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Showing 1409–1440 of 1455 results

  • [ROSSO, Medardo]. Mola, Paola. ed.
    Venice: Peggy Guggenheim Collection/Skira (2007). First edition. 182 pp w/bibliography & index. Fine in near fine dust jacket with original wrap-around band. Text in English. Profusely illustrated.
  • [ROUSSEL, Raymond]. Caradec, Francois.
    London: Atlas (2001). First US edition. 366 pp w/index. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Translated from the original French by Ian Monk. An illustrated biography of Roussel (1877-1933), author of NEW IMPRESSIONS OF AFRICA and other baffling works.
  • [RUSCHA, Ed]. Bengston, Billy Al.
    Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art (1968). First edition. Oblong 8vo. [64 pp]. Offsetting to first unprinted leaf, else near fine in screw-bound sandpaper wrappers. Introduction by James Monte. Design by Ed Ruscha. Profusely illustrated.
  • [SANFORD, John]. Smith, Robert W.
    (np): The Literary Review, 1985. Summer. [12 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. Interview with Sanford by Smith. SIGNED by Sanford along the top edge of the front cover, “John Sanford/Julian Shapiro.”
  • [SCHNEEMAN, George]. Berkson, Bill.
    NY: CUE Art Foundation, 2003. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Eleven color reproductions with statements by Schneeman and Berkson.
    London: Fleetway Publications [c late 1950s]. Export editions. Six issues, all very good plus in illustrated wrappers. Thrilling tales, conveyed in b&w drawings. For the lot:
  • [SCHWITTERS, Kurt]. Stadtmüller, Klaus.
    Clonmel: Coracle, 2001. First edition. 73 pp w/notes. Fine in full red cloth with black stamping to spine and front cover. Pictorial endpapers. No dust jacket, as issued. A collage by Stadtmüller, built on texts by Schwitters. One of 500 copies.
  • [SCHWITTERS, Kurt]. Steinitz, Kate Trauman.
    Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968. First US edition. xxviii + 221 pp w/appendix. Near fine in near fine dust jacket with a short tear to crown and fading to red ink on spine. Translations by Robert Bartlett Haas. Foreword by Elmer Belt. Introduction by John Coplans and Walter Hopps. Includes COLLISIONS, a science-fiction opera libretto in BANALITIES by Schwitters, Kate Trauman Steinitz, and other writings.
  • [SIGMUND, R.J.]. Kryss, T.L. ed.
    Cleveland: Black Rabbit Press (2002). First edition. Oblong 8vo. [48 pp]. Fine in stapled and tape-bound wrappers with pasted-on cover image. Contributions by Horvath, Swanberg, Bennett, Head, Ferguson, Lowell, Taylor, Kryss, levy, bissett, and Edelson.
    Berkeley: point-blank! [c 1970s]. First printing of this edition. 27 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. “FREE” stamped in red ink on the front cover. Student life “considered in its economic, political, psychological, sexual and, particularly intellectual aspects, and a modest proposal for its remedy.”
    (np): Frontier Press [1970]. 10 pp. Fine in stapled wrappers and integral printed dust jacket. An essay on the riots in Watts that appeared originally in the Situationist International, December 1965.
    NY: Create Situations [c 1970s]. First printing of this edition. 46 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Essay published previously in International Situationiste in 1967, with an appendix on class struggles in Algeria.
  • [SITUATIONISM]. Horelick, Jon. ed.
    Brooklyn: Diversion, 1973. First edition. [56 pp]. Patch of scuffing to front cover, else near fine in stapled wrappers. Illustrated. In addition to original work, prints articles in English translation from Internationale Situationniste.
  • [SLANT STEP]. Weidman, Phil.
    Sacramento: The Art Co. (1969). First edition. 36 pp w/table of contents & credits. Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Cover and internal photography by Steve Jongeward. William Witherup, William T. Wiley, Ray Johnson, Jack Fulton, and many others respond to the enigmatic object.
  • [SNYDER, Gary]. Andre, Michael. ed.
    NY: Unmuzzled Ox (1977). Vol. IV, No. 3. 135 pp. Bit of rubbing to spine, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. Contributions by John Cage, John Ashbery, Djuna Barnes, Philip Glass, and others. Jack Boozer and Bob Yaeger interview Gary Snyder. SIGNED by Snyder.
  • [SNYDER, Gary]. Goin, Peter.
    Berkeley: Counterpoint (2016). First edition. Oblong 8vo. 117 pp w/list of names. Fine in fine dust jacket. Photographs by Goin with field notes by Snyder. SIGNED by Snyder on the title page.
    Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame (1979). First edition. 12 pp. Near fine in stapled wrappers. A stellar line-up: Allen Ginsberg, David Mamet, William Gaddis, Romulus Linney, Larry McMurtry, Hilda Morley, John Frederick Nims, Ishmael Reed, and Robert S. Fitzgerald. Most writers pictured, with examples of their work.
  • [SPICER, Jack]. Herndon, James.
