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Showing 1–32 of 46 results

  • Placeholder
    BLAZEK, Douglas. ed.
    Bensenville & San Francisco: Mimeo/Open Skull Press 1964-1967. Eight issues, a mix of 8vo and 4to. Small smudge and stain to cover of #1, sunning to spine of #4, wear to spine of #5, and spine and top corner of #7, else all are very good plus or better in wrappers. SIGNED by Blazek in #8. One of the mimeo classics. Bukowski, Crews, Blazek, Congdon, Richmond, Lowenfels, Blazek, Wantling, Major, Kay Johnson and many others appear in the first three issues alone. #5 is a Harold Norse special issue. #7 devoted to reviews of small press publications for the preceding five years. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    CORBETT, William with Lee Harwood and Lewis Warsh. eds.
    Boston: Boston Eagle, 1973-1974. All 4to, all near fine in side-stapled wrappers. In addition to writings by the three editors, a complete list of contributors includes: John Wieners, Fanny Howe, Michael Palmer, Jonathan Cott, Paul Evans, Gerard Malanga, Pat Nolan, Larry Fagin, Bill Berkson, Bernadette Mayer, James Tate, and Clark Coolidge. Secret Location p. 266. For the run:
  • HOPKIN, Bart. ed.
    Nicasio: Experimental Musical Instruments (1985-1999). Seventy issues, all 4to, all very near fine in stapled wrappers with some staining to the spines of three early issues. Published bi-monthly for the first nine years, then quarterly for the next five. “For the design, construction, and enjoyment of unusual sound sources.” Illustrated. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    KOCH, Peter. ed.
    San Francisco: Black Stone Press, 1980. 42 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Contributions by Hitchcock, Bigus, Walkup, Ratch, Johnston, and several others. The magazine is subtitled, “A journal of letters, design and typographic printmaking.” Slip laid in stating edition size is 250 instead of 500 copies.
  • Placeholder
    MALANGA, Paul and Bobby Byrd. eds.
    Tucson & Seattle: From a Window 1965-1966. Five issues, all near fine or better in stapled wrappers with light sunning along spines. Contributions by John Newlove, Peter Wild, Paul Blackburn, Judson Crews, Mason Jordan Mason, Gerard Malanga, Larry Eigner, Carol Bergé, and others. For the run:
  • PLUMB, David. ed.
    San Francisco: Journal 31 (1972). 55 + 46 pp. Two creases to spine of #1 (production flaw) else both issues fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Pete Winslow on Bob Kaufman, Kicknosway, Barry Gifford, Paul Vangelisti, David Gitin, Blazek, Di Palma, Mariah, and many others contribute. Brief ALS from the editor laid into the first issue. For the pair:
  • Placeholder
    [BURROUGHS, William S.]. Youdelman, Jeffrey. ed.
    East Palo Alto: Lip (1969). 52 pp. Foxing along top edge, light sunning along spine; in all, near fine in stapled wrappers. First and only issue. Features William S. Burroughs’ “two ABSTRACTS.” While artist Youdelman names underground comic artists George DiCaprio and Noe Goldwasser as assistants, all the internal illustrations in the magazine are by Bill Woodall.
  • Placeholder
    San Francisco: (1989). [20 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers.
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Ashbery, John. et al, eds.
    Lansen-Vercors: Locus Solus (1961-1962). Five issues in four volumes (III-IV is a double), all very near fine in printed wrappers. Issue #1 is in the first state, untrimmed. In addition to Ashbery, Kenenth Koch, Harry Matthews, and James Schuyler, who together edited this stellar mag, contributors include Guest, O’Hara, Blaser, Berkson, Burroughs, Corso, Eluard, Kraus, Peret, Di Prima, Lax, Ceravolo, Malanga, Denby, Kallman, Wieners, and many others. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Bertholf, Robert. ed.
    Kent: Credences Press (1975-1980). Nine numbers in seven issues. All fine in stapled wrappers. Contributors include Dawson, Duncan, Bronk, Oppenheimer, Mackey, Brakhage, and many others. Jess did the cover art for 3 and 8/9. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Blaser, Robin. ed.
    Vancouver: The Pacific Nation (1967 & 1969). 114 + 106 pp. Two issues, both very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Work by Blaser, Herndon, Spicer, Brautigan, Olson, Dull, Artaud, McClure, and that’s just the first issue. For the pair:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Blazek, Douglas. ed.
    San Francisco: Open Skull, 1967. First edition. 34 pp. Very good plus in stapled wrappers. Letters from Plymell, Wantling, Norse, Purdy, Kryss, Cauble, and others with four “ink pressings” by Blazek in the center sections. Conceived as a continuing dialogue, this was destined to be a “one-shot.”
