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Showing 33–64 of 24004 results

  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    Berkeley: Blue Wind Press (1975). First edition 140 pp. Light foxing along top edge, else very near fine in full green buckram with printed spine label. No dust jacket, as issued. One of five copies bound for presentation SIGNED by Abbott.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (nd). First edition. 10 x 7 inch broadside. Fine. One of 70 (of 140) copies printed on Zerkall mould-made paper.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (nd). First edition. 10 x 7 inch broadside. Fine. One of 70 (of 140) copies printed on Mulberry handmade paper.
  • Placeholder
    St. Paul, MN:Coffee House Press, 1984. First edition. Fine in wraps. SIGNED. Paperback original.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    Augsburg:Maroverlag, 1989. First edition. Fine in wraps. SIGNED.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    Bellingham: Snazzy Wah Press, 1970. First edition. 4to. 21 pp. Fine in side-stapled wrappers. One of 100 copies. Briefly INSCRIBED by Abbott on the colophon page.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press (1972). First edition, lettered & signed issue [44 pp]. Light sunning to spine, else fine in illustrated wrappers. Printed by Clifford Burke and Holbrook Teter. Poems and drawings by Abbott. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Abbott.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press (1972). First edition. [44 pp]. Very near fine in printed wrappers. One of 850 copies printed by Clifford Burke and Holbrook Teter. Poems, with drawings by Abbott.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press (1971). First edition. [44 pp]. Light foxing to top edge and paste-downs, else near fine in full blue cloth with gilt stamping to spine. SIGNED by Abbott on the title page. A presentation copy to Abbott from Clifford Burke.
  • Placeholder
    Augsburg:Maroverlag, 1987. First edition. Fine in fine dust jacket. The first printing of the 1st edition was pulped because of its many printing flaws; this second edition immediately followed. This novel has never appeared in English. SIGNED on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    Koln: Palmenpresse, 1994. First edition. Fine in boards without dust jacket as issued. SIGNED.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1993. First edition. 8 pp. Very near fine in sewn wrappers and integral dust jacket with printed cover label. One of 150 copies on handmade Roma paper. A short story. Dated (’93) and briefly INSCRIBED by Abbott on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    Minneapolis, MN:Coffee House Press, 1987. First edition. Fine in wraps. SIGNED on title page. Paperback original.
  • Placeholder
    Koln: Palmenpresse, 1993. First edition. Fine in boards without dust jacket as issued. SIGNED on the half-title. This is the German edition of The First Thing Coming, Coffee House Press, with one additional story.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press, 1976. First edition, lettered & signed issue. [20 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers. Great Michael Myers linocut illustration on cover and title page. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Abbott.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    San Francisco: Cranium Press, 1976. First edition. [20 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers. One of 300 copies. Great Michael Myers linocut illustration on cover and title page. Dated (5.18.09) and INSCRIBED by Abbott on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Lee K. Jr.
    Cedar Falls: North American Review, 1980. First edition. 119 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with lightest wear. Abbott's first book, a collection of short stories.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, T.K.
    NY: Burt Franklin (nd). First printing of this edition. vi + 225 pp w/indexes. Fine in full red cloth. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Ward and Bryant Cashion. eds.
    Albuquerque: The Desert Review Press, 1964. Spring. 4to. 22 pp. Tiny tear to bottom edge of front cover, else very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Addressed to Marvin Malone of the Wormwood Review on the rear cover. Contributions by Ginsberg, Olson, Creeley, Levertov, Whalen, Crews, and more.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Ward.
    Albuquerque: Desert Review Press (nd). First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 100 copies, reproduced entirely from the authors holograph manuscript.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Ward.
    Austin/Bishop: Place of Herons, 1975. First edition. [12 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Ward.
    Austin/Bastrop: Places Of Herons Press, 1975. First edition. [12 pp]. Very good plus in stapled wrappers. One of 500 copies. Briefly INSCRIBED by Abbott on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    San Pedro, CA:The Peck Street Press, 1978. First edition. Near fine in wraps. Review copy with material laid in.
  • Placeholder
    ABERG, W.M.
    Cleveland: Bits Press (1980). First edition. Six stiff sheets (all fine) laid into a printed folded (near fine). Poems.
  • Placeholder
    ABERNATHY, Milton A. and A.J. Buttitta. eds.
    Chapel Hill: Contempo, 1932. January. Folio. 4pp. Newsprint tabloid. Very good plus with splits starting to edges of old folds.. Features Ezra Pound’s essay, “The Depression Has Just Begun.”
  • Placeholder
    ABERNETHY, Francis Edward.
    Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1985. First edition. 203 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    ABINADER, Emaz.
    Oakland: Sufi Warrior Publishing (2005). Third printing. 69 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    ABISH, Walter.
    NY: Knopf, 1993. First edition. 335 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with lightly sunned spine.
  • Placeholder
    ABLEMAN, Paul.
    London: Latimer Press (1969). First edition. 45 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. One of 200 hardcover copies. "Experiments in prose," most am single page long.
  • Placeholder
    ABLEMAN, Paul.
    London: Latimer Press, 1969. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 45 pp w/author note. Fine in full buckram in very near fine clear acetate dust jacket. One of 50 numbered copies on Glastonbury Antique Laid paper SIGNED by Ableman.
  • Placeholder
    ABLEMAN, Paul.
    Paris: Olympia Press, 1958. First edition. 218 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with light edgewear. The Traveller's Companion Series #60. Ableman’s first book, a novel. Kearney 135.
  • Placeholder
    ABRAHAM, Peter.
    London: Faber & Faber (1954). Second UK edition, first printing. 252 pp. Top edge lightly soiled, else near fine in very good plus, price-clipped dust jacket.