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Showing 4993–5024 of 24051 results

  • Placeholder
    NY: Delacorte (1966). Later printing. 124 pp. Scattered foxing to top edge, else near fine in very good dust jacket with a few short edge-tears, some shallow chipping, and a small stain to front cover. SIGNED by Donleavy on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    NY: Delacorte (1975). First edition. xviii + 283 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Donleavy on the half-title page.
  • Placeholder
    DONNE, John.
    Norfolk: New Directions, 1941. First edition. [32 pp]. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with light sunning to spine. A volume in the “Poet of the Month” series, printed by D.B. Updike at the Merrymount Press.
  • Placeholder
    DONNE, John.
    Norfolk: New Directions, 1941. First trade paperback printing. [32 pp]. Fine in wrappers and near fine dust jacket. A volume in the “Poet of the Month” series, printed by D.B. Updike at the Merrymount Press.
  • Placeholder
    Boston: Little,Brown, 1981. First edition. Fine in vg dust jacket, with tiny chip bottom of front panel.
  • Placeholder
    DONOGHUE, Emma.
    NY: HarperCollins (1995). First US edition. 314 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    DONOSO, José.
    London: Gollancz 1978. First UK edition. 206 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Spanish by Andreé Conrad.
  • Placeholder
    DONOSO, José.
    NY: Norton (1993). First US edition. 158 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket. Translated from the original Spanish by Gregory Rabassa.
  • Placeholder
    DONOSO, Jose.
    NY: Knopf, 1967. First US edition. 177 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket with one short tear, and a line of rubbing along rear panel. Translated from the Spanish by Lorraine O'Grady Freeman. Donoso's second book to appear in the US.
  • Placeholder
    DONOVAN, Katie.
    Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books (1997). First edition. 78 pp. Small bump to lower corner of text block, else very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. INSCRIBED by Donovan on the title page. Her third collection of poems.
  • Placeholder
    DOOLEY, ROGER, editor.
    NY: American Center of PEN, 1969. First edition. Near fine in wraps. Contributions from Diana Chang, Guy Daniels, Marcette Chute, and much news about PEN activities.
  • Placeholder
    DOOLING, Richard.
    NY: Farrar Straus Giroux (1994). Advance reading copy. 380 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Promotional flyer laid in.
  • DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”
    Redding Ridge: Black Swan Books (1983). First printing of this edition (originally published in 1960). 211 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. H.D.’s third published novel, with an afterword by John Walsh, Perdita Schaffner’s essay “A Profound Animal,” and excerpts from H.D.’s “Notes on Recent Writing.” Bohn A26a.iv.
  • DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”
    [New Westbury: Frontier Press] 1971. First printing of this unauthorized edition. [62 pp]. Fine in wrappers with printed paper spine label. 1600 copies printed. Boughn A28.
  • Placeholder
    DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”
    Berkeley: BIOS (1978). First trade paperback printing. 42 pp. Fine in wrappers and fine dust jacket. One of 500 (of 600) copies designed and printed by Wesley Tanner.
  • Placeholder
    DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”
    [Berkeley]: Privately Printed (1978). First US printing of this edition (originally published in France in 1934). 43 pp. Fine wrappers and fine orange paste-paper just jacket with printed spine label. Not described by Boughn.
  • DOOLITTLE, Hilda writing as “H.D.”.
    Redding Ridge: Black Swan Press (1985). First printing of this revised edition. 156 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Frontis photograph of H.D. by Man Ray. Afterword by John Walsh. This edition incorporates changes H.D. made in 1955 to the 1927 first edition. Boughn A9b.
  • Placeholder
    DOR, Moshe.
    Colorado Springs: Three Continents Press (1994). First edition. 169 pp with author bibliography. Fine in fine dust jacket. Poetry and prose in English, from the original Hebrew by various translators working with Dor.
  • Placeholder
    DOR, Moshe.
    London: The Menard Press, 1978. First edition. 8vo. Illustrated wrappers. Moshe poems are translated by John Batki, Keith Bosely, Ruth Fainlight, Elaine Feinstein, Francis Landy, Denis Johnson, Anthony Rudolf and Sillitoe. Near fine with light rubbing.
  • Placeholder
    DORBIN, Sandy.
    San Francisco: White Rabbit, 1971. First edition, lettered & signed issue. [34 pp]. Very near fine in paper-covered boards with a pasted-on cover illustration by Chuck Miller. One of 26 numbered copies SIGNED by Dorbin. Johnston A57.
  • Placeholder
    DORBIN, Sandy.
    San Francisco: White Rabbit, 1971. First edition. [34 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Cover illustration by Chuck Miller. One of 480 copies. Sixteen poems. Original tri-fold prospectus laid-in. Johnston A57.
  • Placeholder
    DORBIN, Sanford M.
    Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press (1968). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. One of 500 copies. Frontispiece portrait of the poet by Irving Block. A volume in the Santa Barbara Poetry Series.
  • Placeholder
    DORBIN, Sanford M.
    Santa Barbara: Unicorn Press (1968). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. One of 500 copies. Frontispiece portrait of the poet by Irving Block. A volume in the Santa Barbara Poetry Series. Dated (12-68) and INSCRIBED by Dorbin, “... this first book-.”
  • Placeholder
    DORBIN, Sanford M.
    (np): The Iggith Wigdorf, 1969. First edition. Oblong 16mo. [38 pp]. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Poems. One of 300 copies (& the stencils burned).
  • Placeholder
    DORBIN, Sanford M.
    Goleta: Unicorn Books, 1969. First edition. Fine in wrappers. 250 copies printed.
  • Placeholder
    DORESKI, William.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1980). First trade edition. [28 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers and near fine printed dust jacket with light sunning to spine. One of 375 numbered copies.
  • Placeholder
    DORESKI, William.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1980). First trade edition. [28 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers and near fine illustrated dust jacket that is lightly sunned along the spine. One of 375 numbered copies. INSCRIBED by Doreski on the title page, “For Joyce / with thanks / Bill Doreski.”
  • Placeholder
    DORESKI, William.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1980). First edition, lettered & signed issue. [28 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers and near fine printed dust jacket with light sunning to spine. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Doreski.
  • Placeholder
    DORESKI, William.
    (np): Barn Dream Press (1970). First edition. Unpaginated. Fine in stitched wrappers. One of 200 (of 300) copies. Four poems.
  • Placeholder
    DORFMAN, Ariel.
    London: Methuen, 1992. 1st U.K. edition. Near fine in near fine dust jacket. Translated by George Shivers with the author.
  • Placeholder
    DORMAN, Sonya.
    NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan (1978). First edition. 161 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with light wear along top edge.
  • Placeholder
    DORMAN, Sonya.
    Athens: Ohio University Press, 1975. . First edition. 8vo. Cloth. 61 pp. Very good in a very good, spine faded jacket.