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Showing 993–1024 of 1455 results

  • RUMAKER, Michael.
    Bolinas: Grey Fox Press (1979). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 81 pp. Fine in full blue cloth with gold lettering to spine. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 50 numbered copies SIGNED by Rumaker. Young 3387*.
  • RUMAKER, Michael.
    Rocky Mount: North Carolina Wesleyan College Press (1991). Second edition, numbered & signed issue. xi + 286 pp. Very near fine in full green cloth with copper lettering to spine and front panel. No dust jacket, as issued. Design by Jonathan Greene. Introduction by Russell Banks, afterword by Robert Creeley. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Rumaker. Originally published by Grove Press in 1966.
    NY: Christine Burgin (2014). First editions. 112 + 128 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket, and fine in illustrated wrappers, respectively. DRAWINGS includes an essay by Leslie Jones, AND WRITING, an introduction by Bill Berkson. For the pair:
  • RUSCHA, Ed.
    [Los Angeles]: Ed Ruscha, 1972. First edition. [64 pp]. Tiny smudge to fore-edge, faint discoloration along spine. In all, very near fine in printed wrappers. Fifteen color images of succulents, followed by a number of blank pages.
  • RUSCHA, Ed.
    Beverly Hills & NY: Gagosian Gallery (1998). First edition. [18 + 9 pp]. Fine in debossed boards. No dust jacket, as issued. Introductory essay by Dave Hickey. An elaborately-designed exhibition catalogue, reproducing 20 paintings and drawings.
  • RUSCHA, Ed.
    [Los Angeles]: Ed Ruscha, 1967. First edition. [44 pp]. Near fine in printed wrappers with light sunning to spine. Droplet mark to front cover, else near fine in unprinted glassine dust jacket with a few short tears, tanning, and wrinkles along top edge. Aerial photographs by Art Alanis.
  • RUSCHA, Edward with Mason Williams and Patrick Blackwell.
    Los Angeles: Mason Williams and Edward Ruscha (1971). Third edition. [48 pp]. Faint dampstains inside front cover and to first blank leaf, else near fine in spiral-bound wrappers. A photo-documentary, captioned, of the destruction of a Royal Typewriter via being thrown from the window of a Buick at 90 mph.
  • RUSHDIE, Salman.
    (np): Granta (1990). First US edition. 22 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of two essays by Rushdie, published by Granta shortly after the fatwah against him was issued.
  • RYAN, Kay.
    NY: Grove Press (2015). First edition. 64 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Ryan. Her first post-Pulitzer collection.
  • SACHS, Tom.
    Santa Fe: SITE Santa Fe (1999). First edition. [34 pp]. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers and very near fine printed semi-opaque dust jacket with a small pale stain on the front cover. Essay by David Clemmer. Many color images and quotations from Sachs.
  • SACHS, Tom.
    Beverly Hills: Gagosian Gallery, 2007. First edition. 4to. 278 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Exhaustive documentation of Sachs’ own space program. Hundreds of photographs, an essay by Arthur C. Danto, a conversation with Buzz Aldrin, Sachs, and Louise Neri, and more.
  • SACKS, Oliver.
    NY: Summit (1984). First edition. 222 pp. Nibbling to crown, else near fine in near fine dust jacket with corresponding wear and light sunning to spine. Dated (2/86) and INSCRIBED by Sacks.
  • SACKS, Oliver. M.D.
    Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California (1985). First printing of this expanded and updated edition. xx + 270 pp w/index. Nibble to crown of spine, else near fine in like dust jacket with corresponding loss and light sunning to the yellow spine lettering. Dated (2/86) and INSCRIBED by Sacks.
  • SAGAN, Francoise.
    Godalming: Black Sheep Books (1979). First UK edition. 153 pp w/bibliography & notes. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by David Macey.
    Boston: Little, Brown [1963]. First edition, third issue. 248 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with two small patches of rubbing to the spine (but no fade). The third issue, with the dedication page appearing after the copyright page, and “Seymore” for “Seymour” on page 173.
  • SALTER, James.
    Washington DC: Counterpoint, 2000. Uncorrected proof. 206 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Salter's complete rewrite of his second book, THE ARM OF FLESH.
  • SALTER, James.
