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Showing 1377–1408 of 1455 results

  • [PHOTOGRAPHY]. Jacoy, Jim.
    [Oakland]: TDW Books (2017). First edition. 4to. [84 pp]. Fine in full decorated cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Color photographs, 1977-1980 in San Francisco, most of folks in and around the Mabuhay Gardens punk scene. Though not called for in this issue, SIGNED by Jacoy. New, at publication price:
  • [PICABIA]. Borràs, Maria Lluïsa.
    London: Thames & Hudson (1985). First UK edition. 4to. 549 pp w/bibliography. Very near fine in like dust jacket. Illustrated with 1153 images, 226 of which are in color.
  • [PITTS, J. Martin]. McDowall, Nicholas. ed.
    Llandogo: Old Stile Press (2002). First edition. [84 pp]. Fine in full orange cloth with gold stamping to spine and front cover. Fine printed paper vellum dust jacket. Introduction by Chris Newett. Pitts’ linocuts, printed in several colors, paired with texts. One of 150 numbered copies on Somerset Book paper SIGNED by Newitt and McDowall.
  • [PLANTIN PRESS]. Marks, Lillian.
    Los Angeles: Plantin Press, 1980. First edition. xxi +194 pp. Fine in marbled paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Very near fine publisher’s slipcase. One of 350 numbered copies SIGNED by Lillian Marks.
  • [POCKET POETS]. Heneghan, Donald H.
    NY: Groiler Club, 2005. First edition. 47 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Introduction by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Catalogue for this exhibition of items from the Heneghan collection, including the first 56 pocket poets volumes.
    Austin: Cold Mountain Press (1974). First edition. Ten 5 x 6 1/2 inch poemcards, all fine, housed in a folded broadside presenting a section from THE ENDLESS SHORT STORY by Ron Sukenick. Occasional illustrations by Rochelle Holt, Gretchen Reed, and the “old fisherman.” Work by Gregory Orr, Frances Thronson, Ryan Petty, Joseph Bruchac, Kabir translated by Robert Bly, Diane Wakoski, Allen Ginsberg, Wendell Berry, Michael Delp, and Douglas Blazek.
    Austin: Cold Mountain Press (1973). First edition. Ten 6 1/2 x 5 inch letterpress poemcards, all fine, housed in a folded broadside presenting Robert Bly’s translation of Neruda’s poem “Ode to Some Yellow Flowers.” Work by James Tipton, William Stafford, Peter Wild, Linda Pastan, Donald Hall, Ray Lindquist, John Haines, Thomas F. Sexton, Denise Levertov, and Terry Stokes.
    Portland: Portland Art Museum (1959). First editions. Eight flyers, each folded three times vertically (10 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches, closed). All near fine or better with a bit of discoloration to the upper corner of the Kizer volume, and some toning to Stafford. The eight poets are John Haislip, Carol Hall, Kenneth O. Hanson, Robert Huff, Richard Hugo, Carolyn Kizer, William Stafford, and David Wagoner, each contributing a selection of poems with a cover image by a visual artist in the show, “Paitings and Sculptures of the Pacific Northwest.” For the collection:
    Louisville: American Voice, 1989. First edition. [64 pp]. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with sewn binding. One of 50 numbered copies (the entire hardcover edition) on Iyo paper. A poem each by Peggy Steele, Denise Levertov, Sandra McPherson, Ruth Whitman, Gwen Head, Jo Carson, Jane Wilson Kaufman, Ann Kilkelly, Catherine Sutton, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, and George Ella Lyon.
    Chengdu: Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House, 1993. First edition. 178 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Chinese translations by Ziqing Zhang and Yunte Huang, followed by English originals by Charles Bernstein, Hank Lazer, and James Sherry.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Bradbury, O.G. ed.
    London: Graphix Press/Ealing School of Art (1971). First edition. [56 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. One of 100 numbered copies on Glastonbury Antique Laid paper, designed by Christopher Belson and Christopher Wellington, and printed letterpress. The ten poets are W.H. Auden, Charles Causley, Laurence Durrell, Ted Hughes, Ted Jones, Christopher Logue, W.S. Merwin, Louis Simpson, J. Wain, and Eric W. White.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Guenther, Charles . trans.
    San Francisco: Inferno Press [1961]. First edition. [40 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Translations of poems by Betocchi, Carrieri, De Libero, Fassolo, Fiorentino, Parranchi, Fisi, Sharbaro, Solmi, Valeri, and Quasimodo. The work of each poet is preceded by a short biography. Inferno Press Editions #32.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Luckyj, S.N. ed.
    Quixote, 1969. Spring. 83 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Edited by Luckyk, with his introduction. Translations by Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak and Danylo S. Struck. Original Ukranian poems with facing English Translations. Ivan Drach, Vitaliy Korotych, Lina Kostenko, and Vasyl Symonenko presented.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Nangle, Julian. ed.
    [Dorcheser]: Words Press, 2015. First edition. Twelve 8 1/4 x 2 1/4 inch bookmarks. Fine. A bookmark per poet, most printed in two colors. New poems by Brian Patten, Wendy Cope, Jeremy Reed, Iain Sinclair, Roger McHough, Ruth Fainlight, A.F. Harrold, Jenny Joseph, David Harsent, Lachlan Mackinnon, Michael Horowitz, and Andrew Motion.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Roberts, Bill. ed.
    Dover: Bottle of Smoke Press (2005). First edition, lettered & signed issue. Twenty 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch broadsides laid into a printed folder. Fine. First appearance of Bukowski's poem, "Coffee and Babies." Also work by Henry Denander, S. A. Griffin, Richard Krech, Gerald Locklin, and others. One of 26 lettered sets SIGNED by all contributors, excepting Bukowski.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Rosener, Ann. ed.
