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Showing 257–288 of 1455 results

  • DEPEW, Wally.
    Sacramento: Runcible Spoon (1970). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. A strictly visual work, #1 in the Runcible Spoon CRETIN concrete poetry series.
  • DERRIDA, Jacques.
    Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1981). First US edition. vii + 114 pp w/notes. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Alan Bass, with his notes. Three lengthy interviews with Derrida.
  • DIGBY, Joan.
    NY: Red Ozier, 1982. First edition. [30 pp]. Fine in plain wrappers and near fine printed dust jacket. Illustrations by John Digby. One of 130 numbered copies on Franfurt Cream paper SIGNED by Joan and John Digby. Poems, printed in two colors. Peich 33.
  • DIGBY, John.
    Hounslow: Caligula Books (1975). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. Caligula Books No. 5.
  • DOISNEAU, Robert.
    Lausanne: Éditions Clairfontaine (1955). First edition. Small 4to. [34 pp]. Fine in plain cardstock covers and very near fine illustrated dust jacket with just a touch of rubbing. Photographs of cats, birds, and rabbits combined with verse and illustrations. Design by Albert Plécy.
  • DOLINER, Roy.
    NY: Scribner’s (1960). First edition. 186 pp. Fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket. A novel of the New York theater world, Broadway, and hipster societies. Doliner’s first book. Young 1028.
  • DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”
    Redding Ridge: Black Swan Books (1983). First printing of this edition (originally published in 1960). 211 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. H.D.’s third published novel, with an afterword by John Walsh, Perdita Schaffner’s essay “A Profound Animal,” and excerpts from H.D.’s “Notes on Recent Writing.” Bohn A26a.iv.
  • DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”
    [New Westbury: Frontier Press] 1971. First printing of this unauthorized edition. [62 pp]. Fine in wrappers with printed paper spine label. 1600 copies printed. Boughn A28.
  • DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”.
    Redding Ridge: Black Swan Press (1985). First printing of this revised edition. 156 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Frontis photograph of H.D. by Man Ray. Afterword by John Walsh. This edition incorporates changes H.D. made in 1955 to the 1927 first edition. Boughn A9b.
  • DORN, Edward.
    Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 1991. First edition, publisher’s copy. 224 pp. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Originally published in 1971, Dorn here adds a new preface. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” on the colophon page and SIGNED by Dorn.
  • DORN, Edward.
    West Newbury: Frontier Press, 1972. First edition. 4to. [40 pp]. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. “The Winterbook prologue to the great Book III Kornerstone.”
  • DORN, Edward.
    (np): Frontier Press, 1970. First edition. 16mo. [32 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Designed and printed by Graham Mackintosh. “This volume is to honor the Scald.”
  • DOWDEN, George.
    Cardiff: Second Aeon (1969). First edition. 12 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. SIGNED by Dowden on the title page. Copyright page amended, and with seven corrections to the text in Dowden's hand.
  • DOWDEN, George.
    NY: Smyrna Press (1969). First edition. [48 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. A long poem, dedicated to Leary, Ginsberg, Dylan, Sanders, and McClure.
  • DRACHLER, Rose.
    Berkeley: Tree Books, 1974. First edition. 45 pp. Fine in wrappers and fine printed dust jacket. Poems. Her first book, one of two published by David Meltzer.
  • DRUCKER, Joanna.
    [Berkeley]: Chased Press, 1977. First edition. Long accordion fold sheet mounted to 6 1/4 inch square cardstock front and rear covers. String enclosure is tearing through the cover sticker a bit, otherwise all elements fine.
  • DUBERMAN, Martin.
    Boston: Little, Brown (1977). First edition. 142 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket with a small corner crease to the rear flap. A dramatic meditation on Kerouac’s life. Young 1086.
  • DUBIE, Norman.
    Lisbon: Penumbra Press (1975). First edition. 25 pp. Very near fine in full decorated cloth with printed spine label. No dust jacket, as issued. Poems. One of 250 numbered copies on Frankfort Creme paper SIGNED by Dubie.
