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Showing 21953–21984 of 24026 results

  • Placeholder
    [BRODSKY, Joseph]. Rigsbee, David.
    Westport: Greenwood Press (1999). First edition. xx + 169 pp. Very near fine in full cloth with gilt stamping to spine and front cover. No dust jacket, as issued. Dated (12-10-99) and INSCRIBED by Rigsbee.
  • Placeholder
    [BROOKS, Gwendolyn].
    Washington DC: National Endowment for the Humanities (1994). Press pack for Brooks' reading. Several press releases, two versions of the text to be delivered (poems and a speech), documents relating to the NEH, all housed in a printed NEH folder. Items all fine.
  • Placeholder
    [BROOKS, Gwendolyn]. Kent, George E.
    Lexington: University Press of Kentucky (1990). First edition. 287 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with one short tear and wrinkles to base and crown of spine.
  • Placeholder
    [BROOKS, Gwendolyn]. Melhem, D.H.
    Lexington: University Press of Kentucky (1987). First edition. 270 pp w/index. Three pages dog-eared with a few small check marks to text, else near fine in fine dust jacket. Review slip laid in.
  • Placeholder
    [BROOKS, Romaine]. Breeskin, Adelyn D.
    Washington DC: National Collection of Fine Arts/Smithsonian Institution Press, 1971. First edition. 143 pp w/index of titles. Foxing to endpapers, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. Warmly INSCRIBED by Breeskin on the first leaf.
  • Placeholder
    [BROOKS, Romaine]. Chadwick, Whitney.
    Chesterfield & Berkeley: Chameleon Books/University of California (2000). First edition. 128 pp w/index. Light toning to extrems, else near fine in like dust jacket. Essay by Joe Lucchesi.
  • Placeholder
    [BROWNING, Robert]. Bryson, John.
    London: Longman’s, Green (1959). First edition. 44 pp w/select bibliography. Near fine in stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [BRUCE, Lenny]. MacNeil, William. ed.
    NY: Grok (1966). Volume 1, Number 1. 30 pp. One bit of text in Bruce’s contribution circled in red pen, else very good plus in stapled wrappers. Prints the monologue by Bruce that got him busted in 1961 in San Francisco and from which he was accquitted.
  • Placeholder
    [BRUCKNER, Anton]. Schönzeler, Hans-Hubert.
    NY: Vienna House (nd). First US edition. 190 pp w/index. "Vienna House" sticker over publication information on title page, else fine in near fine dust jacket that is rubbed at extrems. Library of Composers/3.
  • [BRUEGEL]. Seidel, Max and Roger H. Marijnissen.
    NY: Putnam’s (1971). First US edition. 351 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with light toning to spine. Very near fine publisher’s cardstock slipcase present. Thirty hand-tipped plates in full color, 175 monochrome illustrations.
  • Placeholder
    [BRYAN, William Cullen]. Krapf, Norbert. ed.
    NY: Fordham University Press, 1986. First edition. xv + 107 pp. Light bump to one upper corner, else near fine in near fine dust jacket. Illustrated with 17 wood engravings by John De Pol.
  • Placeholder
    [BRYAN, William Cullen]. Krapf, Norbert. ed.
    NY: Fordham University Press, 1986. First edition. xv + 107 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Illustrated with 17 wood engravings by John De Pol.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles. Fante, John].
    (np): Anagrama (nd). First edition. 24 1/2 x 9 1/8 inch promotional poster announcing the publication these two Fante novels in Spain. Near fine. Bukowski wrote an introduction for PREGUINTALE AL POLVO, and reproduced at the top of the poster here is a 22 word statement on Fante by Bukukowski (in Spanish translation). The covers of the two books are reproduced in color on black background.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    (np): [Black Sparrow] (nd). First edition. 12 x 17 in poster, printed in four colors. Two old folds, else fine. b&w Montfort photo of Bukowski sitting in a backwards-facing chair, list of available Bukowski titles printed along the bottom.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    Hollywood: Coastlines (1960). Vol. 4, Nos. 2&3. 88 pp. Very near fine in printed wrappers. Prints three poems by Bukowski in this “Special Issue” featuring Los Angeles writers.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    Los Angeles: Barnsdall Art Gallery Theatre 1987. First edition. Single 11 x 8 1/2 sheet folded once to make a booklet. Fine. Program for a reading. Participants included Koertge, Locklin, John Thomas, and others.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    Los Angeles: Bombshelter Press, 1999. Special Double Issue. 321 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Twenty pages of Bukowski- journal, letters, poems.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    Los Angeles: Bombshelter Press (1991). Vol. III, No. 2 & Vol. IV, No. 1. 326 pp. Very good plus in glossy illustrated wrappers. Presents Bukowski’s poem, “I’ll have it to go.”
