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Showing 4609–4640 of 24051 results

  • Placeholder
    DE BERNIERES, Louis.
    NY: Morrow (1991). First US edition. 363 pp. Very near fine in near fine dust jacket. De Bernieres' first book.
  • Placeholder
    DE BERNIERES, Louis.
    NY: Morrow (1991). First US edition. 363 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Review slip and promotional flyer laid in. De Bernieres' first novel.
  • Placeholder
    DE CAMP, L. Sprague and Fletcher Pratt.
    Garden City: Doubleday (1975). Book Club edition. 341 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
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    DE CAMP, L. Sprague. ed.
    NY: Putnam’s (1970). First edition. 255 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. INSCRIBED by De Camp, “Best wishes to / Marvin Malone, from / L. Sprague de Camp” on a light green leaf tipped-onto the dedication page. Work by Leiber, Dunsany, Wells, Zelazny, and others.
  • Placeholder
    DE CHIRICO, Giorgio.
    Paris: La Table Ronde (1965). First printing of this edition. 307 pp. Near fine in glosssy illustrated wrappers. Translated from the Italian into French by Martin Tassilit. Preface by Pierre Mazars.
  • Placeholder
    de FORREST, Michael writing as “M. de F.”
    NY: Castle Books (1949). First printing of this edition. 267 pp. Very near fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket with sunning to spine lettering. Young 951* (Woodford Press ed).
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    Seattle, WA: Broken Moon Press, 1990. First edition. Fine in wraps. INSCRIBED/SIGNED by DeFrees on the half-title to poet Walter Pavlich
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    NY: George Braziller, 1978. First edition. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    Utrecht:Nederlands Centrum Buitenlanders, 1977. First edition. Near fine in wraps. Prose, poetry and photographs of Turkish people in Turkey and in Europe; INSCRIBED to a fellow American writer.
  • Placeholder
    DE JESUS, Veronica.
    (np): All One Co [c 2007]. First edition. [118 pp]. Very near fine in spiral-bound wrappers. Concluding essay, “Hello-Now, From Every Where” by Colter Jacobsen.
  • Placeholder
    DE JONG, Constance.
    NY: TVRT & Mirror Press (1975-1976). First editions. Five uniform chapbooks, all near fine in unprinted blue wrappers with wear along the spines. The entire novel in parts by De Jong, best known for her libretto for the Philip Glass opera SATYAGRAGA.
  • Placeholder
    DE KOONING, Willem and John Chamberlain.
    NY: Pacewildenstein, 2001. First edition. 4to. 49 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Essay by Bernice Rose. Several fold-out color plates.
  • Placeholder
    DE KOONING, Willem.
    NY: Matthew Marks/Mitchell-Innes & Nash (2001). First edition. 4to. 47 pp. Fine in illustrated boards. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • Placeholder
    DE KOONING, Willem.
    NY: Allan Stone Gallery (1994). First edition. Small 4to. viii + [60 pp]. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Preface by Allan Stone. Fifty-four full color illustrations.
  • Placeholder
    DE KOONING, Willem.
    NY: L&M Arts (2006). First edition. 4to. [40 pp]. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Thirteen full color reproductions. Texts by Maureen Bray and Diane Waldman.
  • Placeholder
    DE KOONING, Willem.
    NY: Paul Thiebaud Gallery - New York, 2005. First edition. [42 pp]. Fine in full yellow cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Ten full-color reproductions, with an essay by Donald Kuspit. Published on the occasion of the 2005 opening of the Paul Thiebaud Gallery in NY. Publisher’s compliments slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARCHE, Olivier.
    Washington DC: Library of Congress (1946). Second printing. xix + [146 pp]. Fine in two-part cloth binding with gold stamping to spine. t.e.g. A facsimile of the 1488 edition with an introduction by Elizabeth Mongan.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Faber and Faber (1955). First edition. 256 pp. Two small tape shadows to both first and last leaves, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Faber and Faber (1956). First edition. 312 pp. Small abrasion on first blank leaf, else fine in very near fine, price-clipped dust jacket. Edited by Kenneth Hopkins, with his introduction.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Faber & Gwyer [1927]. First trade edition. [4 pp]. Small white blemish on front cover, else very near fine in sewn wrappers. Single poem with two wood engravings by Blair Hughes-Stanton. Ariel Poems Number 4.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    NY: William Edwin Rudge, 1927. First edition. Unpaginated. Fine in printed wrappers. Single poem. One of 27 copies printed, of which 12 copies were for sale.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    Westminster: Beaumont Press, 1921. First edition. 132 pp. Very good in paper-covered boards with gilt-stamped cloth spine. Former owner's bookplate inside front board. Music by C. Armstrong Gibbs. Illustrations by Randolph Schwabe. One of 250 numbered copies on handmade paper.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Selwyn & Blount, 1924. First edition. 76 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket.
  • DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Constable, 1927. First edition. xi + 109 pp. Quarter-sized stain to last leaf, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. T.E.G. Cover art and thirty internal woodcuts by “Bold.” Limericks, delicate satire, and nonsense rhymes.
  • Placeholder
    DE LA MARE, Walter.
    London: Faber & Faber (1954). First edition. [4 pp]. Fine in stitched wrappers in near fine printed mailing envelope. Illustration by Robin Jacues. An Airel Poem.
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    Princeton, NJ: Linden Lane Press, 1989. First edition. Near fine in wraps. SIGNED. Poems in Spanish by Cuban poet.
  • Placeholder
    de LINT, Charles.
    NY: Ace (1987). First edition. 202 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    DE LISSOVOY, Noah.
    Jersey City: Jensen/Daniels (1999). First edition. 28 pp. Fine in printed wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    De LOACH, Allen.
    Buffalo: Anonym Press, 1968. . First edition. 8vo. Stapled, printed wrappers. 10 pp. 1/100 numbered copies signed by De Loach. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    De LOACH, Allen.
    Buffalo: Anonym Press, 1968. . First edition. 8vo. Stapled, printed wrappers. 10 pp. This copy is marked "Author's Copy" and is signed by De Loach, who has in addition, inscribed the book on the title page. Near fine.
  • Placeholder
    DE LOACH, Allen.
    Buffalo: Anonym Press (1968). First edition. [12 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 900 (of 1000) copies.
  • Placeholder
    DE LOACH, Allen.
    Buffalo: University Press (1970). First edition. [14 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 900 (of 1000) copies. A single long poem, issued as Beau Fleuve Series Number Three.