41. JENKINS, Kevin. ed. Boulevards 1–12 (first year, complete). San Francisco: Boulevards (1978–1979).
Twelve tabloid folio issues. Horizontal fold to first issue, else all fine. First year of this free arts magazine, which after twelve successful issues, changed format and charged for purchase. A venue for the arts community in SF, known for its bold design department making ads for retailers Daljeets, Headlines, and Out of the Closet, as interesting and provocative as placements by bands Novak and SVT, as well as Pacific Answering Service, Survival Research Labs, and Images for Media Control. Winston Tong, Jello Biafara, Angels of Light, B-52s, The Residents, Hadley Caliman all interviewed or reviewed. One rarely encounters free papers in such condition. For the run: $650
42. JOHNSON, Ronald. Assorted Jungles: Rousseau. San Francisco: Dave Haselwood, 1966.
First edition. Oblong 48mo. [30 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. One of 100 copies. Of the seven beautiful books Dave Haselwood produced in this format, this is the most beautiful. Haselwood 7. $300
43. JOHNSON, Ronald and Guy Davenport. The Spirit Walks, The Rocks Will Talk. NY & Penland: Jargon Society, 1969.
First edition. [10 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with printed mailing envelope. Johnson’s translations illustrated with vignettes by Davenport. One of 500 numbered copies SIGNED by Johnson and Davenport. Jargon 72. $85
44. KAVANAGH, Patrick. The Complete Poems of Patrick Kavanagh. NY: The Peter Kavanagh Hand Press (1972).
First edition. xv + 391 pp w/index to first lines. Fine in fine dust jacket. Collected, arranged, and edited by Peter Kavanagh. INSCRIBED by editor Kavanagh on the title page, “Peter Kavanagh / for / R.W. Smith / New York 1981.” Erratum and addenda sheets present. $150
45. KEROUAC, Jack. Doctor Sax: Faust Part Three. London: Andre Deutusch (1977).
First UK edition. 217 pp. Fine in very near fine dust jacket with almost none of the fading that plagues this edition. Charters A5d. $150
46. KEROUAC, Jack. Maggie Cassidy. London: Andre Deutsch (1974).
Second UK edition. 155 pp. Fine in very near fine, clipped and repriced dust jacket. The first hardcover appearance of this title, issued as a mass market paperback in both the US and UK. Charters A7c $75
47. LANSING, Gerritt. ed. Set 1 & 2 (complete run). Gloucester: Gerritt Lansing (1961–1963).
Two issues, both 4to, both near fine in stapled wrappers with some toning to the edges of #1, and a small stain to the rear cover of #2. Contributions by Duncan, Olson, Dorn, Kelly, Wieners, Wakoski, Elmslie, Jonas, Lansing, and others. Cover art on both issues by Harry Martin. Secret Location pg 134–5. For the pair: $125
48. LEOPARDI, Giacomo. The Canti with a Selection of his Prose. Manchester: Carcanet (1994).
First UK edition. xiv + 176 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Italian by J.G. Nichols. Leopardi (1798–1837) is often lauded as the greatest Italian poet after Petrarch. $45
49. LEVERTOV, Denise. Feet. [Berkeley]: Tangram, 1997.
First edition, lettered & signed issue. [16 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers with pasted-on cover label. A single long poem. One of 26 lettered copies on mouldmade Zerkall paper SIGNED by Levertov. The only lettered limited from Tangram. $200
50. LEVERTOV, Denise. Two Poems. Concord: William B. Ewert, 1983.
First edition, deluxe numbered & signed issue. [18 pp]. Fine in full cloth with pasted-on printed cover label. Title page vignette by Gillian Tyler. Pairs “Gathered at the River” with “The Cry.” One of 50 numered copies SIGNED by Levertov and Tyler. $100
51. LEVINE, Philip. Peter’s Gift. Anchorage: Salmon Run Press, 1997.
First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. One of 97 numbered copies SIGNED by Levine. Salmon Run Pamphlet Series 12. $75
52. LEVINE, Philip. Praise. La Crosse: Sutton Hoo Press, 2000.
First edition. Small 4to. [24 pp]. Fine in paste paper-covered front board with cloth over the spine and rear panel. Some light sunning along spine, else very near fine. A collection of six poems. One of “approximately” 200 copies on dampened Somerset paper SIGNED by Levine on the colophon page. $150
53. levy, d.a. ed. The Silver Cesspool Vol. 4. Cleveland: Renegade Press (1964).
First edition. [16 pp]. Covers lightly soiled, else very good plus in printed wrappers. Rear cover artwork, “A Night at Uxmal” by levy, internal print, “Birds,” by John Konyescni. Contributions by Judson Crews, Kirby Congdon, James D. Callahan, levy, Ronald Caplan, Keith Davie, Lewis Turco, and L.S. Torgoff. Inked ownership signature, “G. Montgomery,” likely Geoge Montgomery, who was published by levy, inside front cover. $350
54. LEWITT, Sol. Sol Lewitt Books 1966–1990. Köln: Verlarg der Buchnandlung Walther König, 1990.
First edition. Small square 4to. 64 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Fully-illustrated with reduced reproductions from twenty-two titles, followed by a complete list of LeWitt’s book publications. $50
55. LINCOLN, Paul. The Purification of Fabus sylvatica var pendula. Clonmel & NY: Coracle/Granary, 2005.
First edition. [48 pp]. Fine in full decorated blue cloth. No dust jacket, as issued. Texts, diagrams, and fifty b&w photographs documenting experiments and a performance surrounding the death of a venerable tree. From a total edition of 600, this copy designated “A.P.” on the colophon page (one of 40 thus). $75
56. LISSITZKY, El. Suprematisch Worden van Tweenkeadraten in 6 Konstrukties. Maastricht: Gerards & Schreurs (1985).
First printing of this reissue (originally published in 1922). Oblong 8vo. [16 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. A reproduction of the 1922 typographical stunner, with supporting text in Dutch, German, French, and English, printed on the verso of the fold-out front cover. $55
57. LYONS, Danny. Conversations with the Dead: An Exhibition of Photographs of Prison Life. Houston: Institute for the Arts: Rice University, 1970
First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. In addition to three photographs by Lyons and his note on prisoner Billy McCune, this pamphlet presents two color reproductions of McCune artworks, and his introduction. $25
58. MACKEY, Nathaniel. Blue Anuncia’s Bird Lute after Bob Thompson. Buffalo: Poetry Collection, 2010.
First edition, numbered & signed issue. 21 ¼ x 9 inch illustrated broadside, printed in two colors. Folded once, as designed. Fine. One of 50 numbered copies SIGNED by Mackey. $100
59. McCARTHY, Ulli. Mindfilms. Cardiff: Vertigo Publications, 1970.
First edition. Oblong 16mo. [10 pp]. Near fine in side-stapled wrappers. McCarthy also published with Writers Forum. $25
60. MELTZER, David. Morning Poem. New Haven: Penny Poems, 1959.
First edition. 10 x 7 inch illustrated broadside. Very near fine. Meltzer’s fourth appearance in the Penny Poems Series, and published the same year as his first solo book RAGAS. $40
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