61. MICHAUX, Henri. Telegram From Dakar: A Poem. NY: Red Ozier Press, 1986.
First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. A single poem, translated from the original French by Serge Gavronsky. Title page drawing by Ken Botnick. One of 140 copies SIGNED by Gavronsky. Peich 71. $35
62. [MICHAUX, Henri]. Durrell, Lawrence. Henri Michaux: The Poet of Supreme Solipsism. Birmingham: Delos Press, 1990.
First edition. Small 4to. 13 pp. Fine in sewn wrappers and fine marbled paper dust jacket with printed cover label. One of 150 (of 226) numbered copies. Durrell’s essay and poetic tribute, with a tipped-on illustration by Michaux. Original prospectus accompanies. $75
63. MITCHELL, David. number9dream. London: Sceptre (2001).
First edition. 418 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Mitchell on the title page. His second novel, a trade paperback original. Set in Japan, and invariably compared to the works of Murakami. $75
64. MOORE, Marianne. Tipoo’s Tiger. NY: Phoenix Book Shop, 1967.
First edition. Oblong 16mo. [12 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers. A single poem by Moore. One of 100 numbered copies SIGNED by Moore. As in almost every copy, Moore has struck out the last line, and penned in the correct text. Abbott A31. $200
65. MOTTRAM, Eric. 1922 Earth Raids. London: New London Pride, 1976.
First edition. 4to. 40 pp w/notes. Fine in illustrated wrappers. Cover art by Peter Donnelly. One of 250 copies. SIGNED by Mottram and Donnelly. Poems. $45
66. MOTTRAM, Eric. Live All You Can. Twickenham: Solaris, 1992.
First edition. 47 pp. Very near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. An interview and an autobiographical essay by Mottram, edited by Peterjon Skelt. $20
67. NOVALIS. Hymns to the Night. Petersfield: Enitharmon Press, 1989.
First UK edition. 32 pp. Small US distribution sticker to base of the title page, else fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original French by Jeremy Reed. Introductory essay, “Novalis and the Night” by David Gascoyne. One of 150 (of 200) numbered copies. $50
68. OLSON, Charles. In Cold Hell, In Thicket. Dorcheter: Origin (1953).
First editon. [64 pp]. Fine in stiff wrappers and very near fine wrap-around printed dust jacket with light toning to spine. Designed at Robert Creeely’s Divers Press, and issued as Origin 8. Butterick & Glover A7. $250
69. OLSON, Charles. The Maximus Poems 1–10. Stuttgart: Jonathan Williams, 1953.
First edition. 4to. 46 pp. Patch of spotting to the upper corner of the front panel, light toning to spine; in all, near fine in stiff wrappers with integral printed dust jacket. Light pencil signature of Mary Shere on the front free endpaper. Creeley’s statement on the Maximus Poems laid in, as issued. One of 300 copies. Jargon 7. Butterick & Glover A8. $500
70. OLSON, Charles. The Maximus Poems 11–22. Stuttgart: Jonathan Williams, 1956.
First edition. 4to. 51 pp. Small bump to crown, else very near fine in stiff wrappers with integral printed dust jacket. Front cover calligraphy by Williams. One of 350 copies. Jargon 9. Butterick & Glover A11. $500
71. PAMUK, Orhan. Silent House. London: Faber and Faber (2012).
First UK edition. 334 pp. Fine in fine dust jacket. Translated from the original Turkish by Robert Finn. SIGNED by Pamuk on the title page. $45
72. [‘PATAPHYSICS]. The True, The Good, The Beautiful: An Elementary Chrestomathy of ‘Pataphysics. London: Atlas Press (1993).
First UK edition. 87 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. One of 50 numbered copies SIGNED by Stanley Chapman, who designed the covers for the Subsidia Pataphysicum. The first publication of the Collège de ‘Pataphysique ever translated in its entirety into a foreign language. The Printed Head Volume II, number 11/12. $75
73. [‘PATAPHYSICS]. Bullin, T. Troisième Manifeste du Collége de ‘Pataphysique. [Paris]: Collége de ‘Pataphysique [1965].
First edition. Single sheet folded once (9 ½ x 6 ¼ inches, closed). Near fine, lightly toned at extrems. $35
74. PERET, Benjamin. Three Cherries and a Sardine. [Paris]: Kickshaws (2002).
First edition. [8 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers and fine printed dust jacket. Translated from the original French by John Crombie. One of “a handful” of copies produced by Crombie as a private pleasure to wring a few more impressions from deteriorating type. $125
75. PRINCE, Richard. Richard Prince. NY: Barbara Gladstone Gallery (1988).
First edition. 4to. [46 pp]. Very near fine in illustrated wrappers. A relatively early artist’s book by Prince, combining text, photographs, and rephotographs. Produced to accompany an exhibition at the gallery. $350
76. PRYNNE, J.H. Down where changed. London: Ferry Press, 1979.
First edition. 42 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. A single long poem, given good room in this elegant edition. $125
77. [RECORDS BY ARTISTS]. Maffei, Giorgio. Records by Artists 1958–1990. Foligno & Ravenna: viaindustriae/Danilo Montanari Editore (2013).
First edition. 280 pp. Covers rubbed, else near fine in illustrated wrappers. A crucial reference work, one of only a handful on the topic. Fully-illustrated with mostly color reproductions. $85
78. RICHTER, Hans. et al. Dreams that Money Can Buy. NY: Films International of America (1947).
First edition. [24 pp]. Fine in green illustrated wrappers. Black & white illustrations throughout. After the dreams of artists: Max Ernst, Fernand Leger, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Alexander Calder, and Hans Richter. Dorothea Tanning and John Cage also contribute. $450
79. ROLFE, Frederick William writing as “Baron Corvo.” Letters to Harry Bainbridge. London: Enitharmon Press, 1977.
First edition. 47 pp w/index. Fine in full red cloth and unprinted clear acetate dust jacket. Edited by Miriam J. Benkovitz with her introduction. One of 350 copies. Thirty-four letters c. 1899–1903. $45
80. RUSCHA, Edward. Cityscapes / O Books. NY: Castelli, 1997.
First edition. 63 pp. Fine in printed wrappers. Thirty-seven color reproductions. “Cityscapes” pairs Ruscha’s texts with canvases, “O Books” are clothbound books, each with an “O” applied to the cover. An attractive exhibition catalogue commemorating Ruscha’s association with the gallery. $75
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