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Showing 481–512 of 1455 results

  • HOUSEHOLD, Geoffrey.
    London: Michael Joseph (1958). First edition. 238 pp. Page edges lightly toned, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket with a small stain to the top edge of the front flap. Autobiography by the author of ROGUE MALE. While not quite as thrilling as the lives of his protagonists, Household still had his share of experiences.
  • HOUSTON, Penelope. ed.
    London: British Film Institute, 1960-1969/70. 29:2 - 39:1 Forty-two issues. A bit musty, else all near fine or better in stapled wrappers. An unbroken decade-long stretch of this unflagging periodical. Founded in 1932, and still running. Notable for the editorial policy of reviewing “art house” films in addition to those in general release. An important decade for film, as the Hollywood studio system declined as independent and underground film asserted themselves.
  • HOWE, Fanny.
    Berkeley: Tuumba, 1984. First edition. [28 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers with some light edgewear. One of 450 numbered copies. INSCRIBED by Howe on the title page, “For Eileen / from Fanny.” Tuumba 48.
  • HOWES, Barbara.
    NY: Bonacio & Saul/Grove Press, 1954. First edition. 48 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. A sharp copy of Howes' second collection.
  • HOWES, Barbara.
    Pawlet: Banyan Press, 1948. First edition. 40 pp. Fine in full dark blue cloth with printed spine label. Lacks the unprinted waxpaper dust jacket. One of 250 numbered copies on Arches paper. Howes’ first book.
  • HOYEM, Andrew.
    San Francisco: Auerhahn, 1963. First edition. 29 pp. Fine in wrappers and fine integral printed dust jacket. One of 750 copies on Curtis Rag paper. Hoyem's first book, a collection of poems. Auerhahn 22.
  • HUBBARD, Steve.
    Santa Barbara: Christpher’s Books, 1972. First edition. 16mo. 24 pp. Very near fine in printed wrappers. One of 650 copies. Poems “Written while in the custody of the state of California, 1971-2.”
  • HUGHES, Ted.
    London: Rainbow Press (1976). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 16mo. 65 pp. Fine in full blue leather with silver stamping in near fine publisher’s slipcase. Poems with illustrations by the author. One of 200 (of 226) numbered copies SIGNED by Hughes. Sagar & Tabor A48.
  • HUGHES, Ted.
    [North Tawton]: Morrigu Press (1983). First edition. [4 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. Printed on an Albion hand-press in two colors. One of 75 numbered copies on Roma paper SIGNED by Hughes.
  • HUGHES, Ted.
    [North Tawton]: Morrigu Press (1983). First edition. [4 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. One of 75 numbered copies on Roma paper SIGNED by Hughes. A late item from the press of Nicholas Hughes.
  • HUGHES, Ted.
    Crediton: Richard Gilbertson [1970]. First edition, withdrawn issue. [8 pp]. Fine in printed marbled-paper wrappers with rivit binding. Withdrawn due to a transposition of two lines in the poem, and Hughes' disapproval of the wrappers. Although 100 numbered, signed and dated copies were projected, almost all of them - the bibliographers noting only one exception - were left unnumbered, unsigned, and undated, and never officially released. Sagar & Tabor A21a.1.
  • HUGO, Richard.
    NY: Norton (1979). First edition. 109 pp. Light foxing along top edge, else near fine in near fine dust jacket with faint sunning to spine. INSCRIBED by Hugo to a fellow poet, “For Kenneth / now, if you will just / follow instructions / Love, / Dick.”
  • HUMPHREYS, Laud.
    Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company (1970). First edition. xix + 180 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket with three short edge-tears and a small bookseller label on the front flap. Foreword by Lee Rainwater. Sociologist Humphrey’s “imaginative” research method, “passing as a deviant” to observe and interview, was roundly criticized and stands as an example of questionable research ethics.
  • HUMPHRIES, Barry.
    Melbourne: Macmillan (1980). First edition. Small 4to. 96 pp. Very near fine in near fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Humphries on the title page. Color and b&w images of some of Australia’s finest.
  • HUSKEY, Trevor.
    Waukesha: Trevor Huskey (2017). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 40 numbered copies SIGNED by Huskey. Seven poems and an equal number of color and black and white photo works.
  • IBANEZ, Vicente Blasco.
    NY: Dutton (1930). First US edition. 305 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Spanish by Arthur Livingston. A fresh bright copy of this novel that “captured the essence of the whole Spanish Conquest, and the aging half-crazy Columbus has never been more truly and terribly presented.”
  • INGE, William.
    NY: Random House (1962). First edition. xi + 299 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Review slip laid in. Young 1950*.
