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Showing 4769–4800 of 24051 results

  • Placeholder
    DESSNER, Jessica.
    NY: Green Zone (2006). First edition. 47 pp. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 300 copies.
  • Placeholder
    DETRO, Gene.
    Whitethorn: Holmgangers Press (1981). First edition. 63 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
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    DETROIT, Anne and Paul Weinman.
    South Sioux City: Pessimism Press (nd). First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Collaborative poems.
  • Placeholder
    DEUTCH, Richard.
    Marshall: Ox Head Press, 1970. First edition. [16 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers. Seven poems. One of 350 copies. Ox Head 9.
  • Placeholder
    DEUTCH, Richard.
    NY: New Rivers Press, 1970. First trade paperback printing. 71 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DEUTSCH, Babette.
    Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1959. . First edition. 8vo. Cloth. 160 pp. This copy is signed by Deutsch on a lable affixed to the first blank page. Very good in a very good jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DEUTSCH, Babette.
    London: Oxford University Press, 1960. . irst edition. 8vo. Cloth. 160 pp. Very good with a bump in a near fine jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DEUTSCH, Babette.
    NY: Funk & Wangalls (1957). First edition. 177 pp. Near fine in very good plus, price-clipped dust jacket with sunned spine. Jacket endorsements by Bogan, Ransom, Marianne Moore, Richard Wilbur, and others.
  • Placeholder
    DEUTSCH, Joel.
    San Francisco: Open Skull (1969). First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 500 copies. Cover art by Dorothy Stewart. Early poems, from Douglas Blazek’s press.
  • Placeholder
    DeVINNE, Theodore.
    Forest Hills: Battery Park Book Company, 1978. First printing of this edition (originally published in 1883). 52 pp. Fine in full cloth with gilt stampling along spine. Introductory note by Douglas C. McMurtrie.
  • Placeholder
    DEVLIN, Denis.
    Dublin: Dolmen Press (1964). First printing of this edition (originally published as a special number of University Review, Dublin 1963). 132 pp. A bit musty, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. Edited, with an introduction by Brian Coffey.
  • Placeholder
    DEVLIN, Denis.
    London: Europa Press (1937). First edition. 63 pp. Very near fine in marbled paper-covered boards cloth spine. Original unprinted tissue jacket is present, but suffering from several large chips and tears. One of 25 numbered copies SIGNED by Devlin.
  • Placeholder
    DEVLIN, Denis.
    NY: Reynal & Hitchcock (1946). First US edition. 79 pp. Near fine in very good only dust jacket with two chips at crown of spine. Devlin’s third book.
  • Placeholder
    DeVRIES, Peter.
    NY: Putnam’s (1986). First edition. 253 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with a short closed tear and wrinkle to base of front panel.
  • Placeholder
    DEWDNEY, Christopher.
    Toronto: Coach House (1980). First edition. 97 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. One of 1000 copies printed. SIGNED by Dewdney.
  • Placeholder
    DEWDNEY, Christopher.
    Great Barrington: The Figures, 1991. First edition. 40 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DEWDNEY, Christopher.
    Montreal: McGill University Libraries, 1990. First edition. [10 pp]. Light uneven sunning to covers, else near fine in printed wrappers. One of 250 numbered copies on handmade paper SIGNED by Dewdney.
  • Placeholder
    DEXER, Pete.
    NY: Random House (1991). Advance reading copy. 251 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Dexter on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    DEXTER, Pete.
    NY: Random House (1988). First edition. 306 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DEXTER, Pete.
    NY: Random House (1995). First trade edition. 307 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. INSCRIBED by Dexter on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    DI FILIPPO, Paul.
    NY & London: Four Walls Eight Windows (1995). First edition. 352 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with some light rubbing to rear panel. INSCRIBED by Di Filippo, “To David - / ‘History is Funk.’ - George ‘Henry Ford’ Clinton. Paul Di Filippo.”
  • Placeholder
    DI MASSO, Gerardo.
    Willimantic: Curbstone Press (1988). First US edition. 96 pp. Dark toning to endpapers, else very near fine in printed wrappers. Translated by Richard Jacques. Promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    San Francisco: Synaesthesia Press, 1996. First edition. [32 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 150 numbered copies.
  • Placeholder
    Di PALAMA, Raymond.
    East Lansing: Zeitgeist Publications, 1970. . First edition. 12 mo. Illustrated wrappers. 70 pp. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    Di PALMA, Ray.
    West Branch: Coffee House Press, 1984. First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed paper label. Illustrations by Elisabeth Brandfass. One of 500 numbered copies on Ragston paper SIGNED by Di Palma and Brandfass. Morning Coffee Chapbook Six.
  • Placeholder
    Di PALMA, Ray.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1974). First edition, numbered review copy. [28 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers and near fine printed dust jacket. One of 20 numbered review copies, as designated in holograph on the colophon.
  • Placeholder
    Di PALMA, Ray.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1974). First edition. [28 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers and near fine printed dust jacket. One of 300 numbered copies. INSCRIBED by DiPalma on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    DI PALMA, Ray.
    Berkeley: Tuumba, 1979. First edition. [26 pp]. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 450 numbered copies designed and printed by Lyn Hejinian. Dated (7-30-87) and INSCRIBED by Di Palma. Tuumba 24.
  • Placeholder
    DI PALMA, Ray.
    Berkeley: Tuumba, 1979. First edition. [26 pp]. Very near fine in printed stapled wrappers. One of 450 numbered copies designed and printed by Lyn Hejinian. Tuumba 24.
  • Placeholder
    DI PALMA, Ray.
    Ithaca: Ithaca House (1974). First edition. 65 pp. Near fine in boards without dust jacket, as issued. Original Ithaca House stock.
  • Placeholder
    DI PALMA, Ray.
    Ithaca: Ithaca House (1971). First edition. 21 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Original Ithaca House stock.
  • Placeholder
    Di PALMA, Raymond.
    East Lansing: Zeitgeist (1970). First edition. 70 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. His first major collection of poems.