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Showing 193–224 of 243 results

  • Placeholder
    [DYLAN, Bob]. Rowley, Chris.
    London & NY: Proteus Books (1984). First edition. 157 pp w/discography. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • [ECM RECORDS]. Lake, Steve and Paul Griffiths.
    London: Granta Books (2007). First edition. 4to. 439 pp w/discography & index. Fine in fine dust jacket and very near fine publisher’s slipcase. Profusely illustrated.
  • Placeholder
    [ELLINGTON, Duke]. Lavezzoli, Peter.
    NY: Continuum (2001). First US edition. 207 pp w/bibliography. Near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [GERSHWIN, George]. Jablonski, Edward.
    NY: Doubleday (1987). First edition. xv + 436 pp w/index. A few small spots of foxing to page edges, else near fine in fine dust jacket. Illustrated.
  • Placeholder
    [HERMAN, Woody]. Lees, Gene.
    NY: Oxford University Press, 1995. First edition. xiv + 414 pp w/index. Near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [JAGGER, Mick]. Sandford, Christopher.
    London: Gollancz (1993). First edition. 319 pp w/index. Near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [JAZZ POETRY]. Feinstein, Sascha.
    Westport & London: Greenwood Press (1998). First edition. 230 pp w/indexes. Some light spotting along top edge, else near fine in full green cloth with gold stamping to spine and cover. No dust jacket, as issued. Anthologies, works by individual authors, and a cross reference guide (matching jazz musician/composer to poet).
  • Placeholder
    [JOY DIVISION]. Savage, Jon.
    London: Mojo (1994). July. 4to. 130 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers with a US$ price sticker on the front cover. Features Jon Savage’s article, “Someone Take These Dreams Away,” nine pages on what was driving Ian Curtis. The article is followed by a sequence of short interviews by Richard Boon with working musicians on Joy Division’s influence.
  • Placeholder
    [LISZT, Franz]. Friedheim, Arthur and Alexander Siloti.
    NY: Limelight Editions, 1986. Second edition. xxxxii + 375 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket. Pairs “My Memories of Liszt” by Siloti with “Life and Liszt” by Friedheim. Mark N. Grant introduces the volume.
  • Placeholder
    [MINGUS, Charles]. Coleman, Janet and Al Young.
    Berkeley: Creative Arts, 1989. First edition. 164 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Illustrated with 28 b&w photographs.
  • Placeholder
    [MONTEVERDI, Claudio]. Stevens, Denis.
    Rutherford & London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/Associated University Presses (1978). First edition. 147 pp w/index. Near fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket. Dated (Santa Barbara, 1978) and INSCRIBED by Stevens to Joaquín Nin-Culmell , “for my dear friend Joaquín, / with warmest regards / from / Denis.”
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte & Nam June Paik].
    Adelaide: Art Gallery of South Australia (1976). First edition. Single long sheet folded three times to make a booklet (8 1/4 x 6 inches, closed). Fine. Moorman and Paik presented a series of performances in Adelaide over the five days of the Festival. Peter Moore’s photograph of Moorman performing “Concerto for Cello and Videotapes” reproduced within.
  • Placeholder
    [MOORMAN, Charlotte].
    Köln: Kölnischer Kunstverein (1977). 5 13/18 x 4 1/8 inch illustrated card. Fine. Photograph by Peter Moore of Charlotte Moorman with her cello and Nam June Paik’s “TV-Bra.”
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte].
    Cambridge: Center for Advanced Visual Studies 1981. First edition. 17 x 10 1/2 inch two-sided poster, folded three times for mailing (4 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches, closed). Fine. Charlotte Moorman’s “Sky Kiss” scheduled as part of the “Sky Events” on day two. TOGETHER WITH: a single 11 x 8 1/2 inch sheet with the details for Film and Video Showings organized by Betsy Connors. TOGETHER WITH: a program for the Conference, five 11 x 8 1/2 inch sheets, stapled upper left. All elements fine. For the three:
  • [MOORMAN, Charlotte]. Yalkut, Jud.
    NY: The Kitchen, 1973. First edition. 11 x 8 1/2 inch illustrated flyer. Fine. A component of the second Annual Video Arts Festival which ran the length of May at the Kitchen.
