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Showing 22081–22112 of 24027 results

  • Placeholder
    [BURCHFIELD, Charles].
    Utica: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute (1970). First edition. 367 pp w/index, addenda, & errata. Fine in near fine dust jacket with a small chip at crown, and a short tear the base. Introduction by Joseph S. Trovato. Fully-illustrated, largely with b&w reproductions.
  • Placeholder
    [BURCKHARDT, Rudy].
    Valencia: IVAM Centre Julio González, 1998. First edition. 197 pp. Bend to lower corner of text block and front cover, else very good plus in glossy illustrated wrappers. Profusely illustrated. Text in Spanish with English at the rear of the volume.
  • Placeholder
    [BURKE, Kenneth]. Selzer, Jack.
    Madison: University of Wisconsin Press (1996). First trade paperback printing. 248 pp w/index. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [BURNING DECK PRESS]. Bundy, Alison with Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop. eds.
    Providence: Burning Deck, 2002. First edition. 240 pp w/bibliography. Near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [BURNING DECK PRESS]. Waldrop, Keith and Rosmarie. eds.
    Providence: Burning Deck (1982). First trade edition. 174 pp w/bibliography. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers with some light stains to white spine.
  • Placeholder
    [BURROUGHS, William S.].
    [Minneapolis]: Walker Art Center [1979]. First edition. 17 x 5 1/2 inch illustrated broadside. Fine. Annoucement for this reading by Burroughs, with a photograph of a seated WSB by Tina Freeman.
  • [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Aaron, Richard.
    Santa Barbara: Am Here Books (1981). First edition. 4to. 146 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. 2102 item rare books catalogue featuring post-modern poetry books, manuscripts, & letters. Several writers were called upon to comment on their contemporaries. Tom Clark, Dennis Cooper, Robert Creeley, Ed Dorn, Amy Gerstler, Charles Plymell, and others contribute. There is also printed the text of a William S. Burroughs piece, “The Last Words of Hassan-i-Sabbah.” As if that were not enough, a 7 inch 45 rpm recording of Burroughs reading the piece accompanies in an envelope at the rear of the volume. Both the catalogue and record fine. An excellent reference and read.
  • Placeholder
    [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Aaron, Richard.
    Santa Barbara: Am Here Books (1981). First edition. 4to. 146 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. 2102 item rare books catalogue featuring post-modern poetry books, manuscripts, & letters. Several writers were called upon to comment on their contemporaries. Tom Clark, Dennis Cooper, Robert Creeley, Ed Dorn, Amy Gerstler, Charles Plymell and others contribute. There is also printed the text of a William S. Burroughs piece, “The Last Words of Hassan-i-Sabbah.”
  • Placeholder
    [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Chadwick, Cydney. ed.
    Penngrove: Avec Magazine (1988). 4to. 94 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. This premiere issue features excerpts from the previously unpublished “Lost Chapter” of William S. Burroughs’ NAKED LUNCH. Contributions also by Broughton, Codrescu, Eigner, Hejinian, McCaffery, Kyger, and many others including a dawing of WSB by S. Clay Wilson.
  • Placeholder
    [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Odier, Daniel.
    London: Jonathan Cape (1970). First UK edition. 192 pp. Near fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket. Maynard & Miles A16b. Young 545*.
  • [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Weber, Bruce.
    Tokyo: Taro Kaneda (1991). First edition. 4to. [128 pp]. Near fine in illustrated wrappers with light edgewear. Catalogue for an exhibition that showed in Tokyo & Los Angeles. Introductory text, “Eternal Farewells!” by William S. Burroughs.
  • Placeholder
    [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Youdelman, Jeffrey. ed.
    East Palo Alto: Lip (1969). 52 pp. Foxing along top edge, light sunning along spine; in all, near fine in stapled wrappers. First and only issue. Features William S. Burroughs’ “two ABSTRACTS.” While artist Youdelman names underground comic artists George DiCaprio and Noe Goldwasser as assistants, all the internal illustrations in the magazine are by Bill Woodall.
  • [BUTLER, Bill].
    London: Wallrich Books, 1970. First edition. 111 pp. Very near fine in printed wrappers. Poem print insert by Asa Benveniste and Paul Vaughan present. One of 500 copies. Other contributors include Elaine Feinstein, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Muriel Rukeyser and many others. Issued to raise legal defense funds for Bill Butler, a UK publisher and bookseller arrested on obscenity charges. INSCRIBED by Butler to Carolyn [Kizer], “for Carolyn / for some shit / ripped hers off. / Bill Butler / 7 VI 71 / Brighton.”
  • Placeholder
    [BUTTS, Mary]. Wagstaff, Christopher. ed.
    Davis: University of California (1984). First edition. Single sheet folded into thirds. Fine. Schedule for the Mary Butts conference at UC Davis on 23 & 24 February 1984. Prints brief statements on Butts’ work by Barbara Wagstaff, Robin Blaser, and Robert Duncan.
