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Showing 2017–2048 of 24079 results

  • Placeholder
    BRANCH, Anna Hempstead.
    NY: Poets’ Guild [c 1920]. First edition. [8 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Ink ownership signature of Dorothy W. Norton on the front cover. OCLC records two copies (Brown, Kansas).
  • Placeholder
    BRANCH, Taylor.
    NY: Simon & Schuster (1988). First edition. 1064 pp w/index. Very near fine in like dust jacket. Promotional flyer and review slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    BRAND, Dionne.
    NY: Grove Press (1999). First US edition. 299 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket and SIGNED by Brand on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    BRAND, Dionne.
    Stratford: Williams-Wallace (1983). First trade paperback printing. 150 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John and Steve Sanfield.
    Santa Cruz: Exiled-In-America Press, 1988. First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. One of 150 copies. INSCRIBED by Sanfield on the title page.
  • BRANDI, John.
    Carlsbad: Carlsbad Caverns Natural History Association (1978). First edition. Three illustrated leaves laid into a folder. All elements fine. “A spotlight of writings by John Brandi, writer in residence.”
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    [Berkeley: Tangram, 2014]. First edition. 5 x 7 inch card, printed in two colors. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Berkeley: The Figures, 1979. First edition. 97 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Brandi's travel notes, illustrated with his drawings and concluded with a bibliography on Ecuador.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Berkeley: The Figures, 1979. First edition. 97 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Brandi's travel notes, illustrated with his drawings and concluded with a bibliography on Ecuador. Dated (1995) and INSCRIBED by Brandi with a small drawing.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    (np): John Brandi (1971). First edition. [64 pp]. Near fine in wrappers and printed cover label. One of 100 copies printed at the Nail Press in Benecia. Two illustrations by Brandi, both hand-colored. SIGNED by Brandi.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Stevens Point, WI: Holy Cow! Press, 1988. First edition. Fine in wrappers. INSCRIBED by Brandi to another poet/publisher on the first free front endpaper, with a Mexican sticker depicting the moon, with a card laid in for a exhibition of Brandi’s art for a gallery in Stinson Beach, CA, and a typed note signed by Brandi.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    (np): Tribal Press (c 1975). First edition. [44 pp]. Light soiling to covers, else near fine in stapled wrappers. Issued as Measure 9. INSCRIBED by Brandi to another poet.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Duluth: Holy Cow! Press, 1991. First edition. 128 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Dated (1991) and INSCRIBED by Brandi with a small drawing.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Cherry Valley: Cherry Valley Editions (1975). First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 500 copies. Cover illustration by Gioia Brandi.
  • BRANDI, John.
    Cherry Valley: Cherry Valley Editions (1975). First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Cover art by Gioia Brandi. One of 500 copies. INSCRIBED by Brandi, “to Doug Blazek / John Brandi.”
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Santa Barbara: Christopher's Books, 1975. First edition. 62 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers; a trade paperback original. Dated (1.985) and INSCRIBED by Brandi to a fellow poet, 'To Doug Blazek / a few from / South America / with my very / bests to / You - / John Brandi.' Above the inscription Brandi has drawn a small mountain range with clouds above.
  • Placeholder
    Santa Barbara:Christopher’s Books, 1975. First edition. Near fine in wraps. SIGNED.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    (np): Maya Quarto (1970). First edition. Unpaginated. Drop of paint to front free endpaper, which has stuck and pulled to correponding point inside front cover. Very good in stitched wrappers and SIGNED by Brandi on the title page. One of 250 (of 300) copies.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    [n.p.]: Maya Quarto, 1970. . First edition. 4to. Wrappers. Unpaginated. 1/50 numbered copies on handmade Tovil in Fabriano, signed by Brandi. Issued as Maya Quarto Six. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    San Francisco: Cranium Press, 1970. First edition. Very good in wraps, a tad weary, with some dark tiny spots at spine edge front and back. 1/300 copies printed by Clifford Burke. SIGNED.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Buffalo: White Pine Press, 1984. First edition. 43 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Dated (1984) and INSCRIBED by Brandi: “a few from India.”
  • BRANDI, John.
    Corrales: Tooth of Time Books (1990). First edition. [28 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 222 numbered copies SIGNED by Brandi.
  • Placeholder
    Stevens Point, WI: Holy Cow! Press, 1988. First edition. Near fine in wraps. 1/1300 copies of paperback original, with blurbs by Michael McClure, Anne Waldwan, Jack Hirschman and Howard McCord.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    West Branch: Toothpaste Press (1983). First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed cover label. One of 500 (of 555) numbered copies on Curtis Tweedweave paper SIGNED by Brandi.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Berkeley: Wingbow (1985). First edition. 133 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers; a trade paperback original. Dated (San Francisco / 1985) and elaborately INSCRIBED by Brandi to a noted small press publisher and his wife. The inscription is also surrounded with Brandi's drawing of the sun, mountains, a car, and in the midst of all, a bearded hat-wearing writer.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Santa Fe: Tooth of Time, 1976. First edition. 16mo. [88 pp]. Spine lightly sunned, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. Dated (1985) and INSCRIBED by Brandi.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    Santa Barbara: Christopher’s Books, 1972. First edition. Very good in wraps, but back cover has some ripples from dampness, though not on the front, which has a color illustration. 1/1000 copies, SIGNED..
  • Placeholder
    BRANDON, John.
    San Francisco: McSweeney’s (2010). First edition. 215 pp. Very near fine in decorated boards with cloth spine. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • BRANDSTÄTTER, Christian.
    NY: Abbeville Press (1984). First US edition. 272 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket. A profusely illustrated survey of prolific and varied works by this group.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDTS, Robert.
    Santa Barbara: Christopher's Books, 1972. First edition. 61 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. One of 1000 copies.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDTS, Robert.
    Santa Barbara: Christopher's Books, 1976. . First edition. 8vo. Wrappers. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    BRANFASS, Elisabeth.
    NY: Doones Press (1976). First edition. 4to. [20 pp]. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers.