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Showing 6241–6272 of 24038 results

  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: City Lights Books/George Krevsky Gallery (2003). First edition. Small 4to. 166 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers with very light sunning to spine. Briefly INSCRIBED by Ferlinghetti on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    Berkeley: Arif Press (1971). First edition. [16 pp]. Near fine in illustrated wrappers with light toning along spine.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts & Documents (1967). Second printing. 17 1/2 x 22 1/2 sheet, folded into eighths as issued. Tanned along edges, else near fine. Dated (1968 San Francisco) and INSCRIBED by Ferlinghetti.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: City Lights (1961). Second printing. Single 7 1/2 x 25 inch sheet, folded three times, as issued. Very near fine.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: City Lights Pocket Bookshop (1956). Second edition. [40 pp]. Sunning to spine and extrems, else very good only in stapled wrappers with a crease to the lower corner of the front cover and first leaf. Pocket Poets #1.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: City Lights Books (1955). Third edition. [42 pp]. Foxing to rear cover, else near fine in wrappers. Inked name, date, and address of a former owner, who has also added charming notes to several of the poems: great, way out, true, huh? SIGNED by Ferlinghetti on the title page. His first book.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    (np): Celebes Editore (1977). First Italian edition. 57 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers. Original English text with facing Italian translations by Nat Scammacca.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    (np): (np) (1975). First edition. Single large sheet folded twice (9 x 6 inches, closed). Very good plus, lightly soiled. Printed at the Cranium Press. INSCRIBED by Ferlinghetti, “To Bill = Judy / Lawrence Ferlinghetti / 9/97.”
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    NY: New Directions (1964). First edition. 52 pp. Small patch of discoloration to front cover, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. Cover and internal drawings by Topor.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    München: Carl Hanser (1968). First separate German edition. [8 pp]. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. An offprint from the journal Akzente: Zeitschrift für Literature (June, 1968) reprinting Ferlinghetti’s “Santa Rita Journal” in German translation.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: Golden Mountain Press (1958). First edition, second issue. [4 pp]. Very good plus in stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    NY: New Directions (1970). First edition. 58 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers; a trade paperback original.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    NY: New Directions (1968). First trade paperback printing. 48 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence.
    San Francisco: City Lights Books (1965). Second printing. Single sheet folded twice (8 1/4 x 4 3/4 inches, closed). Near fine.
  • Placeholder
    FERLINGHETTI, Lawrence. ed.
    San Francisco: City Lights (1995). First edition. 259 pp. Bump to base of spine, else very near fine in glossy illustrated boards; no dust jacket, as issued. Selections from the first 52 pocket poets volumes.
  • Placeholder
    FERMOR, Patrick Leigh.
    NY: Harper & Brothers (1953). First US edition. 178 pp. A few hard erasures to first leaf, else near fine in very good dust jacket with overall edgewear.
  • Placeholder
    FERRANTE, Elena.
    NY: Europa Editions (2020). First US edition. 322 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Italian by Ann Goldstein.
  • Placeholder
    FERRARI, Mary.
    NY: Kulchur Foundation (1981). First trade paperback printing. 126 pp. Touch of foxing to page edges, else fine in illustrated wrappers. Cover art by Jennifer Bartlett. Review slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    FERRARIS, Fred.
    Brunswick: Blackberry (1975). First edition. [12 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 200 copies.
  • Placeholder
    FERRÉ, Rosario.
    NY: Farrar Straus Giroux (1997). Advance reading copy. 340 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers and original wrap-around band.
  • Placeholder
    FERRE, Rosario.
    NY: Farrar Straus Giroux (1995). Uncorrected proof. 407 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers. Dated (Oct 7, '96) and SIGNED by Ferre.
  • Placeholder
    FERRER, Valerie.
    (np): Valerie Ferrar (1973). First edition. Square 8vo. A broadside, folded once and pasted inside printed wrappers. Near fine. One of 153 numbered copies SIGNED by Ferrer.
  • Placeholder
    FERRER, Valerie. ed.
    San Francisco: Valerie Ferrer, 1974. First edition. Oblong 8vo. [102 pp]. Small smudge on front cover, else near fine in sewn illustrated wrappers. One of 145 copies. Work by David Hallstrom, Hall Hughes, Jay Kinney, Michael Koch, Jonathan London, Stephanie Mines, Renny Pritikin, Alice Rogoff, and Joseph Staley.
  • Placeholder
    FERRINI, Vincent.
    Storrs: The University of Connecticut Press, 1979. . First edition. Thick 8vo. Illustrated wrappers. xxiii + 373 pp. Very good plus with a little edgewear.
  • Placeholder
    Gloucester, MA:Cape Ann Press, 1949. First edition. Very good in wraps edge-faded and chipped along top and a crease at lower bottom corner; ex-library, but discreetly so; call numbers inked on front, University of Arkansas Library name stamp on 2 front pages, again on 2 last pages. Ferrini was a close acquaintance of Charles Olson’s, and the poems have a trace of Olson influence; the drawings by Evan are very nice. The first book from Cape Ann Press. See the standard Olson biographies for more on Ferrrini.
  • Placeholder
    FERRINI, Vincent.
    Storrs: University Of Connecticut Library, 1976. First edition. xv + 111 pp. Very good plus in printed wrappers. Edited, with an introduction by George F. Butterick. SIGNED by Ferrini inside the front cover.
  • Placeholder
    FERRINI, Vincent.
    Storrs: University Of Connecticut Library, 1976. Second printing. 111 pp. Very good plus in printed wrappers with a crease to the lower corner of the front cover. Edited, with an introduction by George F. Butterick. INSCRIBED by Ferrini inside the front cover.
  • Placeholder
    FERRINI, Vincent.
    Gloucester: The Church Press, 1975. . First edition. 8vo. Illustrated wrappers. 19 pp. 1/1000 copies. Near fine.
  • Placeholder
    Vancouver, BC: Caitlin Press, 1979. First edition. Near fine in wraps, sunfaded on back. 1/300 copies.
  • Placeholder
    FESSENDEN, Anne.
    Stamford: Thing Press, 1966. First edition. [32 pp]. Very good plus in stapled wrappers with foxing along spine. One of 150 copies printed by Russell Edson. Holograph correction to one page, outlining and titling a poem that was mistakenly printed as the concluding stanza of another poem.
    Baltimore & Washington DC: Ann Fessler with the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1991. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in full cloth with inset printed cover label. No dust jacket, as issued. SIGNED by Fessler on the half-title page. A quotation on the highest values of art from H.W. Janson’s HISTORY OF ART, juxtaposed with images from “Rape of the Sabine Women.”
  • FESTA, Tano.
    NY: Inanout Press, 1992. First edition. 91 pp. Fine in wrappers and fine printed dust jacket. Original Italian poems with facing translations by George Scrivani.