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Showing 1–32 of 34 results

  • Placeholder
    CAGE, John with Joan Retallack.
    Hanover & London: Wesleyan University Press (1996). First edition. xlvii + 360 pp w/index. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with light wrinkles to base and crown of spine.
  • g.brecht d.higgins a.knowles c.moorman, n.j.paik. d.rot
    Philadelphia: College of Art, 1964. First edition. 1 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches, printed on recto only. Fine. Miniature card promoting this event.
  • Placeholder
    HIGGINS, Dick and Emmett Williams, eds.
    NY: Something Else Press (1966). First edition, second printing. 31 pp. Light sunning to spine, else near fine in stapled wrappers. Brief works by John Giorno, Dick Higgins, Jerome Rothenberg, W.E.B. DuBois Clubs, Ay-O and others. 2000 copies printed. Great Bear Pamphlet #8. Peter Frank in his bibliography of the press states that a second printing is unverified, but this example lists twenty titles on the rear cover rather than just the first ten, leading to reason that this IS a second printing, when the series was further along.
  • HIGGINS, Dick and Emmett Williams, eds.
    NY: Something Else Press (1966). First edition. 31 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers with light sunning along spine. Brief works by John Giorno, Dick Higgins, Jerome Rothenberg, W.E.B. DuBois Clubs, Ay-O, and others. 2000 copies printed. Ten titles listed on the rear cover. Great Bear Pamphlet #8.
  • Placeholder
    HIGGINS, Dick.
    NY: Something Else Press (1965). Third printing (full series printed on rear cover). 16 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. One of 500 copies. Great Bear Pamphlet 2.
  • Placeholder
    HIGGINS, Dick.
    NY: Great Bear / Something Else Press (1965). First edition. 14 pp. Sunning along spine, else very good plus in stapled wrappers. Great Bear Pamphlet #2. Instruction sheet accompanies.
  • Placeholder
    HIGGINS, Dick.
    Barton: Something Else Press, 1972. First edition. 239 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket.
  • KOSUGI, Takehisa.
    NY: Town Hall, 1967. First edition. 9 1/2 x 6 1/4 inch illustrated flyer. Fine. Takehisa Kosugi, Charlotte Moorman, and Nam June Paik perform. Terrific photograph of Kosugi by Peter Moore. Accompanied by the program for the event, a single glossy sheet folded once to make a booklet, which details the compositions to be performed, and presents a biography of Kosugi. For the pair:
  • MAC LOW, Jackson.
    NY: Something Else Press (1966). First edition. 14 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. Embossed ownership label of Denise Levertov inside front cover. Dated (3/18/70) and INSCRIBED by Mac Low, “For Denise & Mitch / with love / Jackson.” Great Bear Pamphlet #10.
  • Placeholder
    MAC LOW, Jackson.
    NY: Something Else Press (1966). First edition. 14 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. 1000 copies printed. Great Bear Pamphlet #10.
  • Placeholder
    MOORMAN, Charlotte & Nam June Paik.
    Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati [1968]. First edition. Single large sheet folded folded twice (11 x 7 inches, closed). Fine. Bill Sontag’s design features the outline of a cello with photographs of breasts superimposed over the upper portion of the instrument. Biographies of Moorman and Paik and notes on their performances printed on the verso.
  • MOORMAN, Charlotte and David Tudor.
    [NY]: (np) [1963]. First edition. 11 x 8 1/2 inch flyer. Fine. Moorman and Tudor perform works by Webern, Byrd, Brown, Childs, Corner, Feldman, Young, and Cage. The flyer features facsimiles of each composer’s signature.
  • MOORMAN, Charlotte.
    Bochum & Dortmund: Ruhr Park (1973). First edition. Folding invitation card (4 1/8 x 8 1/4 inches, closed), together with a program (8 1/4 x 6 inches, closed). Both items fine. In addition to “oldtime jazz,” this festival features Allan Kaprow’s “Happening für Kinder,” Moorman’s “Fernseh-Cello,” and Wolfgang Stoerchle “Video-Aktion mit Publikum,” and Sladek’s “Pantomime.” For the pair:
  • MOORMAN, Charlotte.
    [NY]: (np) 1967. First edition. 3 x 5 1/2 inch card, printed on recto only. Fine. Announcement for Moorman’s appearance on the Tonight Show to perform John Cage’s 4’ 1.1499” for a String Player.
  • NEUHAUS, Max with Philip Corner and James Tenney.
    Chicago: Susan L. Popkin/University of Chicago/Max Neuhaus [1965]. First edition. Folding card (5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, closed). Very near fine. Neuhaus, Corner, and Tenny perform works by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Mauricio Kagel, and John Cage.
  • PAIK, Nam June and Charlotte Moorman.
    Paris: Centre Culturel Americain, 1979. First edition. 4 x 8 inch card, printed in green on white stock. Fine. Announcement for exhibition, screenings, and performances by Moorman and Paik (TV Cello and TV Bra).
  • PAIK, Nam June with Charlotte Moorman and Takehisa Kosugi.
    NY: Film-maker’s Cinematheque, 1965. 11 x 8 1/2 inch flyer, printed in black on grey paper. Fine. Program for this performance featuring performance by Moorman and Kosugi, and video tape.
