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Showing 23233–23264 of 24027 results

  • Placeholder
    [PINSKY, Robert].
    Berkeley: Berkeley Poetry Review. . First edition. 8vo. Illustrated wrappers. 114 pp. Edited by P. Michael Campbell. Features an interview with Pinsky by Campbell. Pinsky also contributes a poem and a translation of a poem by Czeslaw Milosz. Other contributors include, Thom Gunn, Robert Haas, Gary Soto and many others. Near fine.
  • Placeholder
    [PINTER, Harold]. Gale, Steven H.
    Boston: G.K. Hall (1978). First edition. xxi + 244 pp w/index. Fine in decorated boards. No dust jacket, as issued.
  • [PITTS, J. Martin]. McDowall, Nicholas. ed.
    Llandogo: Old Stile Press (2002). First edition. [84 pp]. Fine in full orange cloth with gold stamping to spine and front cover. Fine printed paper vellum dust jacket. Introduction by Chris Newett. Pitts’ linocuts, printed in several colors, paired with texts. One of 150 numbered copies on Somerset Book paper SIGNED by Newitt and McDowall.
  • [PLANTIN PRESS]. Marks, Lillian.
    Los Angeles: Plantin Press, 1980. First edition. xxi +194 pp. Fine in marbled paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. Very near fine publisher’s slipcase. One of 350 numbered copies SIGNED by Lillian Marks.
  • Placeholder
    [PLATH, Sylvia]
    London: Macmillan (1969). First edition. 279 pp. Top edge dusty, else near fine in very good plus dust jacket. First book appearance of Plath's short story, “Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams.” Stories also by Margaret Laurence, Bernard Malamud, Alan Sillitoe, and others.
  • Placeholder
    [PLATH, Sylvia].
    Hull: Critical Quarterly (1960). First edition. 24 pp. Very good plus in stapled wrappers. Prints work by Amis, Davie, Enright, Gunn, Hughes, Jennings, Larkin, Logue, Wain, and others, including Sylvia Plath, whose poem here, “Medallian,” is her first appearance in a book. INSCRIBED on the cover, 'Merry Christmas to the Watts [Ian and Ruth] / from the Schorers.'
  • Placeholder
    [PLATH, Sylvia]. Newman, Charles. ed.
    Evanston: TriQuarterly (1966). First edition. 160 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers that are lightly rubbed. Selected poems and essays on Plath’s work by Hughes, Dyson, Ames, Newman, SExton, and Alvarez.
  • Placeholder
    [PLATH, Sylvia]. Wagner-Martin, Linda W.
    NY: Simon and Schuster (1987). First edition. 282 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [PLATH, Sylvia]. Wagner, Erica.
    London: Faber and Faber (2000). First edition. 224 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket.
  • [POCKET POETS]. Heneghan, Donald H.
    NY: Groiler Club, 2005. First edition. 47 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Introduction by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Catalogue for this exhibition of items from the Heneghan collection, including the first 56 pocket poets volumes.
    Austin: Cold Mountain Press (1974). First edition. Ten 5 x 6 1/2 inch poemcards, all fine, housed in a folded broadside presenting a section from THE ENDLESS SHORT STORY by Ron Sukenick. Occasional illustrations by Rochelle Holt, Gretchen Reed, and the “old fisherman.” Work by Gregory Orr, Frances Thronson, Ryan Petty, Joseph Bruchac, Kabir translated by Robert Bly, Diane Wakoski, Allen Ginsberg, Wendell Berry, Michael Delp, and Douglas Blazek.
    Austin: Cold Mountain Press (1973). First edition. Ten 6 1/2 x 5 inch letterpress poemcards, all fine, housed in a folded broadside presenting Robert Bly’s translation of Neruda’s poem “Ode to Some Yellow Flowers.” Work by James Tipton, William Stafford, Peter Wild, Linda Pastan, Donald Hall, Ray Lindquist, John Haines, Thomas F. Sexton, Denise Levertov, and Terry Stokes.
  • Placeholder
    [POETRY ANTHOLOGIES]. Osborne, Charles. ed.
    London: Poetry Book Society (1973). First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Poems by Causley, Crossley-Holland, Enright, Howell, Macbeth, Raworth, Ross, Scannell, White, Jay, and Spender.
  • Placeholder
    [La Palma]: Medina Press, 1989. First edition. 97 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Collects work by Donna Hilbert, Lizbeth Parker, and Jill Young. A brief als from Hilbert presenting this copy for review laid-in.
  • Placeholder
    Parkland: Off the Wall Press, 1973. First edition. Unpaginated. Near fine in wrappers. Includes poetry by Loring Johnson, Jay Kline, Fred Page, William Burford, Sheriden Dillon, and Ed Dramer. INSCRIBED by Kline: "for _____ of the finest bookstore around./from Jay C. Kline/September 14, 1973." SIGNED by Johnson.