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    London: Penguin (1969). First edition. 176 pp. Pages tanned (cheap paper) else near fine in boards. Lacks dust jacket. Poems by Bukowski, Philip Lamantia, and Harold Norse.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    NY: Poets & Writers (1980). First edition. [64 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. A celebration at Roseland, 22 October, hosted by Lauren Bacall, William Styron, and George Plimpton. Bukowski contributes his poem, “the lady in red.” Also work by Atwood, Bowles, Burroughs, Creeley, Ginsberg, Merrill, Merwin, Ozick, Paley, Beckett (two page reproduction of his holograph manuscript), Reed, Stafford, Updike, Walcott, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    San Francisco: San Francisco Review (1958). Winter. 88 pp. Faint foxing along top edge, else very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Prints “I Cannot Stand Tears” and “10 Lions and the End of the World” by Bukowski.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    London: Simon Finch Rare Books (2002). First edition. 124 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. The illustrated catalogue of the Michael Montfort collection. 921 items described and priced. Nice suite of color reproductions.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    Ojai: Edward L. Smith (1993). First edition. 60 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Reprints a 1969 letter by Bukowski, and several small drawings.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles].
    Stockton: Wormwood Review Press, 1968. Volume 8, Number 3. 36 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Center section features Locklin’s “Star Trek & Such.” Also prints Bukowski’s poem “The Underground.” Limited to 600 numbered copies; this copy designated “Exchange.”
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Adamson, Cheryl. ed.
    Sydney: New Poetry (1975). 91 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers that are light rubbed. Prints three poems by Bukowski, “Face of a Political Candidate on a Street Billboard, “ “Nothing is as Effective as Defeat,” and “Interviews.”
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Andre, Michael. ed.
    NY: Unmuzzled Ox (1976). Vol. IV, No. 2. 119 pp. Reading crease to spine, else very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Work by Joe Brainard, Ron Padgett, Claes Oldenburg, Charles Bukowski (one for R.O.), Charles Olson, William Stafford, Hannah Wilke. Interviews with Robert Duncan, Eugene McCarthy, Andy Warhol, and more.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Bail, Jay. ed.
    San Francisco: San Francisco Book Review (1971). August. 4to. 38 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Essay by Bukowski on Ginsberg, which appeared originally in Ole.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Bail, Jay. ed.
    San Francisco: San Francisco Book Review (1972). June. 4to. 38 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Bukowski contributes, “Notes on an Aged Poet.”
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Barker, David.
    Salem: [David Barker] (1982). First edition, “out of series.” [20 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. While the edition was limited to only 100 copies, this is a small number of extras designated “out of series.” INSCRIBED by Barker to Wormwood Review publisher Marvin Malone.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Bennett, John. ed.
    Ellensburg: Vagabond Press (1979). Second edition. 65 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Poems by Al Masarik, Lyn Lifshin, Ronald Koertge, John Thomas, Joel Deutsch, and Ann Menebroker, each preceded by a drawing of the poet by Bukowski.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Bennett, John. ed.
    Ellensburg: Vagabond Press (1979). Second edition. 65 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Poems by Al Masarik, Lyn Lifshin, Ronald Koertge, John Thomas, Joel Deutsch, and Ann Menebroker, each preceded by a drawing of the poet by Bukowski. SIGNED by Menebroker.
  • Placeholder
    [BUKOWSKI, Charles]. Bennett, John. ed.
    Ellensburg: Vagabond Press (1979). Second printing. 65 pp. Band of toning along top edge of front panel, else very good plus in printed wrappers with a few small scuffs. Poems by Al Masarik, Lyn Lifshin, Ronald Koertge, John Thomas, Joel Deutsch, and Ann Menebroker, each preceded by a drawing of the poet by Bukowski.