  • PAIK, Nam June.
    Paris: Musee D’Art Moderne [1972]. First edition. 4 3/4 x 6 inch illustrated card. Fine. Video image of Paik on the recto with the title text. Concert information on the reverse.
  • PAIK, Nam June.
    Boston: WGBH TV [1972]. First edition. Single long sheet folded three times horizontally (4 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, closed). Fine. Paik was one of number of artists commissioned to create works employing the rep of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
  • PAIK, Nam June.
    [NY]: Cafe Au Go Go, 1965. First edition. 11 x 8 1/2 inch flyer. Very near fine. Paik’s breakthrough event during which he played his ‘Pope’ tape on a borrowed portable video recorder. In addition to details on the time and place of the performance, Paik recounts the development of his idea to combining television and video tape. “As collage technic replaced oil-paint, the cathode ray tube will replace the canvass.”
  • PAIK, Nam June.
    (np): (np) 1967. 11 x 8 1/2 inch flyer. Fine. Paik’s proposal for this broadcasting sea change. “Someday London Times will become ‘VIDEO-TAPE’.”
  • PAIK, Nam June. et al.
    NY: The Black Gate [1967]. First edition. 8 1/2 x 11 inch flyer for this event held at the Black Gate 22-24 June. Fine. Kosugi, Moorman, Paik, and Yalkut listed to perform.
  • PAIK, Nam June. et al.
    NY: The Black Gate [1967]. First edition. Two 11 x 8 1/2 inch flyers (both fine) for this event held at the Black Gate 22-24 June. The first part of the concert featured Takehisa Kosugi, Charlotte Moorman, Paik, and Jud Yalkut; the second Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Gunnar Johnson, and Ralph Lundsten. On the second flyer, the dated of 22 June has been added in pen. For the pair:
  • PAIK, Nam June. et al.
    NY: Kenneth Werner, 1967. Three 11 x 8 1/2 inch sheets, stapled upper left. Light toning along one edge, else near fine. Program for this seven hour event. Listed performers include Corner, Friedman, Higgins, Knowles, Mac Low, Moorman, Neuhaus, Paik, and many others performing works by Cage, Wolff, Krumm, Mumma, Werner, Higgins, Brown, Lucifer, Schmit, MacLow, Bussotti, Goldstein-Marcy, Sheff, MacDonald, Corner, Feldman, Knowles, Zajda, Ashley, Czajkowski & Friedman, Christiansen, Stockhausen, Paik, and Iimura.
  • SOLOMON, H. and Steve Balkin.
    NY: Cafe Au Go Go [1965]. First edition. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch flyer. Fine. Three Mondays in October featuring works by Erik Anderson, Andy Warhol, Dick Higgins, Balkin, Al Hansen, Yoko Ono, John Herbert McDowell, Diter Rot, Christo, Nam June Paik, Wolf Vostell, Charlotte Moorman, Alison Knowles, Liz Keen, and Takehisa Kosugi.
  • Placeholder
    [FLUXUS]. Maciunas, George. ed.
    NY: Fluxus, 1965. First edition. Single large sheet (22 x 17 inches, closed), but folded twice more, else near fine with the world “Fluxus” inked in red in the upper corner of the front panel. Edited and designed by Maciunas, with a full-page contribution by George Brecht. Fully-illustrated with found cuts and bold display type. One page devoted to the Fluxfest (Yoko Ono headlines), another to a catalogue of Fluxus items for sale.
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte & Nam June Paik].
    Adelaide: Art Gallery of South Australia (1976). First edition. Single long sheet folded three times to make a booklet (8 1/4 x 6 inches, closed). Fine. Moorman and Paik presented a series of performances in Adelaide over the five days of the Festival. Peter Moore’s photograph of Moorman performing “Concerto for Cello and Videotapes” reproduced within.
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte].
    NY: Emily Harvey Gallery [1990]. First edition. 6 1/4 x 4 3/8 inch illustrated card. Fine. Portrait of a toddler Moorman with a stuffed dog heralds this exhibition. Together with an 11 x 8 1/2 inch flyer detailing all aspects of this event. For the pair:
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte].
    NY: (np) (nd). First edition. 11 x 8 1/2 inch sheet of unused letterhead. Fine. If not designed by George Maciunas, certainly in his style.
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte].
    Cambridge: Center for Advanced Visual Studies 1981. First edition. 17 x 10 1/2 inch two-sided poster, folded three times for mailing (4 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches, closed). Fine. Charlotte Moorman’s “Sky Kiss” scheduled as part of the “Sky Events” on day two. TOGETHER WITH: a single 11 x 8 1/2 inch sheet with the details for Film and Video Showings organized by Betsy Connors. TOGETHER WITH: a program for the Conference, five 11 x 8 1/2 inch sheets, stapled upper left. All elements fine. For the three:
  • [PAIK, Nam June and Charlotte Moorman].
    Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1982. First edition. 9 x 4 inch printed card. Fine. Illustrated with Peter Moore’s photograph of V-yramid and Tom Haar’s photograph of Moorman playing Paik’s TV Cello while wearing TV Glasses.
  • [PAIK, Nam June].
    NY: Bonino in Soho, 1976. First edition. 4 3/16 x 5 7/8 inch printed card. Fine.