1. APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume. New Boots. Canton: Caliban Press (2008).
First edition. [4 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. Original French poem, “Bleuet” with facing English translation by Richard Stokes. One of 100 numbered copies designed, printed, and initialled by Mark McMurray. Dale Hobson typeset the two poems to create mirror images of each other. $50
2. ARTMANN, H.C. Sweat and Industry. London: Atlas Press (1992).
First UK edition. 62 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Translated from the original German by Derk Wynand. One of 149 (of 300) numbered copies. Artmann was a founding member of “The Vienna Group.” The Printed Head Volume II, number 2. $75
3. AUSTER, Paul. Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story. Birmingham & NY: Delos Press/William Drenttel, 1992.
First UK edition. 17 pp. Fine in marbled wrappers with pasted-on cover label. Illustration by Brian Cronin. One of 300 numbered copies on Zerkall mould-made paper. $100
4. BAINBRIDGE, Beryl. Sweet William. London: Duckworth (1975).
First edition. 160 pp. Fine in fine, clipped and re-priced dust jacket. SIGNED by Bainbridge on the title page. $45
5. BALDESSARI, John. Brown and Green and Other Parables. Reykjavik: i8/Reykjavik Art Museum (2001).
First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. One of 1500 copies. Baldessari’s texts with ten corresponding photographs. $55
6. BANKS, Iain. Complicity. London: Little, Brown (1993)
First edition. 313 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Banks. The protagonist is, “an obsessive, substance-abusing, fully-paid-up Gonzo journalist on an Edinburgh-based newspaper; the kind of man who rolls joints in the car at ninety miles an hour while steering with his knees and shouting at slow drivers.” $45
7. BARNES, Julian. Pulse. London: Jonathan Cape (2011).
First edition. 228 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Barnes. His third collection of short stories. $50
8. BATAILLE, Georges. The Absence of Myth: Writings on Surrealism. London & NY: Verso (1998).
First edition. vii + 211 pp w/index. Fine in very near fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Michael Richardson, with his introduction. $35
9. BEILES, Sinclair. A South African Abroad. Venice: Lapis Press (1991).
First edition. xiii + 94 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Edited and designed by Les Ferriss. Nanos Valaoritis introduces this collection of poems. $20
10. BENNETT, Alan. Smut: Two Unseemly Stories. London: Profile/Faber and Faber (2011).
First edition. 12mo. 180 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. SIGNED by Bennett on the title page. Presents “The Greening of Mrs Donaldson” and “The Shielding of Mrs Forbes.” $35
11. [BERMAN, Wallace]. Support the Revolution. Amsterdam: Institute of Contemporary Art (1992).
First edition. 183 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Many color reproductions of Berman’s work. Texts by Walter Hops, Charles Brittin, David Meltzer, Michael McClure, Tosh Berman and others contribute. $45
12. [BLACK FLAG]. Black Flag and the Meat Puppets. San Francisco: On Broadway [1984].
14 x 8 ½ inch flyer. Fine. While not designed by Raymond Pettibon, features his artwork used for Black Flag’s My War LP. $45
13. [BLANCHOT, Maurice]. Gill, Carolyn Bailey. ed. Maurice Blanchot: The demand of writing. London & NY: Routledge (1996).
First edition. xiii + 234 pp w/index. Tiny bump on spine, else fine in decorated boards. A collection of twelve essays plus a previously-unpublished letter by Blanchot addressing his political sympathies in the 1930s. $45
14. [BLOOMSBURY]. Stansky, Peter. Excursions to Empire: Finding Bloomsbury in Ceylon. Menlo Park: Occasional Works, 2004.
First edition. 28 pp. Fine in wrappers with printed cover label. Printed letterpress from polymer plates by Eric Holub, hand-bound at the Foolscap Press. One of 100 copies. An essay on Leonard Woolf, Julia Margaret Cameron, and Ceylon, instigated by Stansky’s own travel. ‘Of Interest’ Chapbook IV. At publication price: $30
15. BORGES, Jorge Luis. In Praise of Darkness. NY: Dutton, 1974.
First US edition. 142 pp w/notes. Fine in very near fine dust jacket that is lightly toned. Original Spanish poems and short prose pieces with facing English translations by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. $75
16. BRAKHAGE, Jane. from The Book of Legends. NY: Granary Books, 1989.
First edition, deluxe issue. v + 37 pp. Fine in paper-covered boards with cloth spine and printed label. One of 80 (of 180) copies SIGNED by Brakhage. Legends = Maya Deren, Joseph Cornell, and Charles Olson. $100
17. BRAUTIGAN, Richard. Trout Fishing in America. San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation, 1967.
First edition. 112 pp. Very good plus in illustrated wrappers with a few reading creases, fade to spine, and a chip affecting the “TR” in Trout. A decent copy of a less-common book. $350
18. BRESSON, Robert. Notes on Cinematography. NY: Urizen Books (1977).
First US edition. 72 pp. Very near fine in like dust jacket. Bresson’s working memos on film. Uncommon. $150
19. BUNTING, Basil. A Note on Briggflatts. Durham: Basil Bunting Poetry Archive, 1989.
First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers and very near fine illustrated dust jacket. Editorial note by Richard Caddel. One of 700 (of 1000) numbered copies. Bunting’s only statement on his famous poem. $35
20. [CONSTRUCTIVISM]. Bann, Stephen. ed. The Tradition of Constructivism. NY: Viking (1974).
First edition. xlix + 334 pp w/notes & selected bibliography. Fine in fine dust jacket. Edited and introduced by Stephen Bann. Illustrated. A volume in the “Documents of 20th-Century Art” series. $40
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