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Showing 1–32 of 24004 results

  • Placeholder
    London: Freedom Press (1961). December. [32 pp]. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    London: Freedom Press (1965). Volume 5, Number 11 (November). [32 pp]. Faint library stamp to front cover, else very good plus in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    Eindhoven: Van Abbemuseum (1980). First edition. 414 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers with a corner crease to the front cover. One of 500 copies. Errata slip laid in. Texts largely in English, with a few in Dutch. 133 illustrations.
  • Placeholder
    Oakland: Oakland Museum of California (1998). First edition. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Exhibition catalogue. Illustrated with 6 internal and two cover full-color reproductions.
  • Placeholder
    Ventura: Art/life Limited Editions (1981-2001). Volume 21, Number 11. Unpaginated. Fine in snap-bound wrappers. 21st anniversary issue. "The Original Limited Edition Monthly."
  • Placeholder
    San Francisco: Galley Sail Publications, 1958. Volume 1, Number 1 (Winter). 20 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. The first issue of this long-running publication, printing poems by Helen Adam, James Broughton, Thom Gunn, James Schevill, and others.
  • Placeholder
    Milwaukee: Morgan Press (1969). First edition. [12 pp]. Touch of foxing to fore-edge, else near fine in stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    Northfield: Carlton College, 1961. NF in wraps as issued. First Edition. Contributions by Richard Wilbur, Langston Hughes, Hayden Carruth and others.
  • Placeholder
    (np): Nanjing Museum (1979). Unpaginated. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with a tear to base of spine in good only cardboard slipcase. Fully color-illustrated.
  • Placeholder
    Fullerton: Muckenthaler Cultural Center (1991). First edition. 55 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Essay by John Natsoulas. Illustrated with 32 photographs.
  • Placeholder
    Brooklyn: Ugly Duckling Presse (2007). [56 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Contributions by Evan Willner, Lynn Xu, Ann Lauterbach, Matthew Gavin, George Kalamaras, and Matthew Rohrer.
  • Placeholder
    Westport: Greenwood Reprint Corporation (1971). First printing of this edition (originally published 1933-1941 by the Limited Editions Club). Four volumes. 4to. All fine in decorated boards; no dust jackets, as issued. For the set:
  • Placeholder
    Cottage Grove: Velvet Light Trap (1976). 56 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. "Sex and Violence" issue, featuring an interview with Erica Gavin and Kenneth Moskowitz on A Clockwork Orange.
  • Placeholder
    “Y” pseudonym for Carl Yaeger.
    London: Paul Elek (1975). First edition. 176 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Preface by S. Jacobson. Young 4250*.
  • Placeholder
    A.D. 2200.
    Paris & Boston: Phantom Court Press, 1972. First edition. [52 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 500 copies.
  • Placeholder
    A.D. 2200.
    Paris & Boston: Phantom Court Press (1972). First edition. [52 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. Laid in is a tls (dated 4:I:73) from A.D. to Harold Norse answering Norse's questions for the contributor notes to his magazine Bastard Angel. A.D. also adds a few photocopied poems from his forthcoming collection.
  • Placeholder
    A.D. 2200.
    Paris & Boston: Phantom Court Press (1972). First edition. [52 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. INSCRIBED by A.D., "to Len - / who found out long / ago it was a do-it-yourself / cosmos - / A.D." Laid in also is a long tls from A.D.
  • Placeholder
    AARON, James.
    NY: Arbor House (1985). First edition. 136 pp. Light overall toning, else very near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    ABBE, George.
    Peterborough: Noone House (1970). First edition. 96 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket that is lightly rubbed. INSCRIBED by Abbe (taking up the whole front free endpaper). Laid-in is a 1982 als detailing personal troubles to the same recipient.
  • Placeholder
    ABBEY, Edward.
    Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1981. First edition. 159 pp. Very good in illustrated wrappers with a few light stains. SIGNED by Abbey on the first leaf.
  • Placeholder
    ABBEY, Edward.
    NY: McGraw-Hill (1968). First edition. 269 pp. Some faint foxing along top edge, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket with some light wear along the bottom edge and base of spine.
  • Placeholder
    ABBEY, Edward.
    NY: Dutton (1984). First edition. xv + 383 pp. Very near fine in near fine dust jacket with two small creases along the bottom edge and sunned spine lettering.
  • Placeholder
    ABBEY, Edward.
    Philadelphia & NY: Lippincott (1975). Advance reading copy. 352 pp. Very good only in printed yellow wrappers with tanning to spine and soiling to bottom edge.
  • Placeholder
    ABBEY, Lloyd and Gail Fox.
    (np): Oberon Press (1973). First edition. [62 pp]. Near fine in near fine dust jacket that is lightly rubbed. Two poetry collections, one after the other. Book designed and printed at the Coach House Press.
  • Placeholder
    ABBEY, Lloyd.
    (np): Oberon (1979). First edition. 80 pp. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with a price sticker on the front flap.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Franklin.
    [Atlanta: Franklin Abbott, 1982]. First edition. [20 pp]. Very good plus in stapled wrappers with two small spots on the front cover and light soiling to rear. An uncommon collection. Young 2.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Kathleen.
    London: Enitharmon Press, 1973. First edition. 45 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket that is lightly sunned in places. One of 380 (of 400) copies. Abbott's second book of poems.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Kathleen.
    London: Enitharmon Press, 1970. First edition. 20 pp. Fine in stiff wrappers and integral printed dust jacket. Introductory note by Anne Ridler. One of 150 numbered copies SIGNED by Abbott. Her first book. Halliwell 15.
  • ABBOTT, Kathleen.
    London: Enitharmon Press, 1970. First edition. 20 pp. Fine in full green cloth with gilt stamping to spine. One of 50 numbered copies “for the use of the author, the publisher, and the Revd. Hugh Sargent” SIGNED by Abbott. Halliwell 15a.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    Calais: Z Press, 1975. First edition. [40 pp]. Uneven fading to rear cover, else near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 474 numbered copies. Though not called for, SIGNED by Abbott at the colophon. Photos and poems about cars Abbott has known.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    Berkeley: Blue Wind Press, 1977. First edition. 91 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. SIGNED by Abbott on title page.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    Berkeley: Blue Wind Press, 1977. First edition, lettered & signed issue. 91 pp. Fine in wrappers. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Abbott.