    Woodside: Occasional Works, 1995. First edition. 54 pp. Fine in printed paper-covered boards and printed spine label. One of 100 numbered copies on Rives paper. Poems on Sunday by Gioia, Young, Bishop, Auden, Riding, Stevens, Larkin, Berryman, Eliot, Bowers, Clampitt, Levertov, Walcott, Snyder, Rich, Olds, Graves and many others. A wonderful collection, both in form and content. Original prospectus accompanies.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Stefanile, Felix. trans.
    New Rochelle: Elizabeth Press (1980). First edition. 58 pp. Fine in printed paper-covered boards. Fine publisher’s cardstock slipcase. One of 100 copies on Magnani rag paper. Poems translated from the original Italian by Stefanile, with his introduction. Wrok by Altomare, Buzzi, Cavacchioli, D’Alba, Folgore, Govoni, Lucini, Manzella-Frontini, Marinetti, Palazzeschi, and Soffici.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Storhaug, Glenn. ed.
    Madley: Five Seasons Press, 1981. First edition. Small 4to. 53 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Poems by Adcock, Halsey, Heaney, B.S. Johnson, Merchant, Mottram, Turnbull, and others. Illustrations by Furnival, Halsey, Nuttall, and more.
  • [POETRY ANTHOLOGY]. Wadsworth, Clifford. et al, eds.
    Northampton: Northampton Literature Group (1971). First edition. 4to. 22 pp. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover art by Nina Carroll. One of 100 numbered copies. Poems by competition winners and participants, together with the work of invited poets.
  • [POETRY BROADSIDES]. Schelling, Andrew. ed.
    Boulder: Kavyayantra Press (2010). First edition. Thirteen 15 x 9 inch broadsides, most illustrated, each printed in several colors. Half-clamshell case with inset printed label. All elements fine. One of 81 numbered copies, only 30 of which were offered for sale. Reed Bye, Jack Collom, Robert Creeley, Edward Dorn, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Barbara Guest, Lyn Hijinian, Bhanu Kapil, Harryette Mullen, Shin YuPai, Andrew Schelling, Anne Waldman, and Philip Whalen have each SIGNED their work.
  • [POUND, Ezra].
    Norfolk: New Directions [1956]. First edition, Cadmus issue. 32mo. [12 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. Cover portrait of Pound by [Sheri] Martinelli. Contributions by Auden, cummings, Eliot, Hemingway, Macleish, Martins, Marianne Moore, Norman H. Pearson, Spender, Edith Sitwell. Concludes with a list of Pound titles then currently in print. On the rear cover is printed “The Cadmus Bookshop of Georgetown / 1246 Wisconsin, NW / Washington, DC / Specializing in Pound.”
  • [POUND, Ezra]. Brooke-Rose, Christine.
    London: Faber and Faber (1971). First edition. x + 297 pp w/indexes. Fine in fine dust jacket. A deep dive into Pound’s Cantos with a focus on the development of Pound’s verse between A LUME SPENTO and the beginning of THE CANTOS.
  • [POWYS, John Cowper]. Hanley, James.
    Loughton: K.A. Ward (1969). First edition. 6 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Hanley. An essay, illustrated with two photographs. Gibbs A46a.
  • [PRINCE, Richard]. George, Herbert. ed.
    NY: Herbert George (1976). Fall. 91 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Presents Prince’s “Eleven Conversations” alongside work by Barbara Kruger, Robert Morris, Carl Andre, and many others. According to all bibliographies I’ve encountered, Prince’s first periodical appearance.
  • [PRINCE, Richard]. Lawson, Thomas. ed.
    NY: REAL LIFE Magazine (1980). Summer. 31 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Contributions by Lawson, Ross Skoggard, Joseph Bishop, Jennifer Bolande, Don MacPherson and Paul Taylor, Jim Bradley, Laurie Simmons, Barbara Kruger, Richard Baim, and Richard Prince’s prose work, “Menthol Pictures.”
    West Glover: Printed editions [1979]. First edition. 19 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Lists of works for sale and brief biographies of Cage, Corner, Hendricks, Higgins, Knowles, Mac Low, and Pauline Oliveros.
  • [PUDOVKIN, Vsevolod]. Sargeant, Amy.
    London & NY: I.B. Tauris (2000). First edition. xxxvii + 207 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine dust jacket.
  • [RED ARMY FACTION]. Grossman, A.
    NY: (np) [c 1970s-80s]. First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Published originally as a pirate edition of Le Monde diplomatique in 1977. “The RAF was beaten because it fought on the state’s own terms.”
  • [REXROTH, Kenneth]. Knabb, Ken.
    Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets. (1990). First edition. 88 pp w/notes, bibliographical remarks, & index. Fine in printed wrappers; a trade paperback original. The political significance of Rexroth by the well-known translator of Situational International texts.
  • [ROLFE, Frederick]. Weeks, Donald.
    Edinburgh: Tragara Press (1982). First edition. 19 pp. Near fine in wrappers. One of 110 copies.
  • [ROLFE, Frederick]. Weeks, Donald.
    Edinburgh: Tragara Press (1983). First edition. 19 pp. Very near fine in wrappers. One of 110 numbered copies. The tenth in a series of of monographs relating to the life of Frederick William Rolfe. Weeks went on to publish a biography of Rolfe, CORVO: SAINT OR MADMAN? This monograph concentrates on the life of one of Rolfe's brothers, Captain Percy H. Rolfe of the British Merchant Service.
  • [ROSSO, Medardo].
    Düsseldorf: Richater Verlag (2004). First edition. Small 4to. 229 pp w/biography, exhibition list, & bibliography. Very near fine in like dust jacket. Color reproductions of Rosso’s sculptures and drawings.