  • ISHERWOOD, Christopher.
    London: Eyre Methuen (1980). First edition. 338 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Front and rear cover portraits by Don Bachardy. Beginning with his 1939 arrival in the US to Prabhavananda’s death in 1976, Isherwood details their long friendship, and his own spiritual struggles.
  • JABÉS, Edmond.
    Berkeley: Tree, 1973. First edition. 89 pp. Light offsetting to endpapers from flaps, else fine in wrappers and fine printed dust jacket. Introduction by Rosmarie Waldrop, who also translated this volume from the original French.
  • JACCOTTET, Philippe.
    NY: New Directions (1977). First US edition. 60 p. Fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket that is toned at the extrems. Translated from the original French by André Lefevere (prose) and Michael Hamburger (verse). Review slip laid in.
  • JACKSON, Laura (Riding).
    NY: Harper & Row (1972). First US edition. 185 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket that is lightly rubbed. This edition includes Nonce Preface, Outline, Preface for a Second Reading and the section entitled Some After-Speaking: Private Words. A greatly expanded version of the text that was issue 35 of Chelsea.
  • JACOB, Max and Larry Fagin.
    [Brooklyn]: Cuneiform Press (2008). First edition. Single sheet folded twice to make a booklet (7 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches, closed). Fine. Jacob’s poem in French, Fagin’s version in English. SIGNED by Fagin on the rear cover.
  • JACOB, Max.
    Berkeley: Thyrsus Press, 2018. First edition. [46 pp]. Fine in half-cloth and printed paper-covered boards. Translated from the original French by Alastair Johnston. Thirty-three selected poems with 32 original illustrations by Jinny Pearce. Printed letterpress and hand bound. One of 135 numbered copies SIGNED by Johnston and Pearce. New, at publication price:
  • JACOBSON, Dan.
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1977). First edition. 24 pp w/glossary. Near fine in illustrated wrappers that are lightly rubbed. Two short stories, with questions, in “simplified text” for educational purposes. An uncommon appearance by South African novelist Jacobson.
  • JAMMES, Francis.
    Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. 39 pp. Very near fine in printed wrappers with pasted-on cover label. Poems in English translation by Teo Savory, followed by the original French versions.
  • JASCHKE, Gerhard.
    Wien: Das Fröhliche Wohn-Zimmer-Edition (2002). First edition. 16mo. [66 pp]. Near fine in printed wrappers. Dated (Wien, 10,6,2002) and INSCRIBED by Jaschke to Anne and Jackson Mac Low, “für / Anne & Jackson / herzlichst / vom / Gerhard.”
  • JEFFERS, Robinson.
    [Covelo]: Yolla Bolly Press (1983). First edition. Folio. 127 pp w/notes. Fine in cloth-covered boards with leather spine. Near fine publisher’s slipcase. No dust jacket, as issued. Jeffers’ poem illustrated with woodblock prints by Mark Livingston. Afterword by James D. Houston. One of 225 (of 240) numbered copies SIGNED by Livingston and Houston. Press compliments slip laid in.
  • JEFFERS, Robinson.
    Pasadena: Flame Press, 1930. Second edition, first printing. 3 pp. Covers lightly rumpled, else very good plus in sewn wrappers. One of 110 numbered copies printed by Harry Ward Ritchie. The first edition but for 15 copies was destroyed due to typographic errors. Alberts 63. Broomfield A11b.
  • JEFFERS, Robinson.
    San Mateo: Quercus Press, 1940. First edition. 4to. [12 pp]. Fine in printed paper-covered boards. No dust jacket, as issued. Printed by hand at the Quercus Press on the Albion proof press used by William Morris at his Kelmscott Press. One of 250 copies on Kelmscott hand-made paper of which 200 were for sale. Two poems by Jeffers, with an excerpt from Una Jeffers’ English journal. Original publication announcement laid in.
  • JENKINS, Philip.
    Cardiff: Second Aeon Press, 1971. First edition. 20 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Jenkins' second collection, largely of concrete poems. One of 400 copies.
  • JESS.
    Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1970. First edition, publisher’s copy. 4to. [126 pp]. Fine in full leather with gilt stamping to front cover. Fine unprinted clear acetate dust jacket. “Versions” by Jess, fully illustrated with his drawings on almost every page. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” on the colophon page and SIGNED by Jess. Morrow & Cooney 92c (note).
  • JESS.
    Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1971. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4to. xiii + [33 pp]. Fine in full cloth with printed cover and spine labels. Fine clear acetate dust jacket. Introduction by Robert Duncan. One of 250 numbered copies SIGNED by Jess and Duncan. Original illustrated prospectus accompanies. Morrow & Cooney 105a.