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Showing 4801–4832 of 24051 results

  • Placeholder
    DI PALMA, Raymond.
    Madison: Abraxas Press (1970). First edition. [8 pp]. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. One of 300 copies.
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    Di PALMA, Raymond.
    (np): Body Press, 1969. First edition. [32 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Inside the rear cover it states 'Distributed by The Coach House Press' and also bears the Coach House Press logo on the spine.
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    Di PALMA, Raymond.
    Ithaca: Ithaca House (1971). First edition. 21 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Promotional flyer laid in.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press (1985). First edition. 58 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers that are lightly rubbed at the extrems. A trade paperback original. Poems.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    Berkeley: University of California (1991). First edition. 257 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. First edition. Fine in fine dust jacket; INSCRIBED to a friend, and also SIGNED by the author.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    NY: Knopf, 2001. Uncorrected proof. 66 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    Chicago: Elpenor Books (1982). First edition. 63 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    Chicago: Elpinor Books (1982). First edition. 64 pp. Fine in very near fine dust dust jacket. Di Piero's third collection of poems.
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    DI PIERO, W.S.
    Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press (1992). First trade paperback printing. vii + 77 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
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    DI PRIMA, Diane and LeRoi Jones. eds.
    NY: The Floating Bear, 1961-1969. But for the rare #1 and #24, which was largely confiscated by the authorities (here present in photostat), all issues of this most excellent newsletter. Each issue is complete and very good or better condition, with most being near fine. Six bear a library stamp (five of these are addressed to Tony Weinberger). Other issues mailed to: Jackson Mac Low, Harold Rosenberg, Dan Rice (5), Michael Mulce, Diana Varci, Corinth Books, Wormwood Review (5). The Mulce issue has a holograph note on the verso, “Michael what is your new address? Diane.” Later issues featured cover art by Al Leslie, George Herms, Jess, Robert Branaman, Paolo Lionni, Michael Bowen, Ray Johnson, and Wallace Berman. For the collection:
  • Placeholder
    DI PRIMA, Diane writing as “Robert M. Duffy.”
    NY: The Traveller’s Companion (1968). First edition. 184 pp. Ink stripe on bottom edge, else very good plus in printed wrappers that are lightly foxed along the inside panels.
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    DI PRIMA, Diane.
    San Francisco: Tenth Muse, 1971. First edition. 11 x 14 inch illustrated broadside. Fine. Di Prima’s poem paired with a b&w photograph by Betty Berenson.
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    DI PRIMA, Diane.
    Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1973. First edition. 31 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Number 10 in the Yes! Capra Chapbook Series. INSCRIBED by Di Prima to poet and publisher Douglas Blazek, "For Doug / of the scrawled / notes + finally - a meeting / Best Wishes! / Diane Di Prima."
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    DI PRIMA, Diane.
    Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1973. First edition. 31 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. INSCRIBED by Di Prima to a small press publisher. Yes! Capra Chapbook Series #10.
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    DI PRIMA, Diane.
    [San Francisco]: Panjandrum Press, 1972. First edition. 12 x 9 inch illustrated broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. Panjandrum Broadside #2.
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    San Francisco: Protest Press (nd). First edition. Single sheet folded thrice to form eight panels. Fine. A single long poem. Polemic Publications #1.
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    DI SUVERO, Victor. et al.
    (Taos, NM): n.p., 2000. First edition. Near fine in wraps. Light stain at back cover; hand-sewn in lapped wraps; also includes Gary Glazner, Anne McNaughton, Mitch Rayes, Jill Battson, etc. “Handmade by Lisa Gill and Valerie Roybal.”
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    DI, XUE.
    Farmington, ME:Alice James Books, 2002. First edition. Fine in wraps. Paperback original.
  • Placeholder
    DIAMAN, N.A.
    San Francisco: Persona Press (1978). First edition. 224 pp. A few small flecks of foxing to page edges, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. Endorsements sheet pasted to the rear cover by the publisher. Young 993*.
  • Placeholder
    DIAMAN, N.A.
    San Francisco: Persona Press (1982). First edition. 239 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Dated (2 November 1982) and INSCRIBED by Diaman. A novel featuring many in the SF poetry scene of the day.
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    DIAMAN, N.A.
    San Francisco: Persona Press (1980). First edition. 128 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Young 994*.
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    DIAMOND, Edythe. et al, eds.
    NY: Eric Oatman (1966). 64 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Contributors: Orlovitz, Ed Bullins, Blazek, Dennis Saleh, and from San Francisco: Gene Fowler, John Oliver Simn, Lennart Bruce, George Hitchcock, Mary Norbert Kore, Robert Peterson, etc.
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    DIAMOND, Sarah.
    London: Orion (2001). First edition. 212 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
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    DICK, Philip K.
    Pleasantville: Dragon Press, 1985. Uncorrected proof. 213 pp. Near fine in yellow wrappers with pasted on “Ultramarine Publishing Co., Inc.” sticker (distributor for this title) on the front cover and yellow reinforcing tape to spine.
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    DICK, Philip K.
    NY: Arbor House (1988). Uncorrected proof. 244 pp. Publication date inked across front cover, else near fine in printed blue wrappers.
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    DICK, Philip K.
    NY: Timescape Books (1981). Uncorrected proof. 248 pp. Publication date sticker to front panel, else very near fine in printed yellow wrappers.
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    DICKENS, Charles.
    NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan (1974). First US edition. 270 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine, price-clipped dust jacket with one small chip at lower edge of front flap.
  • Placeholder
    DICKENSON, George-Thérèse & Will Bennett. eds.
    NY: Assassin, 1977. Summer. [32 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Contributions by Claude Pelieu (cover art), Opal L. Nations, Ira Cohen, Bill Knott, and others.
  • Placeholder
    DICKENSON, George-Thérèse & Will Bennett. eds.
    NY: Assassin, 1979. Summer. [87 pp]. Tiny bend to one upper corner, else fine in stapled wrappers. The Translation Issue, with several contributions by Frank O’Hara and Ted Berrigan.
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    DICKER, Harold.
    Quarter Horse/Intrepid Press, 1965. Second US printing. 4to. [28 pp]. Very good plus in side-stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    DICKEY, James with Richard Jesse Watson.
    NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich/Bruccoli Clark (1986). First edition. 4to. [32 pp]. One upper corner lightly tapped, else fine in fine dust jacket. INSCRIBED by Watson, “with best wishes / Richard Jesse Watson / 1986.”