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Brett, B.T. and Allan Safarik. eds.
    Burnaby: Blackfish (1971-1972/3). Five issues in four, all fine in illustrated wrappers. Bowering, Livesay, Purdy, Acorn, Gunn, Atwood, Page, and many others appear. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Burke, Clifford. ed.
    Berkeley: Hollow Orange, 1966-1970. Six volumes, all fine in sewn wrappers. Attractive 16mo hand-bound little magazine. Peter Wild, Keith Abbott, Pamela Millward, Ronald Silliman, Bill Bathurst, Pete Winslow, Doug Blazek, and many others. Issue #4 features four poems by Richard Brautigan. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Callahan, Bob. ed.
    Berkeley: Turtle Island/Nezahaulcoyotl Historical Society (1975-1980). Five numbers in four issues. All near fine in printed wrappers. Contributions by Carl O. Sauer, Ernesto Cardenal, Charles Olson, Jaime de Angulo, Ed Dorn, Kenneth Irby, Ishmael Reed, David Meltzer, Susan Howe, Tom Raworth, Fanny Howe, and many others. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Callahan, Bob. ed.
    Berkeley: Turtle Island Foundation, 1979. Volume 1, Number 1. 16 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. Features an interview with Robert Duncan by Callahan on Jaime de Angulo. The only issue published.
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Carmines, Al and Don Katzman, eds.
    NY: Al Carmines (1963). 75 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Contributions by Allen Katzman, Anselm Hollo, Jackson Mac Low, Denise Levertov, Diane Wakoski, John Keys, and many others. First and only issue of this Greenwich Village magazine. Editorial board included Robert Lima, Katzman, Ted Enslin, and Paul Blackburn.
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Corman, Cid. ed.
    Koyoto: Origin (1966-1971). Twenty issues. Other than a bit of rust around the staples, all very near fine in printed wrappers with light foxing to the spines of 2 and 3, spine sunning to 5, and foxing to the page edges of 6. Each issue features a poet, in order: Cid Corman, Lorine Niedecker, André Du Bouchet, Kusano Shimpei, William Bronk, Douglas Woolf, Seymour Faust, Josef Albers, Francis Ponge, René Daumal, Chuang-Tzu’s “Autumn Flood,” Denis Goacher, Jean Daive, John Taggart, Paul Celan, Daphne Marlatt, Philippe Jaccottet, Jonathan Greene, Frank Samperi, and Hitomaro. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Derleth, August. ed.
    Sauk City: August Derleth 1960-1963. Complete run of Derleth’s magazine, “poems of man and nature.” Fine in full green cloth with gilt stamping on spine. No dust jacket, as issued. All ten issues of this little magazine. In addition to work by Derleth, prints work by Bariss Mills, Felix Stafanile, James L. Weil, Gena Ford, William Stafford, George Bowering, and many other.
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Di Emidio Monica. ed.
    San Francisco: Ishmael [c 1960]. 87 pp. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. Richard Garcia, André Breton (3 poems), Jerome Rothenberg, Luis Cernuda, and Herman Hesse (8 poems) appear. First and only issue.
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Di Prima, Diane and LeRoi Jones. eds.
    La Jolla: Laurence McGilvery, 1973. First edition. 4to + xviii + 578 pp w/index. Fine in full dark cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Introduction and notes adapted from interview with Di Prima recorded in July and August 1970. A facsimile of the complete run of this most ephemeral little mag.
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. DiPalma, Ray. ed.
    (np): Doones Press 1973. First edition. 4to. [30 pp]. Light toning to edges, else very near fine in side-stapled wrappers. Cover art by Elisabeth Brandfass. Merrill Gilfillan, Ted Greenwald, Keith Waldrop, Tom Raworth, Ron Silliman, Rosmarie Waldrop, and DiPalma contribute. First and only issue.
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Duffy, William and Robert Bly. eds.
    Madison: Sixties Press, 1960-1968. Seven volumes, all very near fine to fine in printed wrappers. The earliest issues of this magazine were titled “The Fifties” and numbered 1-3. The Sixties began in 1960 with 4, and ended with 10 in 1968. Poetry in translation emphasized. Work by Levertov, Cortazar, Char, Haines, Neruda, Snyder, Edson, Celan, James Wright, and may others. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Frumkin, Gene. et al, eds.
    Albuquerque: San Marcos Review [1978] - 1983. Five issues, all very near fine or better in illustrated wrappers. Brandi, Corso, Ferlinghetti, Levertov, Komunyakaa, Perreault, Waldman, and others. Errata slip present in #1. The second issue features poets of Hawaii, 2:1 features the work of Keith Wilson, and 2:2 features Contemporary Spanish and Latin American poetry with a focus on Brazilian Concrete Poetry. The last issue features women poets. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Gizzi, Peter and Connell McGrath. eds.
