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Showing 4353–4384 of 24065 results

  • Placeholder
    DALY, Lew.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1990). First trade edition. [32 pp]. Small corner crease to rear cover, else very near fine in sewn wrappers. Warmly INSCRIBED By Daly on the title page. One of 450 (of 500) copies.
  • Placeholder
    DALY, Padraig J.
    Dublin: Daedalus Press (1993). First trade paperback printing. 79 pp. Top edge foxed, else near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DAM, Karin Van.
    Utrecht: Karin Van Dam, 1999. First edition. [36 pp]. Fine in decorated boards. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • Placeholder
    DAMERON, Chip.
    San Antonio: Wings Press, 2005. First edition. x + 83 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DAMON, Maria.
    Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press (1993). First edition. xxi + 305 pp w/notes, bibliography, & index. Fine in full cloth with gilt lettering to spine and front panel. No dust jacket. American Culture 7.
  • Placeholder
    DAMON, S. Foster.
    Providence: Hellcoal Press (1969). First edition. [12 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 300 copies. Hellcoal Pamphlet Series Volume One, No. 6.
  • Placeholder
    DANA, Robert with Debora Greger and George O’Connell.
    Lisbon: Penumbra (1977). First edition. [18 pp]. Diagonal bend across the lower portion, else near fine in sewn wrappers and integral dust jacket. One of 125 numbered copies on Nideggen paper of which 65 were for public sale. A poem each from Robert Dana, Debora Greger, and George O'Connell, with a paper collage made from offcuts opposite the title page.
  • Placeholder
    DANA, Robert.
    Iowa City: Windhover Press, 1987. First edition. 47 pp. Fine in full cloth with printed spine label. Woodcut illustration by Roxanne Sexauer. One of 200 copies on Rives Light paper. Berger 90.
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    Tallahassee, FL:Anhinga Press, 1996. First edition. Fine in wraps. First collection of Dana’s beach poems, blurbs by William Matthews and Donald Justice.
  • Placeholder
    Athens, OH:Ohio University Press, 1980. First edition. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DANA, Robert.
    Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1972. . First edition. 8vo. Cloth. A review copy with slip laid in. Fine in a very good. rubbed jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DANAHER, Mary A.
    South Brunswick & NY: A.S. Barnes/Thomas Yoseloff (1978). First US edition. 183 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket that is just a little rubbed. US review slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DANBY, Mary. ed.
    London: Octopus Books (1985). First edition. 796 pp. Faint foxing to fore-edge, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. Introduction by Christopher Lee. “Nightmarish Tales of the Supernatural and the Macabre.”
  • Placeholder
    DANI, Michael.
    NY: Vantage Press (1986). First edition. 38 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Review slip laid in. Observations by this Yugoslavian-born, Australia-residing, fitter-welder and part-time stamp dealer.
  • Placeholder
    DANIEL, John.
    Surrey: Sceptre Press, 1970. First edition. 8vo. Wrappers. A single sheet, string bound, and folded twice. 1/26 lettered copies signed by Daniel. Near fine with a hint of toning.
  • Placeholder
    DANIEL, Judy.
    (np): Martin Booth/Sceptre Press (1969). First edition, lettered & signed issue. [4 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Daniel.
  • Placeholder
    DANIEL, Tony.
    Urbana: Golden Griffin Press (1999). First edition. 325 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. Promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DANIELL, Rosemary.
    NY: Holt (1988). First edition. 72 pp. Fine in printed wrappers; a trade paperback original. Daniell’s second collection of poems.
  • Placeholder
    DANIELLS, Roy.
    Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1948. First edition. 76 pp w/notes. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with light edgewear. Indian File Books: 1.
  • Placeholder
    DANIELS, Guy.
    San Francisco: Inferno Press Editions, 1959. First edition. 38 pp. Fine in stiff wrappers and integral printed dust jacket. Daniels’ first book. Includes his translations of Lermontov, Paul Fort, Nekrasov, and Francis Jammes, as well as his own poems.
  • Placeholder
    DANIELS, Jim.
    Pittsburgh & London: University of Pittsburgh Press (1993). First trade paperback printing. 86 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Daniels’ third collection of poems. Review slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DANIELS, Jim.
    Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1990. First trade paperback printing. 93 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Daniels’ second full-length collection of poems, with the auto industry worker as the subject. Promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DANKLEFF, Richard.
    Corvallis: Oregon Sunrise Press, 2001. First edition. 80 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Dankleff on the half-title page.
  • Placeholder
    NY: North Star Line, 1990. First edition. Fine in wraps. North Star Line Poetry Series, edited by Jay Parini.
  • Placeholder
    DANTICAT, Edwidge.
    NY: Soho (1995). First edition. 224 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Danticat on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    DANTO, Arthur C.
    Amsterdam: G&B Arts (1998). First edition. 204 pp. Fine in wrappers. Essays, selected and with a critical introduction by Gregg Horowitz and Tom Huhn.
  • Placeholder
    DARLING, Charles.
    Hartford: Andrew Mountain Press (1986). First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers and fine dust jacket. INSCRIBED by Darling.
  • Placeholder
    DARLING, Greg.
    Eddyville: Yellow Table Press (1983). First edition. [16 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers. Poems with illustrations by Sherrie Barker.
  • Placeholder
    DARLING, Greg.
    Eddyville: Readytable Press, 1979. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Illustrations by Dan Barker.
  • Placeholder
    DARLING, Harold and Neumeyer, Peter. eds.
    La Jolla: Green Tiger Press, 1984. First edition. 56 pp. Near fine in very good plus dust jacket. Many tipped-on color illustrations.
  • DARLINGTON, Sandy.
    Berkeley: Arrowhead Books (1981). First edition. 138 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Briefly INSCRIBED by Darlington on the title page. New York to Cambridge to Europe.
  • Placeholder
    DARR, ANN.
    Washington DC: Dryad Press, 1978. First edition. Fine in wraps. Poet who was a pilot in WWII.