  • DUCHAMP, Marcel.
    Pasadena: Pasadena Art Museum, 1963. First edition. 4to. [56 pp]. Near fine in wrappers and very good printed clear acetate dust jacket that has four thumb-nail sized chips (none of which affect the printing on the front panel). Also known by the cover text, “by or of Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Sélavy.” Designed by Duchamp.
  • DUFRESNE, John.
    Candia: LeBow, 1994. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4 pp. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed cover label. Frontis illustration by Dina Knapp. One of 100 (of 126) numbered copies SIGNED by Dufresne.
  • DUNCAN, Robert and Jess.
    Berkeley: Sand Dollar, 1972. Second edition, first hardcover printing. 73 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Cover art and internal illustrations throughout by Jess. One of 600 copies. Sand Dollar/8. Bertholf A8d. Young 1099*.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    Buffalo: Poetry/Rare Books Collection (1997). First edition. 47 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Published jointly with Rodent Press and Erudite Fangs Editions. Interview by Anne Waldman, John Oughton, and Rob Fromme. Prints Duncan's poems, “A Letter” and “Sons of the Bard, Orpheus,” both previously unpublished.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    San Francisco: Joan and Bill Roth (1980). First edition. Folding card (5 x 7 inches, closed), printed in two colors. Fine. SIGNED by Duncan at the conclusion of his poem on the front cover, with the addition of his holograph limitation statement on the verso, “No. 32 of 70 copies presented to the poet.” Bertholf A54.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    San Francisco: White Rabbit Press (1958). First edition. 14 pp. Light toning to extrems, else near fine in sewn wrappers. One of 278 (of 300) copies. Cast for the original production included Jack Spicer, Larry Jordan, Michael McClure, Ida Hodes, Helen Adam, Jess, and others. Bertholf A7b.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    Storrs: Special Collections Department of the Wilbur Cross Library, The University of Connecticut. 1972. First edition. Single sheet folded once (10 x 7 inches, closed). Fine. One of 488 (of 500) copies issued to commemorate Duncan's reading at the Wallace Stevens Memorial Program. Prints “Structure of Rime XXVIII.” Bertholf A42.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    [San Francisco]: The Tenth Muse (1969). Second edition. [20 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. This is an expanded version of the extremely limited first edition published by Poet's Press, here including two additional sections and an introduction by Duncan. Bertholf A33b.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    [Berkeley]: Maya Quarto Eight (1970). First edition, numbered & signed issue. [12 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed paper cover label. One of 50 numbered copies on Tovil paper. SIGNED by Duncan. Printed by Clifford Burke. Maya Quarto Eight. Bertholf A34b.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    Brooklyn: Jordan Davies (1979). First edition. 12mo. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed paper label. One of 200 numbered copies on Fabriano SIGNED by Duncan. Erratum slip present. Bertholf A53.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    [Madison]: Perishable Press (1966). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in full cloth-covered boards with gilt lettering to the front panel. One of 50 (of 70) copies on paper made by hand from linen and cotton rags. Though not called for, INITIALED by Duncan on the title page. A Perishable highspot. Bertholf A21a. Hamady 6.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    La Jolla: Friends of the UCSD Library, 1981. First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. Printed letterpress on Mohawk Superfine by Patrick Reagh. Issued as a keepsake for Friends of the Library. Though not called for in this issue, SIGNED by Duncan. Accompanied a printed card with notes on the publication by Michael Davidson. Bertholf A55a.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    La Jolla: Friends of the UCSD Library, 1981. First edition, numbered & signed issue. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. Printed letterpress on Mohawk Superfine paper by Patrick Reagh. Issued as a keepsake for Friends of the library. One of 100 numbered copies SIGNED by Duncan with a hand-colored title page. Bertholf A55b.
  • DUNCAN, Robert.
    NY: House of Books, 1968. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 78 pp. Fine in full cloth and very near fine unprinted glassine dust jacket. One of 300 numbered copies SIGNED by Duncan. Sixteenth volume in the House of Books Crown Octavo Series. Bertholf A26.