmer.$35.00Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press/Little, Brown (1954). First US edition. 246 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket with faint toning to extrems.$35.00Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press/Little, Brown (1954). First US edition. 217 pp. Faint droplet mark to top edge near spine, else fine in near fine dust jacket with light overall rubbing and a short closed tear to bottom edge.$20.00NY: Linden Press/Simon & Schuster, 1989. Uncorrected proof. 323 pp. Publication dated inked to front and rear covers, else near fine in printed wrappers.$100.00NY: Dial (1980). First edition. 279 pp. One bumped lower corner, else very near fine in like dust jacket. Bausch's first novel.$22.50NY: Norton (1990). First edition. 223 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Baxter. Author photo and promotional flyer laid in.$30.00NY: Norton (1990). Advance reading copy. 223 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Baxter on the title page.$25.00NY: Pantheon (1997). First edition. 272 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Baxter. Review slip and promotional flyer laid in.$25.00NY: Viking (1987). First edition. 286 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket. Baxter's first novel.$200.00NY & Latham: Paris Review Editions/British American Publishing (1989). Uncorrected proof. 101 pp. Publication date inked-out and updated, else fine in printed blue wrappers. Promotional flyer laid in. SIGNED by Baxter.$45.00NY: Pantheon (2000). Uncorrected proof. 308 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. SIGNED by Baxter on the title page.$15.00Providence: Paradigm Press, 1991. First edition. Fine in wraps. 1/400 copies.$15.00Boston: Little, Brown (1998). Advance reading copy. 187 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers with a light erasure to the first leaf.$45.00London: New English Library (1966). First UK edition. 125 pp. Previous owner's name inked neatly to front free endpaper, else very near fine in printed green wrappers. An illustrated novel by Beardsley, completed by Glassco. New English Library No. 105. The UK equivalent to Olympia Press' 'Travellers' Companion Series.'$45.00NY: Knopf, 1995. Uncorrected proof. 325 pp. Promotional flyer stapled inside front cover, else near fine in printed wrappers. SIGNED by Beattie on the title page. A novel.$22.50NY: Knopf, 1995. Advance reading copy. 325 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Beattie on the title page.$45.00NY: Doubleday, 1976. First edition. Fine in very good, price clipped and edge-worn dust jacket with several small chips. One of her two first books, issued simultaneously with CHILLY SCENES OF WINTER.$20.00NY: Knopf, 1997. Uncorrected proof. 307 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers with small smudge in upper-right-hand corner. SIGNED by Beattie on the title page.$35.00NY: Random House (1989). Uncorrected proof. 230 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. SIGNED by Beattie.$20.00Oakland: Cloud Marauder Press (1979). First edition. 65 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.$20.00London: Bantam (1996). First edition. 255 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Bedford.$35.00NY: Knopf, 1993. . First edition. Fine in fine dust jacket with review slip and promotional materials laid in. Second novel by the author of WARTIME LIES.$50.00NY: Knopf, 1993. Uncorrected proof. 240 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. SIGNED by Begley on the title page. His second novel, following WARTIME LIES.$35.00NY: Knopf, 1991. First edition. 198 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Begley's first book, a novel.