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Showing 2433–2464 of 24079 results

  • Placeholder
    BUCKLE, RICHARD in collaboration with John Taras.
    NY: Random House, 1988. First edition. Near fine in fine dust jacket. Price clipped, short gift inscription first free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    BUCKLEY, Christoper with Gary Young.
    Santa Cruz: Greenhouse Review Press/Alcatraz Editions (2008). First edition. xxv + 421 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    BUCKLEY, Christopher.
    Santa Cruz: Moving Parts Press (1983). First trade edition. 51 pp. Light staining to cover and fore-edge, else fine in letterpress and woodblock printed wrappers. One of 225 copies SIGNED by Buckley on the colophon page. Handset and printed on Lana Laid paper with Moriki endsheets and Canson Mi Teintes cover. Woodcuts by Gary Young. A beautiful production.
  • Placeholder
    BUCKLEY, Christopher.
    Ithaca: Ithaca House (1985). First edition. 75 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. One of 1000 copies. Original Ithaca House stock.
  • Placeholder
    BUCKNER, John.
    Sacramento: Runcible Spoon (1968). First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 200 copies.
  • Placeholder
    BUDY, Andrea Hollander.
    Ashland: Story Line Press (2001). First edition. 74 pp w/notes. Fine in illustrated wrappers; a trade paperback original.
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    BUECHNER, Frederick.
    NY: Knopf, 1950. Uncorrected proof. 267 pp. Very near fine in printed blue wrappers. Young 503.
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    BUELL, Frederick.
    Ithaca: Ithaca House (1971). First edition. 89 pp. Near fine in printed wrappers. Buell's first book. Original Ithaca House stock.
  • Placeholder
    (np): Grande Ronde Press, 1967. First edition. [28 pp]. Tiny tear to the fore-edge of one page, else fine in stapled wrappers. One of 350 copies.
  • Placeholder
    Portland: Prensa de Lagar / Wine Press, 1966. First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers with a light bend to one lower corner. Buffington’s fourth book.
  • Placeholder
    BUFORD, Bill. ed.
    NY: Granta (1993). First edition. 320 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    BUFORD, Bill. ed.
    NY: Granta (1996). First printing of this literary journal. 320 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. ‘The Best of Young American Novelists’ issue. Sherman Alexie, Ethan Canin, David Guterson, Lorrie Moore, Chris Offutt, and others.
  • BUGMAN, Shifty.
    Boulder: Paladin Press (1999). First edition. Small 4to. vii + 310 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. In addition to a wealth of technical information, “Shifty’s anecdotal style takes the reader on a sordid covert odyssey that offers an inside look at how a pro works...”
  • Placeholder
    BUHROW, B.J.
    (np) New Rivers Press 1992. First edition. 72 pp. Very good plus in glossy illustrated wrappers. The 1990 Minnesota Voices Project Winner.
  • Placeholder
    BUITRAGO, Fanny.
    NY: HarperCollins (1996). First US edition. 232 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Spanish by Margaret.
  • Placeholder
    BUKIET, Melvin Jules.
    NY: Harcout Brace (1995). First edition. 197 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Promotional flyer and author photo laid in. His third book, a collection of short stories.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles and Crumb, R.
    Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow [1983]. First edition. 11 x 15 inch illustrated broadside, printed in three colors. Fine. Reproduces a Crumb drawing from the book, and provides ordering information. Broadside/Flyer No. 11.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles and R. Crumb.
    Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow [1984]. First edition. 10 x 17 inch illustrated broadside, printed in three colors on pink paper. Crease to one lower corner, else fine. Reproduces a Crumb drawing from the book, and provides ordering information. Broadside/flyer No. 12.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles and R. Crumb.
    Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow [1984]. First edition. 10 x 17 inch illustrated broadside, printed in three colors on pink paper. Two old folds, else fine. Reproduces a Crumb drawing from the book, and provides ordering information. Broadside/flyer No. 12.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Pasco: Nitty-Gritty [1975]. First edition. 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 inch illustrated broadside. One fold across the middle as issued, else fine. Distributed originally as part of Nitty-Gritty magazine. Krumhansl 48.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    [Santa Rosa]: Black Sparrow (nd). First edition. 12 3/8 x 9 1/2 inch broadside, printed in three colors. Fine. Presents Bukowski's poem, “if we take -” along with a reproduction of a small Bukowski drawing, with contest rules.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    [Santa Rosa]: Black Sparrow, 1999. First edition. 12 1/2 in x 9 1/4 inch illustrated broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. Reproduces a drawing and Bukowski's poem “Wide and Moving.” Issued gratis. 2000 copies printed. Krumhansl A159.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Madison: Quixote Press (1969). First edition. 80 pp. Near fine in stapled orange wrappers with a light bend to the lower right front corner. Edited by Douglas Blazek, with his introduction. Krumhansl 30.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    [Santa Cruz]: Mutant Drone Press (1982). First edition. [20 pp]. Very near fine in wrappers with printed cover label. A miniature (3 1/2 x 2 3/4 inches), printed by Felicia Rice. One of an unstated limitation (thought to be 40 copies) numbered and SIGNED by Rice. An illustrated excerpt from Bukowski’s novel POST OFFICE.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 1997. First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in printed stapled wrappers. Collects “a war in the ranks,” “fellow countryman,” “fame,” “it's slow tonight,” and “a new war.” Krumhansl 157a.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 1997. First edition, lettered issue. [16 pp]. Fine in printed paper-covered boards and unprinted white dust jacket. One of 26 lettered copies. Krumhansl 152c.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 1997. First edition, numbered issue. [16 pp]. Fine in printed paper-covered boards. No dust jacket as issued. One of 200 numbered copies. Krumhansl 152b.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Cambridge: Pomegranate Press, 1978. First edition. 21 1/2 x 15 inch illustrated broadside, printed in black on cream paper. Corners lightly tapped, else fine. Illustration by Karyl Klopp. One of 125 numbered copies SIGNED by Bukowski and Klopp. Krumhansl 65.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1975. First edition. [12 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Eight poems, issued as Sparrow 30.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Los Angeles: Black Sparrow, 1975. First edition. [12 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Eight poems, issued as Sparrow 30.
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    (np): Thomas Groff (1983). First separate edition. Single large sheet folded once (15 x 10 1/2 inches, closed). Near fine. A short story that appeared originally in Story Magazine in 1944. One of 150 numbered copies printed at the Grenfell press and SIGNED by Bukowski (with the addition a small drawings).
  • Placeholder
    BUKOWSKI, Charles.
    Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow, 1985. First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. A single poem, issued as a New Year's Greeting by the Press. Krumhansl 94a.