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Showing 23009–23040 of 24027 results

  • Placeholder
    [MARDEN, Brice].
    London: Serpentine Gallery, 2000. First edition. Small 4to. 69 pp. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. Two fold-out plates. Essay, “Looking at Brice Marden,” by Lisa G. Corrin.
  • Placeholder
    [MARDEN, Brice]. Lewison, Jeremy.
    London: Tate Gallery (1992). First trade paperback printing. 175 pp w/index. Old price sticker on rear cover, else very good plus in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    Goleta: Unicorn Book Shop (nd). First edition. Single 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet folded once. Fine. Addresses the crisis of 20,000 Americans held on marijuana charges. Unicorn Pamphlet #one.
  • [MARIJUANA]. Kettner, M. ed.
    Seattle: McKettner Publishing (1985). 4to. 20 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. One-time issue dealing with marijuana literature, culture, and history through poetry, songs, newspaper clippings, posters, ads, and graphics. Work by Kupferberg, Wanda Coleman, Ron Androla, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [MARLOWE, Dan J.]. Kelly, Charles.
    (np): Asclepian Imprints (2012). First edition. 278 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • [MARTIN, John. ed.].
    Los Angeles & Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow (1973-1978). First editions. Six volumes, all fine in full cloth with printed cover labels and fine unprinted acetate dust jackets. Each one of the 72 issues of Sparrow here in the first printing, and SIGNED by each author if alive at the original publication date. Signing contributors include Bukowski, Creeley, Antin, Oates, Eigner, McClure, Hawkins, Malanga, Bowles, Mrabet, Sorrentino, Corman, Coleman, Rakosi, Everson, Roditi, and many others from the Black Sparrow stable. For the set:
  • Placeholder
    [MARTIN, John. ed.].
    Los Angeles & Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow (1972-1978). First editions. Some light foxing and toning to top edges, else all near fine or better in stapled wrappers. Kelly (5), Eshleman (3), Wakoski (5), Bromige (3), Bukowski (4), Creeley (3), Grossinger, Antin, Jaffe (2), Oates (3), Palmer, Dawson (3), Eigner, Hawkins, McClure, Clark (3), Malanga (4), Artaud (3), Rothenberg, Enslin (2), Watterlond, Tarn (2), Corman (3), Stepanchev (2), Mrabet (translated by Bowles), Loewinsohn, Olson, Sorrentino, Reznikoff, Rakosi, Goodman, Coleman, Faas, Davidson, Shelnutt, Everson, Roditi, Vallejo. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [MASON, J.H.]. Owens, L.T.
    London: Frederick Muller Limited, 1976. First edition. xvi + 192 pp w/index. Fine in near fine dust jacket with two short closed tears and a crease to rear panel.
  • Placeholder
    [MASSON, André and Graham Sutherland].
    Paris: XXe siècle , 1972. June. Folio. Closed tear extending 2” from crown and across spine, else near fine in glossy illustrated boards. Homage to Piet Mondrian issue, featuring lithographs by André Masson and Graham Sutherland.
  • Placeholder
    [MATISSE, Henri]. Herrera, Hayden.
    NY: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1993. First edition. 223 pp w/index. Near fine in very good plus dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [MATISSE, Henri]. Spurling, Hilary.
    London: Hamish Hamilton (2005). First edition. xxi + 512 pp w/index. Near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [MATTHIAS, John]. Archambeau, Robert. ed.
    Athens: Swallow Press/Ohio University Press (1998). First edition. xiii + 245 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [MAYAKOVSKY, Vladimir]. Stapanian, Juliette R.
    Houston: Rice University Press (1986). First edition. xiv + 225 pp w/notes & selected bibliography. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [MCCARTHY, Mary]. Goldman, Sherli Evens.
    NY: Harcourt Brace & World (1968). First edition. 80 pp w/indexes. Fine in very good plus dust jacket that is lightly rubbed and has one chip at crown of spine. Includes contributions to periodicals and foreign translations.
  • Placeholder
    [McCLURE, Michael]. Clements, Marshall.
    NY: Phoenix Book Shop (1965). First edition. v + 35 pp. Bend to one lower corner, else near fine in stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [McGUCKIAN, Medbh]. Burtoyne-Johnson, Jolanta.
