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Showing 33–64 of 134 results

  • Placeholder
    FLYNT, Robert.
    (np): (np) (2008). First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in glossy illustrated boards. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • FONTCUBERTA, Joan and Pere Formiguera.
    Göttingen: European Photography (1988). First trade edition. 83 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Photographs and descriptions of previously unknown animals, as described in the long-lost archives of German zoologist Dr. Peter Ameisenhaufen (b. 1895, disappeared 1955). An elaborate fiction. A Roth 101 book.
  • Placeholder
    FOX, Hugh and John Pimley.
    Fremont: The Fault Press, (1976). First edition. [32 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 600 copies. Poems by Fox with eight photographs by Pimley.
  • Placeholder
    GEORGE, Alice Rose. et al, eds.
    NY: Picture Project (1992). First edition. 192 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. Essays by Ann Beattie and Andy Grundberg. Review slip and four promotional photographs from the book laid in.
  • Placeholder
    GRAY, Don with Maurice McDonald.
    [San Francisco]: twowindows press (nd). First edition. Two mounted sheets inside a leather portfolio with a laid-in title page. Photograph by McDonald, poem by Gray. One of 30 numbered copies, the entire edition, SIGNED by McDonald and Gray. Twowindows Folio VIII.
  • Placeholder
    GUNN, Thom and Ander Gunn.
    London: Faber and Faber (1973). First UK trade paperback printing. 78 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Poems by Thom Gunn, with photographs by his brother Ander.
  • GUNN, Thom.
    Menlo Park: Occasional Works, 2000. First edition. 33 pp. Fine in wrappers and photo-illustrated dust jacket. Reproductions of three photos by Leo Holub- two on the covers and one tipped in. One of 100 numbered copies on Arches text. Seventeen San Francisco “neighbourhood” poems, here presented as a group for the first time. At publication price:
  • Placeholder
    HARLECH, Amanda and Karl Lagerfeld.
    Göttengen: Steidl/Fendi (2007). First edition. 4to. [48 pp]. Fine is fine dust jacket. A.e.g. Photos by Lagerfeld, text by Harlech.
  • Placeholder
    HERNANDEZ, Anthony.
    Santa Monica: Smart Art Press (2000). First edition. 90 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Briefly INSCRIBED by Hernandez on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    HOFF, Charles.
    San Francisco: Chronicle Books (1996). First edition. 127 pp. Fine in fine clipped and re-priced (by the publisher) dust jacket. Boxing photographs by Hoff, with an introduction by Richard Ford, who chose the essays printed in this book.
  • KAPLAN, Dori.
    NY: Nadada Editions, 1972. First edition. Square 48mo. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Five photographs by Kaplan with text by Gardien Angelico. One of 550 (of 600 copies). A possible Ruscha homage/parody candidate. OCLC locates 3 copies.
  • Placeholder
    KELLY, Max.
    Paddington: Doak Press (1982). First trade paperback printing. vii + 174 pp w/notes. Very good plus in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • KENNA, Michael.
    San Francisco: Friends of Photography (1988). First edition. 59 pp. Bump to lower outside corner, else near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Introduction by Jerome Tarshis. Illustrated with forty b&w plates. SIGNED by Kenna on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    KERTÉSZ, André.
    NY: Key Porter/Abrams (1982). First edition. 4to. 259 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. One hundred and fifty duotone illustrations.
  • Placeholder
    KERTÉSZ, André.
    NY & London: W.W. Norton (2005). First edition. 16mo. 158 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Introduction by Bruce Silverstein. Essay by Robert Gurbo. Sixty-six reproductions.
  • Placeholder
    KETCHAM, Diana
    San Francisco: Arion Press, 1990. First edition. Oblong 4to. 113 pp w/bibliography. Fine in full blue cloth with inset printed cover label. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 400 copies. Preface by Olivier Choppin. Includes a suite of photographs from 1988 taken by Michael Kenna.
  • Placeholder
    KETELHODT, Ines V.