  • Placeholder
    [MORRISON, Jim]. Hopkins, Jerry.
    NY: Scribner’s (1992). First edition. 268 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with a tiny nick to the crown.
  • Placeholder
    [MORRISSEY]. Tseng, David and Russ Seekatz. eds.
    Irving & Tucson: SYL (1992). 68 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers. All things Moz.
  • Placeholder
    [MOZART]. Turner, W.J.
    San Francisco: Heron House, 1989. First edition. 26 pp. Fine in printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine. Fine printed dust jacket with a tiny tear to the top edge of the rear panel. Introduction by Donald R. Fleming. One of 200 numbered copies printed by Susan Acker at the Feathered Serpent Press.
  • Placeholder
    [NEW ORDER]. Flowers, Claude.
    London: Omnibus Press (1995). First edition. 128 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Fully illustrated.
  • [NYMAN, Michael]. Sion, Pwyll ap.
    Aldershot & Burlington: Ashgate (2007). First edition. xviii + 232 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket. Composer, pianist, librettist, musicologist, and filmmaker best known for his collaborations with Peter Greenaway and the soundtrack album to Jane Campion’s film THE PIANO.
  • [PAIK, Nam June and Charlotte Moorman].
    Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1982. First edition. 9 x 4 inch printed card. Fine. Illustrated with Peter Moore’s photograph of V-yramid and Tom Haar’s photograph of Moorman playing Paik’s TV Cello while wearing TV Glasses.
  • [PAIK, Nam June and Charlotte Moorman].
    Lake Placid: Center for Music, Drama and Art [1976]. First edition. 20 x 12 1/2 inch poster, folded twice for mailing with a Nonprofit Org. postage stamp on the verso. Fine. Paik appeared on 3 August showing videotapes, and then on 7 August in performance with Moorman.
  • Placeholder
    [PAIK, Nam June].
    NY: [Charlotte Moorman] 1975]. 3 1/4 x 5 1/2 inch card. Fine. A US mail 8c postcard upon which is printed the details of this television event and with Charlotte Moorman’s home address rubber stamped on the verso.
  • Placeholder
    [PAIK, Nam June]. Moorman, Charlotte.
    NY: WNEW TV 1967. 14 x 8 1/2 inch sheet. Fine. Press release for Moorman’s appearance on the Merv Griffin Show to perform Nam June Paik’s “Variations No. 2 on a Theme by Saint Saens.”
  • Placeholder
    [PAIK, Nam June]. Tompkins, Calvin.
    NY: The New Yorker Magazine, Inc. 1975. 144 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Features Calvin Tompkin’s lengthy profile of Paik, “Video Visionary.”
  • [PHOTOGRAPHY]. Jacoy, Jim.
    [Oakland]: TDW Books (2017). First edition. 4to. [84 pp]. Fine in full decorated cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Color photographs, 1977-1980 in San Francisco, most of folks in and around the Mabuhay Gardens punk scene. Though not called for in this issue, SIGNED by Jacoy. New, at publication price:
  • Placeholder
    [PINK FLOYD]. Blake, Mark.
    London: Aurum (2007). First edition. 418 pp w/index. Very near fine in like dust jacket. A well-regarded account.
  • Placeholder
    [ROXY MUSIC]. Bracewell, Michael.
    Cambridge: DaCapo Press (2008). First US edition. xix + 426 pp w/index. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [SAHAB, Naushad]. Kinikar, Shashikant.
    Chunabhatti: English Edition (nd). First printing of this edition. 203 pp. Very good plus in like dust jacket. Music store card taped to the front free endpaper, with the store email inked there as well.
  • Placeholder
    [SATIE, Erik]. Gillmor, Alan M.
    Boston: Twayne (1988). First edition. xxvi + 387 pp w/index. Small corner-creases to two pages, else near fine in near fine dust jacket.
  • Placeholder
    [SATIE, Erik]. Perloff, Nancy.
    Oxford: Oxford University Press (1994). Later trade paperback printing. x + 227 pp w/index. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.
  • Placeholder
    [SCULTHORPE, Peter]. Hannan, Michael.
    St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press (1982). First edition. 235 pp w/index,. Pages toned, else near fine in near fine dust jacket.