    Coleraine: Cranagh Press (1999). First edition. 41 pp w/references & bibliography. Near fine in stapled wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [McMURTRY, Larry]. Dugger, Ronnie. ed.
    Austin: The Texas Observer, 1965. First edition. 16 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Cover story by McMurtry, “Love, Death, and the Astrodome.”
  • Placeholder
    [MELCHERT, Jim]. Moss, Stacey.
    Belmont: Wiegand Gallery/College of Notre Dame (1989). First edition. Exhibition catalogue. Single sheet, folded once. Fine. An essay on Melchert by Moss, exhibition checklist, and brief bio. Illustrated with a reproduction of one drawing and a photo of Melchert.
  • Placeholder
    [MELTZER, David]. Kherdian, David.
    Berkeley: Oyez, 1965. First edition. 9 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers and integral printed dust jacket. Designed and printed in an edition of 500 copies by Graham Macintosh.
  • Placeholder
    [MELVILLE, Herman]. Seelye, John.
    Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970. First edition. xiv + 177 pp w/index. Very near fine in full cloth without dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [MENDELSOHN, Eric]. King, Susan.
    Berkeley: University Art Museum (1969). First edition. 119 pp. Pale stain to front cover, else near fine in illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [MERCHANT IVORY]. Long, Robert Emmet.
    NY: Abrams (1991). First edition. 4to. 208 pp w/selected bibliography & index. Fine in near fine dust jacket. INSCRIBED by Mark Greenberg, who edited this book, and SIGNED by Dirk Luykx, who designed it.
  • Placeholder
    [MEREDITH, William]. Buckeye, Robert. ed.
    Middlebury: Abernethy Library, 1989. First edition. [36 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 150 copies. Introductory essay by Brett Candlish Millier.
  • Placeholder
    [MERRILL, James].
    Cummaquid: Cape Cod Writers Inc., 1982. . First edition. Stapled wrappers. A 22 page interview with Merrill. Near fine.
  • Placeholder
    [MERRILL, James].
    [Amherst]: Amherst College Humanities 1-2 (1950). First edition. 28 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Prints Merrill's poem 'The Broken Bowl' from his collection THE BLACK SWAN AND OTHER POEMS. Also poems by Emily Dickinson, E.A. Robinson, Rolfe Humphries, and others. Somewhat uncommon.
  • Placeholder
    [MERRILL, James]. Horowitz, Glenn.
    NY: Glenn Horowitz Bookseller (nd). First edition. 32 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. The collection of Dennis M. Silverman. One hundred and nine items or lots described.
  • Placeholder
    [MERRILL, James]. Lunn, Jean. ed.
    Cummaquid: Sandscript (1982). First printing of this literary magazine. 45 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Includes a 22 pp interview with Merrill by Jean Lunn.
  • Placeholder
    [MERRILL, James]. Magowan, Robin and Mark. eds.
    NY: Academy of American Poets (1996). First edition. 103 pp. Near fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 1000 copies. Illustrated with b&w photographs. Contributions by Gurganus, Hadas, Leithauser, McClatchy, Merwin, Wilbur, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [MERWIN, W.S].
    Roanoke: Hollins College, 1968. First edition. 12 pp. Very good in stapled wrappers with a vertical crease the length of the pamphlet. Review of Merwin’s work which includes a short bibliography. Designated ‘File Copy’ in Merwin’s hand and SIGNED by Merwin.
  • Placeholder
    [MESSERLI, Douglas]. Smith, Rod. ed.
    Washington DC: Aerial (1988). First edition. 118 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. In addition to work by Messerli and a bibliography, this issue has contributions by Tom Beckett, Charles Bernstein, Tina Darragh, Peter Ganick, Joan Retallack, and many others.
  • Placeholder
    [MICHAUX, Henri]. Oliva, Archille Bonito.
    Rome: Edizioni Carte Segrete (1988). First edition. 71 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [MICHELINE, Jack].
    [San Francisco]: (np) 1998. First edition. Stiff sheet folded once (8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, closed). Near fine. In addition to two b&w photographs and reproductions of his paintings, presents his poem, “To be a Poet is to Live and Die.”