    Offenbach/Main: (np) (1987). First edition. [57 pp]. Fine in wrappers and near fine glassine dust jacket. Interesting use of opaque and semi-opaque papers in presenting Ketelhodt’s text and photographic work on the subject of several German museums. One of 70 numbered copies SIGNED by Ketelhodt.
  • Placeholder
    KLETT, Mark.
    Santa Fe: Radius Books (2007). First edition. Folio. [108 pp w/list of plates]. Corners very lightly tapped, else fine in illustrated boards. No dust jacket, as issued. Essay by Gregory McNamee.
  • Placeholder
    KRICH, John.
    Berkeley: City Miner Books (1979). First edition. 110 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers; a paperback original. Illustrated with nine photographs by Dorthea Lange.
  • Placeholder
    LaCHAPELLE, Dave.
    NY: Simon & Schuster/Calloway (1996). First edition. 152 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated boards; no dust jacket, as issued. Publisher’s box is very near fine, but for short splits at two corners of lid. #30569 of an unstated run of numbered copies. Laid in is the “LaChapelle Land Map,” often missing.
  • Placeholder
    MAHRLEIN, Julian.
    London: Hoxton Mini Press (2017). First trade edition. [128 pp]. Near fine in illusrated boards with cloth spine and rear panel. No dust jacket, as issued. Photos of inner city teens, taken shortly after the 2011 London riots. Tales from the City Book 3.
  • Placeholder
    MARSDEN, Simon.
    NY: Knopf, 1988. First edition. 128 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Two sample photographs and promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    McDONALD, Maurice.
    [San Francisco]: two windows press (nd). First edition. [4 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers and unprinted tissue dust jacket. Poem by McDonald accompanying an original photographic print mounted to the facing page. One of 35 numbered copies SIGNED by McDonald as “Mort.” Issued as Folio IV.
  • Placeholder
    McKENNA, Rollie.
    NY: Knopf, 1991. First edition. xii + 279 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket. Poet Richard Wilbur contributes a foreword.
  • Placeholder
    MENDES, Guy. ed.
    Lexington: Gnomon (1976). First edition. [62 pp]. Spine sunned, else very good in illustrated wrappers. Work by Bill Burke, Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Marion Post-Walcott, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    Boston & NY: Museum of Fine Arts/New York Graphic Society (1978). First trade paperback printing. [112 pp w/chronology]. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Foreword by Clifford S. Ackley, interview by Bruce K. MacDonald. Forty color plates.
  • Placeholder
    MICHALS, Duane.
    Providence: Matrix Publications (1981). First trade paperback printing. [60 pp]. Bump to crown of spine, else near fine in wrappers and very good plus illustrated dust jacket. with a few wrinkles to front panel and light overall edge wear.
  • MICHALS, Duane.
    Santa Fe: Twin Palms, 2001. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4to. [112 pp]. Fine in full cloth and fine publisher’s slipcase. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 100 numbered copies SIGNED by Michals. This is copy #100.
  • MICHALS, Duane.
    Santa Fe: Twin Palms, 1996. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4to. [114 pp]. Fine in full green cloth with black lettering to spine and front cover. Fine publisher’s slipcase. One of 100 numbered copies SIGNED by Michals.
  • Placeholder
    MICHALS, Duane.
    Sonny Boy (1993). First edition. 79 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Lacks dust jacket. Dated (March 8, 1994) and SIGNED by Michals.
  • Placeholder
    MILLER, Henry.
    Paris: Olympia Press, 1956. Second edition. 171 pp. Light bump to rear upper corner of text block, else very near fine in illustrated wrappers that have some light rubbing. A bright copy. Illustrated with photographs by Brassaï. Shifreen & Jackson A100a.
  • Placeholder
    MITCHELL, Therese.
    (np): (np) [c 2002]. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Thirteen reproductions with a foreword by Nora Mitchell Sanborn, “My Mother’s Photographs.” Images paired with texts by Joseph Mitchell.