    Washington DC: Counterpoint (1997). First edition. 233 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Salter contributes a new preface to his 1956 novel. Dated (7/24/97) and SIGNED by Salter on the title page.
  • SANCHEZ, Carol Lee.
    [San Francisco]: Taurean Horn Press (1977). First edition. 90 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Cover art by Sanchez, design by George Mattingly. One of 750 copies. Dated (10/77) and INSCRIBED by Sanchez to Lucy and George Mattingly.
  • SANDERS, Edward.
    Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 1993. First edition, publisher’s copy. 194 pp. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” on the colophon page and SIGNED by Sanders. Laid-in to this copy are three short ALSs from Sanders to John and Barbara Martin relating to his pleasure with, and the reception of, this book.
  • SANDY, Stephen.
    Cambridge: (np) 1962. First edition. 8 pp. Near fine in sewn wrappers. Five poems, printed at the Dolmen Press. Sandy’s first book.
  • SANTAMARIA, Alberto.
    Lloreda de Cayón: Carmichael Alonso, 2002. First edition. Oblong 8vo. 33 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Twelve poems about the famous American outlaw duo. One of 120 numbered copies. Text in Spanish.
    Berkeley & Brookston: Arif Press/Officina Chartaria Twinrocker 1981. First edition. Folio. [18 pp]. Fine in paper-covered boards with cloth spine. Hand-colored frontis by Cheryl Miller. One of 100 copies. Text entirely in Greek and Latin. Note on the text by Guy Davenport accompanies, as part of the original 8 pp prospectus. Six newly identified fragments to be added to the 1955 Oxford University Press edition.
  • SARTON, May.
    NY: Norton (1965). First edition. 220 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Not well received upon publication, Sarton’s ninth novel was later embraced as a classic.
  • SCARROTT, Michael pseudonym for A.S.T. Fisher.
    London: Fortune Press (1955). First edition. 175 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with shallow chipping to base and crown of spine, and wear to tips of flap folds. Illustrations by B.H. Surie. Young 3443*.
  • SCHLESINGER, Kyle. ed.
    Cuneiform Press (2011). First edition. Twelve 4 1/2 x 14 inch crack-and-peel bumper stickers, housed in a box with printed labels. All elements fine. Works by David Abel, Bill Berkson, Johanna Drucker, Craig Dworkin, Michael Gizzi, Michael Gottlieb, Ted Greenwald, Dorothea Lasky, Hoa Nguyen, Tom Raworth, Kit Robinson, and Carolee Schneemann. New, at publication price:
  • SCHMIDT, Wolfgang.
    [Stuttgart]: Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 1967. First edition. Single large sheet folded four times, as issued (9 1/2 x 6 1/4 inches, closed). Fine. Images of faces printed in a partial checkerboard fashion, some in black ink, others blind.
  • SCHÖNHERR, Klaus. ed.
    Zürich: Klaus Schönherr (1969). First edition. [8 pp]. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers. An uncommon issue of a scarce avant-garde film magazine. While there is a contents page and list of contributors (Alfredo Leonardi, Wilhelm Hein, Raj Marbres, Dieter Meier, Thomas Alva, Jonas Mekas) and articles titles, the internal text is largely “blah blah blah” typed over and over again, occasionally interrupted by a few German or English phrases.
  • SCHUYLER, James.
    NY: Tibor de Nagy Editions, 1966. First edition. 27 pp. Light toning to extrems, small scuff to rear cover, else very good plus in illustrated wrappers. One of 300 copies. Inked ownership signature of poet Bill Berkson, who had an early title in the Tibor de Nagy Editions series.
  • SEBOLD, Alice.
    NY: Scribner (1999). First edition. 254 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Sebold on the title page. Her first book.
  • SEE, Carolyn.
    NY: David McKay (1974). First edition. 234 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket. See’s second book, and her first non-fiction title.
  • SENAUKE, Alan.
    NY: Columbia Review Press, 1968. First edition. 4to. 24 pp. A few pale spots of foxing, else very near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover art by Brett Wilkie. One of 450 numbered copies. The seventh in this series.
  • SENNETT, Ted.
    New Rochelle: Arlington House (1973). First edition. 368 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket with two pale blue bands of color near top and bottom edges due to offsetting from an earlier jacket "protector." Review slip laid in.