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  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (nd). First edition. 10 x 7 inch broadside. Fine. One of 70 (of 140) copies printed on Mulberry handmade paper.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (nd). First edition. 10 x 7 inch broadside. Fine. One of 70 (of 140) copies printed on Zerkall mould-made paper.
  • Placeholder
    ABBOTT, Keith.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1993. First edition. 8 pp. Very near fine in sewn wrappers and integral dust jacket with printed cover label. One of 150 copies on handmade Roma paper. A short story. Dated (’93) and briefly INSCRIBED by Abbott on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    BLEVINS, Steven.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1997. First edition. [44 pp]. Very near fine in wrappers and near fine dust jacket with printed cover label. One of 180 copies. Introduction by Denise Levertov, who made this selection of poems.
  • Placeholder
    BRANDI, John.
    [Berkeley: Tangram, 2014]. First edition. 5 x 7 inch card, printed in two colors. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    CONNOR, Julia.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1999. First edition. [28 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. One of 150 copies on Somerset paper. SIGNED by Connor on the title page.
  • COOLIDGE, Clark.
    [Berkeley: Tangram 2008]. First edition. 11 1/2 x 8 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. Single poem by Coolidge, with the printed composition date of 23xi05.
  • Placeholder
    DODGE, Jim.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 2017. First edition. 5 x 7 inch poemcard, printed in two colors. Fine. Produced on the occasion of the Winter solstice.
  • Placeholder
    GARCIA, Luis.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 2008. First edition. [28 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers. Dated (1/25/2008) and warmly INSCRIBED by Garcia on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    GARCIA, Luis.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (2012). First edition. [28 pp]. Very near fine in sewn wrappers. One of 165 copies on mouldmade Biblio paper. A collection of twenty-seven short poems, with cover art by Garcia.
  • Placeholder
    HANNON, Michael.
    [Berkeley: Tangram (nd)]. First edition. 10 x 7 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Near fine. One deckle edge.
  • Placeholder
    HOWARD, Ben.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (1996). First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed cover label. One of 160 copies on mouldmade Somerset paper. Sixth and concluding section of Howard's long poem MIDCENTURY.
  • Placeholder
    HOWARD, Ben.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (1994). First edition. [18 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. One of 160 copies on Lana Royal paper. Dated (ii I 95) and INSCRIBED by Howard on the half-title page.
  • Placeholder
    HOWARD, Ben.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1993. First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed cover label. One of 180 copies on Mohawk paper. A segment from Howard's long poem, MIDCENTURY.
  • Placeholder
    HOWARD, Ben.
    [Berkeley: Tangram (nd)]. First edition. 7 x 5 inch card, printed in two colors. Fine. One deckle edge.
  • Placeholder
    HOWARD, Ben.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (1995). First edition. [18 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. One of 160 copies on Lana Royal paper.
  • Placeholder
    HOWARD, Ben.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (1993). First edition. [20 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers with printed cover label. One of 160 copies on Johannot paper. Third segment from Howard's MIDCENTURY.
  • LEVERTOV, Denise.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1990. First edition. [20 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. One of 170 (of 200) copies on Mohawk Superfine paper. Eleven poems.
  • Placeholder
    MARTIEN, Jerry.
    [Berkeley: Tangram] 2001. First edition. 7 x 5 inch poemcard. Fine. One deckle edge.
  • Placeholder
    MITSUKO, Yoshida writing as “Omitsu.”
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 2012. First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. Ten poems, translated from the original Japanese by Omitsu, with cover art by Leroy Cardwell.
  • Placeholder
    NOLAN, Pat.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1994. First edition. Narrow 8vo. [14 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. One of 160 copies on Arches Text paper.
  • Placeholder
    NOLAN, Pat.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (2000). First edition. [8 pp]. Near fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on two-part printed cover label. One of 160 copies. Dated (10.30.00) and SIGNED by Nolan on the front free endpaper.
  • Placeholder
    ROGERS, Pattiann.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (1994). First edition. [28 pp]. Fine in wrappers and integral printed dust jacket with pasted-on cover label. One of 160 copies. A collection of fifteen poems.
  • Placeholder
    ROGERS, Pattiann.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram (1994). First edition. [28 pp]. Fine in wrappers and integral printed dust jacket with pasted-on cover label. One of 160 copies. A collection of fifteen poems. SIGNED by Rogers on the title page.
  • Placeholder
    SANFIELD, Steve.
    [Berkeley: Tangram (nd)]. First edition. 3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inch poemcard. Near fine.
  • Placeholder
    STAPLE, Will.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1995. First edition. 9 x 6 inch broadside, printed in two colors. Fine. A poem for Andy Steele, printed on wood-textured paper.
  • Placeholder
    STAPLE, Will.
    [Berkeley: Tangram (nd)]. First edition. 5 x 7 inch poemcard, printed in two colors. Fine.
  • Placeholder
    STAPLE, Will.
    [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1992. First edition. [16 pp]. Very near fine in sewn wrappers with printed cover label. One of 180 copies.