  • Placeholder
    Portland: Wine Press (1968). First edition. [28 pp]. Light sunning along spine, else near fine in stapled wrappers. Contributions by Richard Morris, Kenneth Brewer, Ronald Anthony Punnet, Halvard Johnson, Peter Wild, and David Tammer.
  • Placeholder
    NY: Heny Harrison (1939). First edition. Unpaginated. Endpapers discolored, else near fine in full green decorated cloth. Dated (Sept, 1929) and INSCRIBED on the front free endpaper by Macleod. Charming gift presentation in a child’s hand below that, “Dear Miss Philllips. This book will remind you of me, and my knowledge of percentage will always remind me of you. Bob Mills Aug. 14, 1931.”
  • Placeholder
    Ashland: Ashland Poetry Press (1969). First edition. 32 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers with light tanning to unprinted back cover. 14 member poets of the Ohio Poets’ Association. Grace Butcher contributes.
  • Placeholder
    Leeds: The Art & Design Press, 1970. First edition. 40 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers and fine printed dust jacket. Cover drawings by Stass Paraskos. Marvin Bell and Jeff Nuttall contribute, together with others.
  • Placeholder
    Northridge: Lord John Press, 1981. First edition, deluxe limited & signed issue. 55 pp. Spine lightly sunned, else very near fine in full black cloth and fine publisher’s slipcase. No dust jacket, as issued. One of 50 numbered copies SIGNED by all contributors: John Ashbery, Galway Kinnell, W.S. Merwin, L.M. Rosenberg, and Dave Smith.
  • Placeholder
    Gillingham: Arc (1970). First edition. [16 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 225 (of 250) copies. Poems by Charles Verey, Thomas A. Clarke, and John S. Sharkey.
  • Placeholder
    Rodez: Entretiens (1975). First edition. 288 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Includes a section of poems in English and facing French translation by Corso, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, McClure, Snyder, and others.
  • Placeholder
    Santa Fe: American Poet Press (nd). First edition. Horizontal 8vo. [44 pp]. Fine in string-bound wrappers. Poems by David Barnett, Barbara Levin, Jean Rosenbaum, Veryl Rosenbaum, and Leonard Soforo. Slip from the publisher laid in, concluding, “If you don’t like this book please give it to an enemy.”
    Portland: Portland Art Museum (1959). First editions. Eight flyers, each folded three times vertically (10 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches, closed). All near fine or better with a bit of discoloration to the upper corner of the Kizer volume, and some toning to Stafford. The eight poets are John Haislip, Carol Hall, Kenneth O. Hanson, Robert Huff, Richard Hugo, Carolyn Kizer, William Stafford, and David Wagoner, each contributing a selection of poems with a cover image by a visual artist in the show, “Paitings and Sculptures of the Pacific Northwest.” For the collection:
  • Placeholder
    El Paso: Vergin Press (1986). First edition. 67 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Poems by Lyn Lifshin, S. Ramnath, Belinda Subraman, and Robert Burlingame. Review slip laid in. Issued as Gypsy #5.
  • Placeholder
    Cummington: Playhouse-in-the-Hills (1939). First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Samuel French Morse, William Bronk Jr (2 poems), Harry Duncan, and Jane Ward. One of 300 copies printed for the Association of Friends of the Cummington School by the Kraushar Press.
  • Placeholder
    Columbus: Golden Goose Press, 1949. First edition. 32 pp. Faint offsetting to endpapers, else near fine in stapled wrappers and near fine dust jacket with a tiny tear to top edge of front cover. Collects work Robert Lawrence Beum, Leslie Woolf Hedley, Harold G. Miller, Scott Greer, and Nathan R. Teitel. One of 200 numbered copies.
  • Placeholder
    Hobart: Fullers Bookshop (nd). First edition. 51 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Foreword by Leslie Greener. “No. 387” inked to title page. Poems by Don Hutton, Karen Pridmore, John Heathcote, Tony Ryan, and Rolf Shankley.
  • Placeholder
    London: Wallrich Books, 1970. First edition. 111 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers; a trade paperback original. Poem print insert by Asa Benveniste and Paul Vaughan present. 500 copies printed. Other contributors include Elaine Feinstein, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Muriel Rukeyser and many others. Issued to raise legal defense funds for Bill Butler, a UK publisher and bookseller arrested on obscenity charges.
  • Placeholder
    Berkeley: Kelsey St. Press (1976). First edition. 48 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers. Work by twenty-five female poets including Judy Grahan, Frances Mayes, and Alicia Ostriker.
  • Placeholder
    London: Keepsake Press, 1965. First edition. 23 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Barker, Betjeman, Conquest, Gunn, Hughes, Redgrove, and others contribute. Edition limited to 12 copies for each of the nineteen contributing poets, and 100 more for public sale.
  • Placeholder
    Cleveland: Chester H. Jones Foundation, 1982. First edition. 28 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. First prize awarded to S. Ben-Tov. The contest was judged by Robert Creeley, Diane Wakoski, and Charles Wright. Promtional flyer laid-in.