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Showing 353–384 of 1455 results

    NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company (1942). First US edition. 40 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket with light toning to extrems. Printed dedication to Leonard Woolf. The Rede Lecture, delivered in Cambridge on 29 May 1941. Kirkpatrick A24b.
  • FOSTER, Charles.
    Sacramento: Rainbow Resin (1974). First edition. 4to. [32 pp]. Fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover art a “tipoglif” by Karl Kempton. Poems, issued as th uinta gargoyl #s 2, 3, 4.
  • FOWLES, John.
    Manitoba: University of Manitoba Press [1970]. First edition. [12 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. First edition; an offprint from MOSAIC III:4. INSCRIBED by Fowles inside the front cover, “Allen [McGuire] / One of a very limited / number - twenty-five if / I remember / John Fowles.”
  • FREEMAN, Arthur.
    London: (np) 1980. First trade edition. [24 pp]. Very near fine in sewn wrappers. One of 500 copies, from the original 26 copy limited edition. INSCRIBED by Freeman, “Nicholas from / Arthur Freeman / London Feb. ‘80” and then again, “this now to Peter Howard / London July 82 /Arthur Freeman.”
  • FRIEDMAN, Bruce Jay.
    NY: Knopf, 1971. First edition. 97 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Illustrated with production stills. Friedman’s second play. Young 1332.
    NY: Frontward Books (1976). First edition. Horizontal 12mo. [60 pp]. Very near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Front and back cover art by Ed Bowes. One of 350 copies, produced at the St. Mark’s Poetry Project. Two prose works.
  • FROST, Robert.
    NY: Random House, 1929. First edition. [4 pp]. Tiny spot of foxing to two leaves, else fine in sewn wrappers. A single poem, issued as part of “The Poetry Quartos.” One of 475 copies.
  • FULLER, Roy.
    London: Secker & Warburg/London Magazine Editions (1985). First edition. xiii + 556 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. All the poems published in book form since 1939, with sixty new poems.
  • FULLER, Roy.
    London: London Magazine Editions, 1980-1984. First editions. 191 + 185 +165 pp. Three volumes, all fine in very near fine dust jackets. All three volumes INSCRIBED by Fuller to the same recipient. The poet-solicitor recalls his childhood and youth in Lancashire, through the end of his service in the Second World War. For the trio:
  • FUNDIBLE, Graham.
    San Francisco: Inferno Press (1960). First edition. 47 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers with integral printed dust jacket. First book by this “philosopher-poet” who “brings the current of continental traditions to our dying shores.”
  • FYMAN, Cliff.
    NY: Misty Terrace Press (1981). First edition. 4to. 33 pp. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover art by George Schneeman. One of 300 copies produced at the Poetry Project. Poems and prose works.
  • g.brecht d.higgins a.knowles c.moorman, n.j.paik. d.rot
    Philadelphia: College of Art, 1964. First edition. 1 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches, printed on recto only. Fine. Miniature card promoting this event.
  • GADDIS, William.
    NY: Knopf, 1975. Uncorrected proof. 725 pp. “10” penned to spine, else near fine in printed red wrappers. Publication information taped to front cover, promotional flyer stapled to verso, with a bit of a rust stain from the staple. Laid-in is a holograph note, “Geoff Wolff / 1,500 words / Deadline: Sept. 1” and a printed slip providing essentially the same information, but spelling out “Geoffrey Wolff.” An uncommon proof. Gaddis’ second novel, winner of the 1976 National Book Award.
  • GALLUP, Dick.
    Bolinas: Smithereens Press (1983). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4to. [52 pp]. Foxing to rear cover and along the page edges, else near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover drawing by Gallup. One of 10 numbered copies SIGNED by Gallup.
  • GANSZ, David C. D.
    Annandale-on-Hudson: Woodbine Press, 1988. First edition, hardcover & signed issue. 32mo. [56 pp]. Fine in full decorated cloth and very near fine dust jacket with a tiny tear to bottom edge of the front cover. One of 50 copies SIGNED by Gansz.
  • GARCIA MARQUEZ, Gabriel.
    NY: Knopf, 1990. First US edition, numbered & signed issue. 285 pp. Fine in full leather with gilt stamping to spine. Fine publisher’s decorated slipcase. Translated from the original Spanish by Edith Grossman. One of 350 numbered copies SIGNED by Garcia Marquez.
  • GARLAND, Peter.