    San Francisco: (np) 1973. First edition. [76 pp]. Near fine in glossy printed wrappers. Illustrated with 21 plates, most of them color collages by Fran Herndon. A memoir of poet Jack Spicer.
  • [STEELE, Timothy]. Hagstrom, Jack W.C. and Joshua S. Odell.
    Santa Barbara: Joshua Odell Editions, 2018. First edition. xxxi + 104 pp w/index. Fine in full green cloth with gilt stamping to spine and front panel. No dust jacket, as issued. Steele provides a terrific introduction to this thorough accounting of his published works. New, at publication price:
  • [STEGNER, Wallace]. Benson, Jackson J.
    NY: Viking (1996). First edition. xx + 472 pp w/index. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Benson on the title page.
  • [SULTON, Larry and Mike Mandel]. Zander, Thomas. ed.
    NY: D.A.P. (2012). First US edition. Oblong 8vo. 263 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Small “Autographed Copy” sticker on front cover. Essays by Charlotte Cotton, Jonathan Lethem, Constance M. Lewallen, Carter Ratcliff, and Thomas Wagner. SIGNED by Mandel on the half-title page.
  • [TANSEY, Mark]. Sims, Patterson.
    Seattle: Seattle Art Museum (1990). First edition. Small 4to. 39 pp. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers with a touch of sunning to the upper corner of the front cover. Color and b&w images.
  • [TENNEY, James]. Garland, Peter. ed.
    Santa Fe: Soundings Press, 1984. First edition. 4to. 297 pp w/appendixes. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Cover design by Alison Knowles. In addition to works by Tenney, there are contributions by Garland, Malcolm Goldstein, Carolee Schneeman, and Philip Corner. SIGNED by Tenney on the title page.
    Milwaukee: Hal Leonard (1993). First US edition. 1136 pp. Fine in glossy illustrated boards. Very near fine publisher’s slipcase. Scores for every song written and recorded by The Beatles, transcribed from the original recordings.
  • [THE BEATLES]. Kehew, Brian and Kevin Ryan.
    Houston: Curvebender (2006). First trade edition. 537 pp w/glossary, bibliography & index. Fine in fine dust jacket and fine publisher’s slipcase. Ephemera pack present as issued. A thorough explanation of every piece of recording hardware, techniques, and effects.
  • [THIEBAUD, Wayne]. Tsujimoto, Karen.
    Seattle & London: University of Washington Press for the SF Museum of Modern Art (1985). First trade paperback printing. 4to. 207 pp w/exhibition history & bibliography. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. INSCRIBED by Thiebaud on the front free endpaper, “all the best / W. Thiebaud.”
  • [THOMPSON, Hunter S.]. Harrell Margaret Ann with Ron Whitehead.
    Norfolk Press (2021). First edition, numbered & signed issue. 4to. 283 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Harrell was the freelance copy editor for HELL’S ANGELS, Thompson's first book. Worried about being stomped by a group of unhappy bikers, Random House subjected the book to an intense vetting. Thompson and Harrell formed an alliance and then briefly had a romance. This generous hardcover reproduces Thompson's letters to her in facsimile, along with a wealth of photographs. Jim Silberman, Rosalie Sorrels, David Streitfeld, William J. Kennedy, and others contribute. One of 125 numbered copies SIGNED by Harrell. New, at publication price (net):
  • [TOLKIEN, J.R.R.]. Wilson, Colin.
    Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1974. First US edition, numbered & signed issue. 47 pp. A few tiny scuffs to spine and fore-edge, else near fine in illustrated paper-covered boards that have some faint tanning along top edge. Illustrated with drawings by Caitlin Mackintosh. One of 200 numbered copies SIGNED by Wilson. This edition includes a seven page “Note on Tolkien” not in the UK edition. Yes! Capra Chapbook Series #20.
  • [TONG, Winston].
    [Brussels]: Les Disques du Crépuscule, 1984. First edition. 22 1/2 x 11 3/4 inch illustrated poster, featuring a Kawahara photograph of Tong hoisting a television. One horizontal fold, some faint scattered foxing. In all, very good plus.
  • [TOOTHPASTE PRESS]. Paluka, Frank. ed.
    Iowa City: Friends of The University of Iowa Libraries, 1982. April. 66 pp. Near fine in illustrated wrappers. Features Michael Peich’s essay on the Toothpaste Press and a checklist for the first twelve years of press production, beginning in 1972.
  • [VAN HORN, Erica]. Kuhl, Nancy.
    Clonmel & NY: Coracle/Granary Books, 2010. First edition. 122 pp w/ chronology of books & cards. Fine in illustrated boards; no dust jacket, as issued. Fully illustrated with color reproductions. A terrific examination of Van Horn’s work, in an appropriate format.
  • [VENICE]. Salzano, Edoardo. ed.
    Comune di Venezia/Marsilio Editori (1989). Second printing (issued one month after the first). Square 4to. 420 pp. Very near fine in fine dust jacket. Near fine publisher’s decorated slipcase with one short split to the cloth on one edge. Maps and a complete visual record, via birds-eye color photographs, of the entire city of Venice. Texts in Italian and English.