Showing 513–544 of 1455 results
$100.00London: Tetrad Press (1973). First edition. Three 4 3/4 x 3 1/4 inch cards in a glassine envelope, which is then housed in a small folder within a large printed cover sheet (12 x 10 inches, closed). All elements fine. One of 100 (of 125) copies.
$35.00NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1974). First edition. xi + 340 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Over 800 illustrations, many in color.
$75.00Urbana: Finial Press (1969). First US edition. [40 pp]. Fine in bright yellow-gold boards with stamped and gilt designs on the front cover. Text illustrated with drawings by Tom Kovacs. One of 171 numbered copies on Shinsetsu paper SIGNED by Johnson and Kovacs. First published in Scotland by Finlay’s Wild Hawthorn Press, "Sports" is a series of found poems "made from Erik Satie’s notes, in French, to the piano pieces SPORTS AND DIVERTISSEMENTS." This is copy 171.
$125.00NY & London: Routledge (2002). First edition. ix + 258 pp w/index. Price sticker/barcode on the rear cover, else fine in full cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Johnson gathers essays on John Cage, Willem de Kooning, Morton Feldman, Jasper Johns, Edgard Varese, Robert Rauschenberg, and others.
$35.00London: Review/Headline (2000). First edition. 213 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Johnston on the title page.
$45.00Gillingham: ARC (1970). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 15 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. One of 25 numbered copies SIGNED by Jones. A collection of nine poems.
$200.00NY: Random House (1977). Uncorrected proof. 176 pp. Spine lightly sunned, else very near fine in printed wrappers with publication information taped to the front cover. Her first collection of stories, following two novels. Promotional flyer laid in.
$350.00Paris: Shakespeare and Company, 1927. First edition. [22 pp]. One by two inch sticker scar to rear cover, else near fine in printed paper-covered boards. Errata slip tipped-in after the colophon. Slocum & Cahoon A24.
$75.00NY: Passenger (2013). First edition. Folio. [180 pp]. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Still sealed in original packaging. Collaborative works featuring Harmony Korine, Sean Lennon, Dan Colen, John Waters, Dash Snow, selections from Tom Farber and Nacio Brown’s RAG THEATER, Yoko Ono, and much else.
$75.00NY: Schocken (1982). First US edition. xi + 130 pp w/notes, chronology, & index. Fine in near fine dust jacket with light wear to base and crown of spine. Translated from the original German by Richard and Clara Winston. Edited by N.N. Glatzer. Letters from 1909 to 1924, illustrated. From the library of David Meltzer, with his annotation to the first leaf.
$45.00Stuttgart: edition hansjög mayer, 1967. First edition. Single large sheet folded four times, as issued (9 1/2 x 6 1/4 inches, closed). Fine. Original Japanese poems with English translations printed on the rear panel.
$250.00[San Francisco: Stolen Paper Editions, 1966]. First edition. [10 pp]. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Conforms to all the true first edition points but a variant issue with the cover printed in brown ink on white stock. The subject of one of the many major American censorship trials of its day.
$25.00Beacon: Untitled, 2007. First edition. 110 pp. Fine in paper-covered boards and fine printed dust jacket. Kaplan’s first full-length collection of poems since 1971. Beautifully printed in Naples, Italy.
$45.00NY: Nadada Editions, 1972. First edition. Square 48mo. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Five photographs by Kaplan with text by Gardien Angelico. One of 550 (of 600 copies). A possible Ruscha homage/parody candidate. OCLC locates 3 copies.
$15.00Barton: Something Else Press, 1973. First trade paperback printing. 186 pp. Very near fine in printed wrappers. Work based on Gertrude Stein's novel THE MAKING OF AMERICANS.
$40.00NY: Sign of the Gun (1966). First edition. 28 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers. Ten page preface by Leon Cyans. Early collection of poems by one of the co-founders of the East Village Other.
$40.00NY: Columbia Review (1964). First edition. 4to. 49 pp. Very near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Poems and prose with illustrations by Marilyn Rivchin. One of 300 numbered copies.
$45.00London: Turret Books (1991). First edition. [40 pp]. Fine in wrappers and very near fine dust jacket. Frontispiece illustration by Paul Emsley. One of 400 (of 500) copies. Her first book, published the same year as THE ADOPTION PAPERS. Turret Booklet New Series No. 7.
$200.00San Francisco: Florence R. Keene, 1927-1930. The first twelve issues of this poetry magazine. The first two issues are near fine in sewn wrappers with a bit of edgewear, the rest fine in stapled wrappers. Contributors include Lawrence Hart, Ina Coolbrith, Arthur Price, Gelett Burgess, Don Blanding, Yone Noguchi, Robert Louis Stevenson, Joaquin Miller, Rosalie Moore, and many others. For the first volume:
$125.00Lisbon: Penumbra Press (1976). First edition. 28 pp. Fine in cloth-covered boards with printed spine label. One of 100 numbered copies on Hosho SIGNED by Keens.
$45.00Aralia Press, 1999. First edition. [8 pp]. Very near fine in sewn wrappers. One of 150 copies on Zerkall paper. A formerly unpublished poem by Kees, with an introduction by Dana Gioia.
$50.00Brownsville: Story Line Press (1990). First edition, limited issue. 246 pp. Fine in paper-covered boards with cloth spine in publisher’s slipcase. Edited and with an introduction by James Reidel. According to the publisher, this issue was limited to 100 copies.
$50.00Cambridge: Pym-Randall Press (1967). First edition, numbered & signed issue. [8 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. One of 100 (of 126) numbered copies SIGNED by Kelly.
$125.00San Francisco: Friends of Photography (1988). First edition. 59 pp. Bump to lower outside corner, else near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Introduction by Jerome Tarshis. Illustrated with forty b&w plates. SIGNED by Kenna on the title page.
$250.00Cleveland: Bits Press (1984). First edition, numbered & signed issue [24 pp]. Fine in patterned paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. One of 33 numbered copies SIGNED by Kennedy. A collection of fourteen poems.
$300.00NY: Ivan Obolensky (1962). First edition, limited issue. 302 pp. Fine in full cloth with lightly sunned spine. Near fine publisher’s slipcase with some smudging to side panels. One of 1000 numbered copies accompanied by six 9 1/4 x 6 1/4 lithographs, one of which is SIGNED by Kent.
$150.00Saint Paul: Graywolf Press (1986). First edition. 85 pp. Small bump and wear along fore-edge, else near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Kenyon on the title page, and additionally dated (November 22, 1986) and INSCRIBED on the half-title page.
$125.00Portland: Yes! Press, 1971. First printing of this third edition. 11 1/2 x 9 inch broadside, printed in black ink on brown paper. Fine. A single poem by Kerouac composed in 1959. Issued free by Yes! Press, No. 13 in a series. Charters A10 (note).
$25.00California: the unspeakable visions of the individual (1978). First edition. 5 x 7 inch illustrated card. Fine. Three short poems by Kerouac printed atop a photographic background.
$45.00London: Quercus (2010). First edition. 468 pp. Very slight lean to spine, else fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Kerr on the title page. “A Bernie Gunther Thriller.”
$125.00Cleveland: Renegade Press (1964). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in side-stapled wrappers. One of 100 copies. A collection of nine poems, printed letterpress by d.a. levy. Taylor & Horvath P-26.
$150.00Cambridge & London: Harvard University Press, 1987. First edition. 452 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Russian by Paul Schmidt. Edited by Charlotte Douglas. One hundred and seventeen letters by the Russian Futurist appear here in English translation for the first time. Illustrated.