    NY & Stockbridge: Garlic Press/Oblek Editions (1987-1993). Twelve issues in thirteen volumes, #12 being issued in two parts. All near fine or better in wrappers with most being fine. Cover art by Norman Bluhm, Trevor Winkfield, Brian Schorn, Win Knowlton, and Jess among others. A high production value journal of contemporary letters presenting work by Coolidge, Jabes, Michael Palmer, Charles Bernstein, Charles Simic, Creeley, Mac Low, Hejinian, Berrigan, Ashbery, Spicer, Duncan and many others. #9 is a Burning Deck 30th anniversary tribute issue. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Glotzer, David. et al, eds.
    NY: Mulch, 1971-1976. Nine numbers in eight issues. Price sticker to first leaf of the first issue, else all near fine or better in illustrated wrappers. Contributions from Basil King (who was also an editor), Enslin, Blackburn, Russell Banks, Ginsberg, Wieners, Di Prima, Fielding Dawson, Ray Johnson, Coolidge, and many others. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Greene, Jonathan and Bruce Marcus. eds.
    NY & Lexington: Gnomon Press (1965-1967). Two issues, both near fine in stapled wrappers. Poems and translations by Paul Blackburn, Jonathan Greene, Guy Davenport, Robin Blaser, Charles Stein, Pound, Borges on Cabala, much more. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Grieve, Tom and Henry Hoekema. eds.
    Coquitlam: Archaí Publications (1973-1974). Four numbers in three issues. Spine of 3/4 a little sunned, else all very near fine in printed wrappers. The first issue is devoted to Karl Siegler’s translation of Novalis’ ENCYCLOPEDIA IX. The second issue, Sharon Fawcett’s “The Imagination of Awakening: Endings of Some of Shakespeare’s Comic Plays.” The double 3/4 concluding issue is John Scoggan’s “Charles Olson’s Imago Mundi H.D’s Flowering of the Rod: A Study of the Soul in a Recent Poetics.” Introductory slip in 1, errata slip in 3/4, as issued. For the run:
  • Placeholder
    [COMPLETE RUNS]. Hare, David. ed.
    NY: VVV (1942-1944). Four numbers in three issues (2/3 being a double) in wrappers. Droplet mark to the front cover, of #1, with sunned spine, #2/3 near fine with original chicken wire replaced, #4 has a small droplet mark on rear cover and light wear to yapp bottom edge, else very near fine. Housed in a custom clamshell box by Peggy Gotthold at Foolscap Press. Covers by Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, and Matta, respectively. A major Surrealist vehicle presenting work by the usual suspects (Breton and Ernst were editorial advisors), but still: WCW, Caillois, Lévi-Strauss, Aimé Césaire, Leonora Carrington, Valentine Penrose, Arthur Cravan, Robert Motherwell, Irving Penn, Picasso, Tanguy, and that’s just the first issue. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Hartley, George. ed.
    Hessle: Listen/Marvell Press (1954-1962). Twelve issues, all very near fine or fine in stapled wrappers, with the exception of a small snag to the cover and firs three leaves of 2:2. A major vehicle for Philip Larkin (appears in all but two issues). Work also by Pound, Skelton, Amis, Davie, MacBeth, Merwin, Gunn, Rich, Stevie Smith, Henry Moore,and others. Laid into the last volume is a flyer for “Listen Records,” announcing releases by Thom Gunn and Kingsley Amis. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Hitchcock, George. ed.
    San Francisco & Santa Cruz: Kayak (1964-1984). 64 issues, all fine in stapled wrappers. One of the best, and longest-lasting, little mags known for its surrealism-inspired clippings of nineteenth-century engravings, fondness for the “found poem,” and no fear of translation. Bly, Antin, Atwood, Levine, Ammons, Merwin, Simic, Knott, Tate, Roditi, Berry, Pillin, Blazek, Carver, Valaoritis, Beiles, Sexton, Snyder, and many many others. For the run:
  • [COMPLETE RUNS]. Lish, Gordon and Barney Childs. eds.
    Burlingame: Chrysalis West Foundation (1962-1964). Eight issues (1-7 + supplement), all fine in illustrated wrappers with the supplement volume fine in stapled wrappers. The first issue alone has work by Jack Gilbert, Paul Bowles, Denise Levertov, Grace Paley, La Monte Young, and many others.Middle issues include Enslin, Levertov, Wakoski, Wild, Edson, Stafford, Corso, Mac Low, Kesey, Barthelme, Whalen, and others. The supplement is made up of poems accepted or publication by editor Barney Childs, who was informed that Genesis West would no longer publish poems, hence this collection. Complete sets of this periodical in fine condition are uncommon. For the run: