Showing 1921–1952 of 24079 results
$15.00Toronto: Coach House (1980). Second printing. 173 pp. Near fine in wrappers; a trade paperback original. Contributions by Margaret Atwood, Sheila Watson, Daphne Marlatt, David Young, bp Nichol and others. One of 1000 copies.$35.00Montreal: George Bowering (nd). 44 pp w/notes on contributors. Bend to one upper corner, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. Contributions by Coleman, Rothenberg, Atwood, Frank Davey, Bromige, Barry McKinnnon, and Margaret Randall.$25.00Knotting: Sceptre Press (1978). First edition, numbered & signed issue. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 50 numbered copies SIGNED by Bowering.$30.00N. c.N. p. N d. First edition. Fine in wraps. Cover photo of Chaco Canyon pueblo by Pau Logsdon.$45.00Boston: Godine (1973). First edition. 84 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.$12.50Boston: Godine (1973). First trade paperback printing. 84 pp. Horizontal crease along bottom edge of front cover, else near fine in printed wrappers.$30.00Denver:Alan Swallow, 1965. 1st edition. Near fine in near fine dust jacket, but for missing chip top front left. Poet’s second book.$25.00Woodside: Occasional Works, 1989. First edition. 25 pp. Fine in hand-sewn printed wrappers. One of 125 copies on Frankfort White paper SIGNED by Bowers.$20.00London: Four Corners Books, 2009. First edition. 145 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Two stories each by Bowles and Welch. Illustrations throughout by Colter Jacobsen.$75.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1985. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 319 pp w/index of names. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and paper label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Edited, with an introduction by Millicent Dillon. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Dillon.$45.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1985. First edition. 319 pp w/index. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and paper label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Edited, with an introduction by Millicent Dillon. One of 500 trade hardcover copies.$850.00[North Pomfret]: Elysium Press, 1997. First edition, lettered & signed issue. x + 141 pp. Fine in full blue cloth with inset cover and spine labels. Fine publisher’s clamshell case in matching cloth. Introduction by Gavin Lambert. Illustrated with four tipped-in photographs. Upon the box endpapers are reproduced the first printings of original music by each of the two correspondents. One of 26 lettered copies SIGNED by Bowles, Rorem, and Lambert. This is copy “A.”. Original prospectus accompanies.$225.00Zurich: Manesse (1956). First edition. 4to. Small bump to one corner of rear board, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket with light wear to the base and crown of spine, and a crease to the front flap. Text by Paul Bowles with Haberlin’s photographs. Translated from the English by Maria Wolff. Miller A8a.$125.00Bolinas: Tombouctou, 1983. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 98 pp. Fine in full blue cloth with gilt stamping to spine and front cover. No dust jacket, as issued. Short stories. One of 100 copies SIGNED by Bowles and Mrabet.$150.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 100 pp. Some foxing along top edges, else very near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Taped and translated from the Moghrebi by Paul Bowles. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Bowles and Mrabet. This is copy #1. Morrow & Cooney 243c.$125.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 125 pp. Near fine in paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Very near fine acetate dust jacket. Taped and translated by Bowles. One of 250 numbered copies SIGNED by Mrabet and Bowles. Morrow & Cooney 230c.$350.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976. First edition, publisher’s copy. 125 pp. Foxing along top edges, else near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Near fine acetate dust jacket. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” and SIGNED by Bowles and Mrabet.$45.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1976. First trade paperback printing. 125 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Taped and translated from the Moghrebi by Paul Bowles. Morrow & Cooney 230a. Review slip laid in.$50.00NY: George Braziller (1968). First US edition. 198 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with a short tear and light wear along the top edge. Translated from the original Moghrebi by Bowles.$300.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1980. First edition, publisher’s copy. 86 pp. Light foxing along top edge, else near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Taped and translated from the Moghrebi by Paul Bowles. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” on the colophon page and SIGNED by Bowles and Mrabet.$450.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1977. First edition, publisher’s copy. 77 pp. Some foxing to top edges, else very near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Taped and translated from the Moghrebi by Paul Bowles. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” on the colophon page and SIGNED by Bowles and Mrabet.$125.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1977. First edition. 77 pp. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Taped and translated from the Moghrebi by Paul Bowles. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Bowles and Mrabet. Morrow & Cooney 264c.$50.00Santa Barbara: Cadmus Editions 1979. Advance review copy. 89 pp. Fine in plain light brown wrappers. “Advance Review Copy” stamped in blue ink on the front cover, along with a pasted-on review slip.$75.00Tiburon: Cadmus Editions (1997). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 117 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket with lightly sunned spine. Rey Rosa’s original Spanish novella with a facing English translation by Paul Bowles (to whom the book is dedicated). One of 150 numbered copies SIGNED by Rey Rosa and Bowles.$125.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1979. Advance reading copy. 417 pp. Top edge foxed, else near fine in printed wrappers with pasted on cover label. Stamped “Advance Review Copy” on the front free endpaper.$250.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1979. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 417 pp. Top edges foxed, else near fine in printed paper-covered boards and cloth spine with printed label. Near fine acetate dust jacket. One of 300 numbered copies SIGNED by Bowles. This is copy #1.$20.00NY: Ecco (1991). First edition. 106 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.$15.00NY: Ecco (1991). First edition. 108 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with light vertical crease to front flap.$450.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1980. First edition, publisher’s copy. 292 pp. Foxing along top edges, else near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. Designated “Publisher’s Copy” on the colophon page and SIGNED by Bowles.$125.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1980. Advance reading copy. 292 pp. Foxing along top edge, else very near fine in light blue wrappers with pasted-on cover label. Stamped “Advance Copy” on the front free endpaper. One of ten copies. Miller A6e (note).$150.00Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1980. First edition, numbered & signed issue. 292 pp. Foxing along top edge, else near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Fine acetate dust jacket. New preface by Bowles, “Thirty Years Later,” composed for this reissue. One of 350 numbered copies SIGNED by Bowles. Miller A6g. This is copy #1.