21. COOLIDGE, Clark. The Circus. (np): Flow Press (2017).
First edition. 140 pp. Fine in illustrated wrappers. SIGNED by Coolidge. New poems. $20
22. COOLIDGE, Clark and Larry Fagin. Guidelines without Realizing (A Symposium on Bird). [NY]: Tchaikowski Knife Twist (2000).
First edition. 4to. [12 pp]. Fine in side-stapled wrappers. One of 50 copies. Though not called for, SIGNED by Coolidge on the colophon page. $75
23. CREELEY, Robert. Dreams. [NY]: Periphery & Salient Seedling Press, 1989.
First edition. [16 pp]. Fine in stiff printed paper-covered boards. Title page photograph (in the form of a letterpress reproducton of an original print) by Duane Michals. Cover adapted from a monotype by Karl Klingbiel. One of 170 (of 230) copies. $45
24. CREELEY, Robert. Histoire de Florida. Santa Rosa: Ferriss Editions, 1996.
First edition. Narrow 4to. [24 pp]. Fine in sewn wrappers and fine printed dust jacket. One of 140 copies SIGNED by Creeley. A single long poem, printed letterpress. $150
25. CULBERT, Bill and Simon Cutts. Six Jugs of Bill Culbert with interleavings by Simon Cutts. Clonmel: Coracle, 2011.
First edition. [34 pp]. Fine in full green cloth over boards with light blue stamping to spine and front cover. One of 125 numbered copies. Photos of Culbert’s work with texts by Cutts. $45
26. DAUMAL, René. Rasa or Knowledge of the Self: Essays on Indian Aesthetics and Selected Sanskrit Studies. NY: New Directions (1982).
First edition. 107 pp. Fine in near fine dust jacket with tiny chips to the tips of the flap folds. Translated from the original French by Louise Landes Levi, with her introduction. The first presentation of these texts in English. $75
27. DAVENPORT, Guy and Mark Lucas. August Blue & The Aristeia of Audubon Vine. Frankfort: Frankfort Arts Foundation, 1992.
First edition. xiv + 55 pp. Fine in sewn wrappers. Introduction by Richard Taylor. One of 250 copies on Mohawk Letterpress paper printed at the Larkspur Press. One of an unstated limitation SIGNED by Davenport, Lucas, and Taylor on the front free endpaper. $75
28. DRUCKER, Johanna. Nothing Like a Little. [Berkeley]: Chased Press, 1977.
First edition. 11 x 8 ½ inch illustrated broadside, printed in two colors. Very near fine. Institutionally uncommon, with copies located only at SUNY Buffalo, the LOC, Delaware, and Brown. $75
29. DURRELL, Lawrence. Beccafico / Le Becfigue. Montpellier: (np) (1963).
First edition. 12mo. [16 pp]. Fine in printed wrappers. Durrell’s musing on this avian delicacy, followed by a French translation by F.J. Temple. One of 150 numbered copies SIGNED by Durrell. $125
30. FINLAY, Ian Hamilton. Table Talk of Ian Hamilton Finlay. Mission: Barbarian Press, 1985.
First edition. Folio. 9 pp. Near fine in stiff sewn wrappers and integral printed dust jacket. Printed in two colors by Jan Elsted. One of 150 numbered copies on 1930s English mouldmade paper. A sequence of short observations. “Teapots are the navels of happy households.” $150
31. FINLAY, Ian Hamilton and Gordon Huntley. A Sailor’s Calendar: A Miscellany. NY: Something Else Press, 1971.
First edition. 12mo. Touch of surface wear to unprinted portion of front cover, else fine in metal ring binding. Eighteen stiff printed cards (including front and rear covers) with tissue interleaved. A marvelous collection of screen prints, each in two or three colors. $350
32. FITZHUGH, Teddy. Club Archive: A Document of British Club Culture 2008–2015. Melbourne: Heavy Time Books/IPF (2015).
First edition. [56 pp]. Fine in stapled wrappers. One of 100 copies. Full-bleed b&w photographs of kids doing their thing. $50
33. FULLER, R. Buckminster. What I am trying to do. London: Cape Goliard, 1968.
First edition. 4to. [14 pp, including covers]. Near fine in metal-strip binding. Cover by Paul Vaughan. One of 400 (of 500) copies, printed at the Trigram Press in four colors. Fuller’s text with four detailed diagrams of invented constructions. $150
34. GASCOYNE, David. Journal 1936–1937. London: Enitharmon Press, 1980.
First edition, numbered & signed issue. 144 pp. Fine in marbled paper-covered boards with cloth spine. t.e.g. Fine illustrated dust jacket. One of 95 numbered copies on Glastonbury Antique Laid paper SIGNED by Gascoyne. In addition to his description of a visit to Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, presents Gascoyne’s only published short story and his essay on the Russian philosopher Léon Chestov. Halliwell 88a. $100
35. HAWKINS, Spike and Van Horn, Erica. The Pig Poems. Clonmel: Coracle, 1999.
First printing of this edition. 4to. [29 pp]. Fine in full yellow cloth with black and red stamping to front cover. “Three Poems Concerning Larionov’s Provincial Life Series.” Hawkins’ short poems illustrated with Van Horn’s dark, automobile tire-like illustrations. One of 100 numbered copies. $50
36. HIGGINS, Dick Twelve Metadramas. [Barrytown]: Dick Higgins, 1987.
First edition. 16 pp. Very near fine in stapled wrappers. Higgins introduces these twelve pieces, and contextualizes them in the tradition of Fluxus events. $35
37. [HIP-HOP]. The Wheels of Steel! NY: Danceteria, 1982.
First edition. 9 1 ⁄ 8 x 7 ¼ inch flyer. Fine. Flyers of this vintage for the nascent hop hop scene are uncommon at best. $100
38. [HIP-HOP]. Your Taste in Sound Skate Down. Yonkers: Nubian Productions (1982).
First edition. 8 3 ⁄ 8 x 6 5 ⁄ 16 inch flyer. Faint toning along bottom edge, else fine. Designed by Kool Lance. Scarce. $100
39. HOLZER, Jenny. Laments. NY: DIA Art Foundation (1990).
First edition. [30 pp]. Very near fine in printed wrappers. $75
40. JARRY, Alfred. Visits of Love. London: Atlas (1993).
First printing of this edition (originally published in 1898). 112 pp w/translator’s notes & sources/bibliography. Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers. Translated from the original French by Iain White. Introduction by Alastair Brotchie. Jarry’s second novel. $35
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