    Santa Fe: Soundings Press, 1991. First edition. 211 pp w/postscripts & footnotes. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. In addition to examinations of regional and indigenous music, Garland writes on Cage, Harrison, Tenney, Nancarrow, and others.
  • GENET, Jean.
    Paris: Paul Morihien (1949). First edition, limited issue. 50 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers with original printed wrap-around band. One of 50 numbered copies on Marais Crève-Coeur paper.
  • GEORGE-MURRAY, Richard.
    (np): (np) [1975]. First edition. Oblong 8vo. [16 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Pages unopened. A less common collection of poems by the prolific poet-publisher.
  • GEORGE, Stefan.
    NY: Pantheon (1943). First US edition. 253 pp. Light bump to one upper corner, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket with a short tear at the base of the front flap fold. Original German poems with facing English translations by Carol North Valhope and Ernst Morwitz. Young 1395*.
  • GIDE, André.
    NY: Knopf, 1944. First US edition. xvii + 172 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with a tiny closed tear to spine. Translated from the original French by Malcolm Cowley. Writings by Gide after June 1940, crafted in such a way that they could be safely printed in newspapers during Occupation.
  • GIDE, André.
    NY: New Directions (1953). First edition. 192 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by George D. Painter.
  • GIFFORD, Barry.
    Berkeley: Black Lizard/Creative Arts, 1980. First edition. 185 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. One of Gifford’s best, one of the least common Black Lizard titles.
  • GILCHRIST, Ellen.
    Fayetteville: Lost Roads, 1979. First edition. 46 pp. Faint erasure to upper corner of front cover, else very near fine in printed wrappers; a trade paperback original. SIGNED by Gilchrist on the title page. Her first book, a collection of poems. Lost Roads 14.
  • GIMLETTE, John.
    London: Hutchinson (2003). First edition. xx + 363 pp w/chronology & list for further reading. Slight lean to spine, else fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Gimlette on the title page. The first of his highly-regarded travel books.
  • GINSBERG, Allen.
    Oakland: Stone Press (1975). First editions. 4 x 6 inch postcard. Very near fine. Prints this poem, reproduced from Ginsberg's holograph. Stone Press Weekly No. 65. TOGETHER WITH the smaller later (1976) 3 1/4 x 5 1/2 inch version, published by the unspeakable visions of the individual. For the pair:
  • GINSBERG, Allen.
    Lincoln: Penmaen Press, 1976. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 45 pp. Very near fine in two-part cloth binding. No dust jacket, as issued. Relief etchings by Jerome Kaplan. One of 300 numbered copies SIGNED by Ginsberg and Eberhart. Morgan A34a2.1a.
  • GINSBERG, Allen.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press [1967]. First edition, second printing. 31 x 16 1/4 inch broadside. Fine. Designed by Wes Wilson. Photograph of Ginsberg by Larry Keenan. Printed on white paper instead of light yellow in a run of 3000 copies, but according to the publisher, many were discarded for being off register. Morgan AA8a.2.
  • GINSBERG, Louis.
    Orono: Northern Lights, 1992. First edition. xxii + 439 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Edited by Michael Fournier. Gathers the three published volumes, the unpublished collection OUR TIMES, assembled shortly before his death, and 37 uncollected poems. His sons Eugene Brooks and Allen Ginsberg contribute appreciations on his life and work.
  • GIOIA, Dana. ed.
    West Chester: Aralia Press, 1994. First edition. 40 pp. Fine in paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 180 (of 210) copies on dampened Johannot paper. Poems by Dick Allen, R.L. Barth, Bruce Bawer, Jack Butler, Tom Disch, Frederick Feirstein, Gioia, Melissa Green, Emily Grosholz, R.S. Gwynn, Rachel Hadas, Paul Lake, Brad Leithauser, Charles Martin, Molly Peacock, Wyatt Prunty, Vikram Seth, Robert B. Shaw, Timothy Steele, Michael B. Stillman, and Frederick Turner.
  • GIOSEFFI, Daniela.
    Brockport: BOA Editions, 1979. First edition, deluxe numbered & signed issue. 68 pp. Fine in marbled paper-covered boards cloth spine that is lightly sunned. No dust jacket, as issued. Foreword by John Logan. One of ten numbered copies SIGNED by Gioseffi and Logan with a full page holograph poem by Gioseffi. New Poets of America Series Vol. 5.
  • GIZZI, Michael.
    Providence: Burning Deck, 1976. First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers and very near fine illustrated dust jacket. Printed in two colors at the Windfall Press for Burning Deck. One of 350 numbered copies.