Showing 2849–2880 of 24075 results
$20.00NY: Doubleday (1996). Advance reading copy. 244 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Canty's first novel, following a collection of short stories.$35.00Jefferson & London: McFarland & Company (2020). First edition. x + 189 pp w/index. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.$45.00(np): (np) (1972). First edition. Unpaginated. Near fine in glossy stapled wrappers. Printed in Trididad.$12.50Albuquerque: Desert Review Press (nd). First edition. 20 x 6 1/2 inch sheet, folded twice horizontally to make a booklet. One small staple hole, else fine. A single long poem.$12.50San Francisco: Headstone Press, 1977. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.$20.00San Francisco: Headstone Press, 1977. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Caputo on the title page.$20.00Huntington: Solid Erection [1971]. First edition. [4 pp]. One old vertical fold, else near fine in stapled wrappers. Poems by each writer.$75.00NY: Tor (1990). Uncorrected proof. 675 pp. Near fine in printed light blue wrappers. Promotional flyer laid in.$45.00NY: TOR (1989). Uncorrected proof. 342 pp. Near fine in printed light blue wrappers. Review slip pasted inside front wrapper, promotional flyer laid in.$45.00NY: TOR (1994). Uncorrected proof. 382 pp. Publicist's card stapled to front cover, else fine in printed wrappers.$45.00NY: TOR Books (1991). Uncorrected proof. 398 pp. Publication information inked to half-title, one rear corner lightly creased, else near fine in printed light blue wrappers.$50.00Bolinas: Smithereens Press (1983). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4to. [52 pp]. Light foxing to page edges, else near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover art and internal drawings by Marta Beckstrom. One of 10 numbered copies SIGNED by Cardarelli and Beckstrom.$12.50Willimantic: Curbstone Press (1988). Second US edition. 123 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Original Spanish poems with facing translations by Marc Zimmerman. Promotional flyer laid in.$30.00Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press (1973). First US edition. 116 pp w/glossary. Near fine in near fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Spanish by Monique and Carlos Altschul. Illustrated by Din Aranda.$250.00London: Latimer (1974). First edition. 125 pp. Pages toned (cheap paper) else near fine in very good plus dust jacket with wear to rear panel and sunning to the red spine lettering. Cameron Allan’s penciled name and date (’76) on the front free endpaper. Cardew wrestles with modern music and class.$15.00Suffern: Stone Buzzard Press (1989). First edition. 75 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers; a trade paperback original. Promotional flyers laid in.$20.00Santa Barbara: Little Square Review, 1969. . First edition. 8vo. Printed wrappers. 69 pp. 1/600 copies designed by Noel Young. Fine.$20.00Denver: Allen Swallow (1961). First edition. 43 pp. Inked ownership name on the first leaf, small tape mark on the rear cover; in all, very good plus in wrappers.$15.00Los Angeles & Fairfax: Red Hill Press, 1974. First edition. [48 pp]. Near fine in printed wrappers. Poems and drawings.$15.00Indianapolis/NY: Bobbs-Merrill (1972). First edition. 86 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket.$55.00Paris: Le Terrain Vague, 1965. First edition. [96 pp]. Fine in full red silk over boards in near fine dust jacket. Text and surrealistic collage illustrations.$12.50Stratford: Mercury Press (1994). First edition. 79 pp. Spine sunned, else near fine in illustrated wrappers.$50.00NY: Adventures in Poetry (1971). First edition. 4to. [44 pp]. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers with light toning to extrems. One of 250 copies. Ron Padgett and Johnny Stanton introduce and present this 18th century work.$50.00NY: Adventures in Poetry (1971). First edition. 4to. [44 pp]. Very good plus in side-stapled wrappers. One of 250 copies. Ron Padgett and Johnny Stanton introduce and present this 18th century work.$20.00Willimantic: Curbstone Press (1983). First edition. 51 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Poems. Promotional flyer and review slip laid in.$10.00Los Angeles: Bombshelter Press (1987). First edition. 36 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.$25.00San Francisco: Cranium Press (1968). First edition. Single large sheet folded once (11 x 8 1/2 inches, closed). Fine. Printed in two colors. Issued as a Holiday Greeting by Clifford and Diane Burke.$12.50NY: Bloomsbury (2001). First US edition. 248 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket.$35.00NY: Harper & Row (1988). First US edition. 433 pp w/glossary. Near fine in near fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Carey on the title page.$25.00NY: Knopf, 2012. First US edition. 229 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Carey on the title page.