  • Placeholder
    [BUTTS, Mary]. Wagstaff, Christopher. ed.
    Davis: University of California (1984). First edition. Single sheet folded into thirds. Fine. Schedule for the Mary Butts conference at UC Davis on 23 & 24 February 1984. Prints brief statements by Barbara Wagstaff, Robin Blaser, and Robert Duncan on Butts’ work. One of a small number of copies, reportedly 50, issued SIGNED by Blaser and Duncan.
  • Placeholder
    [CAGE, John]. Bischoff, Ulrich. ed.
    München: Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst, 1991. First edition. 4to. 255 pp. Very near fine in wrappers and near fine unprinted glassine dust jacket with two tiny tears to bottom edge of rear panel. Fully-illustrated with b&w and color reproductions and photographs. Almost all texts in German.
  • Placeholder
    [CAGE, John]. Silverman, Kenneth.
    NY: Knopf, 2010. First edition. 483 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [CALIBAN PRESS]. McMurray, Mark.
    Montclair: Caliban Press, 1991. First edition. Folio. 50 pp + sample pages. Fine in sewn wrappers and integral printed dust jacket. Written, hand-set, printed, and bound by Mark McMurray. One of 100 numbered copies on eight types of paper SIGNED by McMurray.
  • [CAMERON]. Duncan, Michael.
    NY: Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery (2007). First edition. Small 4to. [48 pp]. Fine in wrappers and near fine illustrated dust jacket. Forty color reproductions, plus photographs. Best known for her association with Wallace Berman, her photograph appeared on the cover of Semina 1, and a reproduction of one of her drawings sparked the closure of a show at the Ferus Gallery by police.
  • [CAMUS, Albert]. Hoy, Peter C.
    Paris: lettres modernes, 1971. Second (revised and enlarged) edition. viii + [50 pp] + [xviii]. Fine in printed wrappers. Texts in English.
  • Placeholder
    San Francisco: Canyon Cinema Cooperative (1978). First edition. 4to. 60 pp. Light foxing to front panel, else near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [CARLYLE, Thomas]. Tarr, Roger L.
    Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989. First edition. xxi + 543 pp w/index. Fine in full blue cloth with gilt stamping to spine and front panel. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • Placeholder
    [CARMAN, Bliss]. Cappon, James.
    Toronto: Ryerson Press (1930). First edition. 340 pp w/index. Previous owner’s signature to first leaf, else very near fine in near fine dust jacket with light wear along top edge.
  • Placeholder
    [CARMAN, Bliss]. Miller, Muriel.
    Toronto: Ryerson Press (1935). First edition. 136 pp w/index. Spine sunned, else very good plus in full cloth. Lacks dust jacket. SIGNED by Miller on the title page. Additionally INSCRIBED by Miller on the front free endpaper, “To / George Foster, / with kindest regards / from the author. / Christmas, 1935.” Finally, there is a small promotional card for the book laid in, which is also inscribed.
  • [CARVER, Raymond]. Garlington, Jack. ed.
    Salt Lake City: Department of English/Western Humanities Review, 1963. Winter. 103 pp. Bump to crown of spine, else near fine in printed wrappers. Presents Carver’s “Pastoral, a story.” One of Carver’s first published short fictions, one of six published in 1963, and preceded by only one other earlier, in 1961.
  • Placeholder
    [CARVER, RAYMOND]. Halpert, Sam.
    Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, (1995). First trade paperback printing. 196 pp. Very near fine in wrappers. Interivews with close companions, acquaintances, and family.
  • Placeholder
    [CARVER, Raymond]. Runyon, Randolph Paul.
    Syracuse: Syracuse University Press (1992). First edition. xviii + 226 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [CARVER, Raymond]. Stull, William L. and Maureen P. Carroll. eds.
    Santa Barbara: Capra Press (1993). First edition. 261 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Promotional flyer laid in.
  • Placeholder
    [CARY, Joyce]. Makinen, Merja with Kevin Harris.
    London & NY: Mansell (1989). First edition. x + 254 pp w/index. Fine in full black cloth. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • Placeholder
    [CASSADY, Neal]. Cassady, Carolyn.
    California: unspeakable visions of the individual (1976). First edition. 5 1/2 x 3 1/4 inch postcard. Fine. Drawing of Neal Cassady at the typewriter by his wife Carolyn Cassady, dated 1951.
  • Placeholder
    [CASTRO, Fidel]. Krich, John.
    Berkeley: Creative Arts (1981). First edition. 171 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • [CATTLE MUTILATION]. Perkins, David with Lewis MacAdams and Tom Clark.
    Santa Barbara: Am Here Books/Immediate Editions (1982). First edition. Oblong 8vo. [58 pp]. Fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover illustration by Tom Clark. Dead cattle, UFOs. Yes, this is still a thing.